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Deliverance & Final Survivors

HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359
edited February 2021 in Ask the Community

I don't recall when exactly the change occurred months ago, but now the perk is useless for survivors who manage to last through to endgame without being hooked.

There used to be so many times where a killer would hook me near the exit or hatch to make a point, or they'd hook and leave to look for hatch, and we still had a chance to escape. Now, just because nobody else is there, the chance is automatically taken from us.

Theoretically, I understand that if there's nobody else in the match, you probably won't get out, but there's still a chance!

The argument that "the match is over at that point" doesn't really apply... The chance is slim, yes, but so is the base 4% chance of unhooking yourself, and we still have that mechanic available to us (until endgame). Why was this opportunity removed? :'( We should still have every tool until 2nd state...

Just wondering if anyone had any different insight into this change besides the opinion above, or if there's a chance this could be put back how it was.


  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    I don't know why, but I guess either hand yourself over to the killer sooner or don't get caught when you're last.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,021
    edited February 2021

    You don't recall for one simple reason: it was never a thing.

    The last hook is insta-death, there are no second chances for that one. That's how it has always worked and probably will always work. The game is over, you lost, and anything else would be wasting everyone's time.

    It is very much an argument, because the 4% don't apply for that hook. The opportunity wasn't removed, it never existed.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359
    edited February 2021

    I beg to differ. You are incorrect. Edit: I also believe you misunderstood the question. I'm referring to being the only survivor remaining, then being hooked for the first time with nobody else left to unhook you.

    The final hook has only fairly recently been an instant kill. Prior to this, the killer could hang you for the first time at the end of the match, and if you were by yourself, your only choices were to unhook yourself until 2nd state, or sit through all stages, struggle for points, and die.

    In addition, no, you have not lost if you are hooked for the first time as the last survivor. Plenty of times players have brought deliverance and gotten hatch, run out a nearby gate, or did succeed the 4%+ luck to escape the match. Not all killers stand in front of the hook.

    Thanks for the input, though!

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,021
    edited February 2021

    I understood you perfectly well and I am not mistaken. I've played this game since release.

    Listen, the last hook is instant-death. Has always been. Back before the current hook phases were introduced, the last hook was a true instant kill, no cycling through all remaining phases. Ever since the devs added the current phases, the last hook willl cycle through all the remaining stages the last survivor might still have left, since that is necessary to trigger all the score events for the bloodpoints. This gave players the illusion that they could still try a self-unhook, since it takes a moment for the cycling animation to start, having the unhook prompt appear for a short moment.

    However, that attempt, since you can't actually complete it, will always be futile, there is no escaping the hook at that point anymore.

    The thing you mentioned in the middle is different in that you weren't actually hooked when the game considered you the last survivor. If the killer hooked you as the "last" survivor, but the second-to-last survivor's sacrifice scene hasn't ended yet, the game would not trigger the instant-death hook, since you were technically not the last survivor yet.

    But even then, that was removed to stop wasting everyone's time, since you were only not considered the last survivor by a few seconds in which the sacrifice animation of the second-to-last survivor would conclude.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    You obviously didn't understand or couldn't read the title nor description, which both indicate the question being final survivor & first hook, not final survivor final hook as you continue to be arguing about. Perhaps it's time to move to a different thread. Have a good night though!

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Because it would just be a waste of time for everyone 99.99% of the time.

    The killer would just stand in fron of your hook and make sure that you won't get anywhere.

    I like the change not only because it prevents unnecessary waste of time but also punishes people that failed to take hook states for their teammates (acted too selfish).

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    :) Also if you have time you may find a nice spot on the map and watch killer running between the gates looking for you, before EGC timer runs out.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,021

    We're talking about the same thing. When I speak of the "final hook", I mean the very last hook that the killer can make.

    The game has a special condition for this one: it's an instant kill, as I've pointed out numerous times now. It doesn't matter if it's that survivor's first or second hook of the game, the game mechanics consider it the final one and will sacrifice you immediately.

    If you are the last survivor standing, you will get instantly sacrificed on the final hook:

    • if you are the last survivor and were hooked twice before, it's insta-kill
    • if you are the last survivor and were hooked once before, it's insta-kill
    • if you are the last survivor and were never hooked before, it's insta-kill

    That's what I mean by final hook, since there is no escaping it, and it's always been like this. If you are the last survivor in a trial at the moment of being hooked, you will always die and always have died, that mechanic has never changed. The only thing that changed, was the animation from literally being instant, to first cycling through all the potentially remaining hook stages that survivor might have left, so that the killer still gets rewarded with all the score events associated with hooking survivors.

    The situation you mention above, when you have the option to unhook still, is not the final hook, since the killer hooked you before the second-to-last survivor's sacrifice was ended. That's a completely different thing, and that was changed to how it is now, as to not waste everyone's time.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    I beg to differ, since myself and plenty of streamers were previously able to deliverance off hook and escape through either hatch or gate (if it was opened). It's absolutely not a waste of time.

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    The mechanic has definitely changed, lol, but whatever helps you sleep at night! Have a good day!

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    It is a time waste for the vast majority.

    What you described are EXTREMELY rare situations to the point that the devs decided that it's not worth to have it in the game anymore.

    As i've said,it's a good change because it stops unnecessary time waste AND forces you to take some hook stages yourself (helping your team)

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    It's not for the vast majority. Plenty of escapes occurred, whether the killer left the hook or someone unhooked and dead-harded away from a swing. With your logic, they should remove the Luck mechanic as well as the 4% chance to unhook yourself without aid, since it's a waste of time for the vast majority.

    The last one out the gate shouldn't be penalized if the match goes well, they face a new killer, etc. Why are you assigning a penalty for NOT getting hooked? That's 1/3 of the survivor objective.

    1. Repair gens, 2. Don't die or get hooked, 3. Escape

    See? It simply doesn't make sense.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,021

    If it so definitely has changed. When did the change happen? I'd like a concrete patch number.