Please nerf the Spirit

I’m always so tempted to leave the game when I find out that I’m facing a spirit. I try everything in the book, but there’s almost no counter play to this killer.
edit: I believe that the spirit should have a unique animation for when she’s entering phase mode and/or move grass & corn during her phase.
How do you explain people beating spirit then?
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Don't nerf the spirit. If you want you can throw on fixated, iron will to counter her.
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I shouldn’t be forced to equip a perk for a killer that I won’t always face.
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And what happens when they use Stridor like most do?
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There are alot of counter plays to spirit try playing her then u myt learn some. It helps alot to understand how the killers work and best way to learn counterplay is play that killer and C what other survivours do
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I’m not denying that the counter play used against her is ineffective, but half the time it’s revolves around luck.
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Arguing for specific perks against specific killers that you don't know you will face off against is silly. That's the same as telling a Killer to always bring Franklins, even if they don't see a key, because someone might find one in a chest.
While perks can make some Killers easier to deal with, Killers and their counterplay should NOT be based on requiring specific perks. Killers should be balanced around the Killers and Survivors having no perks.
Spirit needs some kind of counterplay introduced to her power. Hearing her when she was phased was a bug, but I wish it was introduced intentionally to offer counterplay.
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Iv been beat a few times playing her and also beat her several times. Depends on how good the killer is coz alot of spirit like most killers is reading the player and knowing exactly where they gonna go to phase to. I'd take a spirit over a campy leatherface anyday
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Isn't Her not being able to see you or your aura when phasing, as well as you can still tell where she is phasing from cuz it gets louder, and she sets off birds while she is phasing, enough of a nerf?
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The devs never mentioned a plan to rework the spirit. So that won’t happen anytime soon.
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If you don't want or have spirit to play to learn her counter plays just wats someone like otzdarva on YouTube playing spirit coz it all depends how good the spirit player is plus he rather good at explaining things
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Plus this is why killers always get nerfed coz survivours don't want to learn the counter plays they just assume it needs a nerf. Every killer is beatable if you know what you doing.
There no need to nerf her
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Anyone who thinks Spirit is unbalanced is bad at the game.
Sure she can be nasty with Stridor but then Iron will exists. Perhaps the game would be better off if neither side had perks that altered the sounds.
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She can hear quite well, and that works out as more than enough to pinpoint the location of a Survivor that isn't running Iron Will. It's not hard, just turn your volume up. Telling where she phases from doesn't really help anything, because she now has the advantage of being able to approach that Survivor from nearly any angle without the Survivor being able to do much about it except hump a pallet and flip a coin. Spirit has a sweet spot where you can hear her phase, which is much further out than when she normally phases in order to win a tile that the Survivor is trying to mindgame. That sound cue is only there to let people just within her phase distance that they should expect some tomfoolery in a few seconds. If you are within the terror radius of her husk, you will not hear the phasing sound, which leads to the classic strat of Spirit just standing still at a pallet to see if the Survivor tries to dodge a phase that isn't actually happening. The crow bit is a nice touch to know if she is moving from a distance, but does next to nothing during an active chase.
No, it's not enough of a nerf. She needs proper counterplay.
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There is a huge need to nerf her, and while I'm optimistic with most killers, even ones like Nurse, Spirits counter is pray she makes a mistake. When the only counter to a killer is them making a mistake there's a problem.
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If you had something specific in mind, it would make your argument for a nerf abit better. As it stands, you havent actually given anything which just tells me you want a killer nerfed SO bad that youll never had to see it again.
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I disagree spirit needs a nerf Iv had some rough games against good survivours with her even with over powerd Addons. No need to keep nerfing killer stuff all the time because survivours don't want to learn counter plays. I play both survivour and killer and don't think she needs a nerf just learn to get better
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I'm a spirit main with a 200$ headset just because I main spirit. I still get bad games and good games
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I've played 13 games with her before screwed up hitboxes. No add ons, and the perks I used were Surge, Pop, Stridor and BBQ. 12 of them were 3ks or 4ks with gens left. I had no previous experiences with her and she was that easy to play.
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She's been nerfed 3 times already if I'm not mistaken.
What you are asking is make her completely useless
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They don't need to nerf anymore killers. Do you just want all killers to be crap so you get a easy game or is it lazyness to learn the counter plays
Stop complaining about killer stuff and just play game. Plus if you won that many games clearly you haven't faced a full swf that are sweaty and each player has over 2000 hours go against that with spirit with nothing on and C hiw you get on
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She has lots of counter play that don't even involve perks if you understand how she works.
That said, the perks that counter her are generally speaking already meta or at least decently popular. So when people mention using certain perks against her it's not like you're using a perk slot for a chance at one specific killer, that's being very disingenuous. Those perks are great against almost all killers.
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The person playing spirit clearly isn't doing a good job at using their ears.
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Guess I’m bad at the game. 🤷♂️
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Iron will is good against every killer
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Like you said, I didn’t mention anything specific so why assume that I want spirit to be butchered? Here’s my proposal, grass & corn should be moved if the spirit is phasing through it.
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So...if they implemented that, youd be completely satisfied?
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Again, I have my preferences for what perks I like to use.
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Just because something has been nerfed doesn't mean it can't be nerfed, or even reworked, again.
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if anyone else is going to drop any "counterplay" tips they better be video footage against a non-default skin stridor spirit with a chase that lasts over 15 seconds
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I'm not saying it is not possible, just saying that most of the complaints people post here to nerf killers is most of the time to nerf them into the ground and make them useless so they have a easy game.
They barely even try and complain about a killer being OP.
Be honest, how many spirits do you face these days?
Barely any, if I face a spirit maybe 2 or 3 times in a week, than that's a lot
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She needs to be somewhat more interactive, at least.
More than "golly goodness I hope she's actually phasing and right on top of this pallet and also bad at the game".
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Not every spirit runs stridor I watch for grass moveing
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Wait a minute, the grass now moves when she phases through it?
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Although some people do want her nerfed into the ground, that's not what anyone who either isn't biased or has enough game knowledge would say. I just want proper counterplay atleast if they're using Stridor. If she couldn't hear during phase for example, I'd be completely fine with her.
I've played survivor alot today due to the shorter queues being constant rather than only being mid day, and I'd say she's the third most faced killer for me at the moment, behind Nurse and Freddy. Maybe fourth as there has been alot of Bubbas today for me.
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You're playing spirit incorrectly. You are meant to use sound all the time. You don't have to use stridor, you can still listen out for the footsteps and regular breathing of survivors. Many spirits just choose to use stridor since they're not very good listeners.
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Why must people assume that I’m an inexperienced player who doesn’t know what to do against when facing against a spirit?
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Either bait or entitled survivor alert
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Because one time they managed to window double-back a rank 15 Spirit and get away, so checkmate, nerd.
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Ya, it happens. I'm not saying Spirit doesn't get bad games. I AM saying that Spirit is overly strong and needs more counterplay. Compared to all other Killers, Spirit is single handedly one of the strongest in the game with the possible exception of Nurse, but Nurse comes with a very steep learning curve. Comparatively, Spirit is much easier to do well with, and offers many of the same benefits that Nurse has. I DON'T want to see Spirit nerfed into the ground. I just want to see some counterplay introduced that gives Survivors SOME kind of intel they can use during a chase or mindgame. That would bring Spirit more in line with basically every other Killer in game while still maintaining her core strengths. Even if it was something as simple as her husk having a special animation while she phases so Survivors KNOW she is phasing at a loop would be a huge boon to her counterplay while not really hurting her strength.
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It confuses me how they are fine with her right now when she’s in this state. Freddy needs a nerf but she doesn’t?!
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The irony in this comment.
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I don’t see how any survivor player could be dissatisfied, it would help a ton, so yes.
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Without trying to sound disrespectful please explain. Usual 'Spirit too OP nerf immediately'. Plus 'I've tried everything in the book' evidently not otherwise this wouldn't be an issue
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Because despite what people say, Spirit does require some skill to use her power effectively. Freddy's power basically does not require any skill to use effectively and Freddy has the highest pickrate and killrate according to bhvr stats they've released.
Hopefully the Freddy rework is giving Freddy's kit more skill expression as I don't think there is anything inherently wrong his power. But the core issue of Freddy is that he's an effective killer with no skill barrier.
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Any good killer uses there ears but it still does not mean you are going to get a hit.
All I'm saying is spirit does not need a nerf. I get more dc's when I play pallet freddy than I do with spirit even when I'm playing good but.
Its just pathetic why people have to complain about things. If people want to complain about summit why not start with the conection sometimes like being threw a window and well out of reach and still getting hit.
They need to sort the gameplay bugs more than anything els
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I mean you could literally just bring up Tru3's youtube where he has many, many videos showcasing how unless you just happen to think every single Spirit he faces is bad which seems unlikely.
Also if really that many Spirits are just bad, then you should have an easy time against most of them and there's really no problem.
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'The No True Scotsman Fallacy '. He's right and I agree fully with your point
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The methods are not always going to work 100% of the time, the killer will eventually catch on. My problem with spirit is that there’s no feedback while she’s phasing.