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Hitboxes are fine on this patch... not joking

Member Posts: 2,533

Hot Take: In most games the hitboxes are normal. High ping Killers still get weird hits and the new animations amplify that but in 90% of the games there's no difference.

Here's a three minute video with lots of chase on the new patch showing the hitboxes being normal:

Highlights of the Killer NOT getting hits that would happen if hitboxes were bugged are 0.50, 2:28 and 2:35

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  • Member Posts: 2,533

    That's why I'm showing this. To prove normal hitboxes exist too. It's not bugged hits 24/7

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I agree with you. They're definitely messed up, but a lot of people are overacting.

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    Also, definitely not common. People act like this happens every game and it doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 2,632
    edited February 2021

    I simp for Zarina... Uhh, I mean, eww Deathslinger... Oh my, what I really mean is that the poor hit detection is supposedly a result of the survivor locomotion update. I haven't noticed much of a difference myself-though I've only played 3 matches since the update-, but as long as the server you are playing on isn't dying, and your ping is below 120, you SHOULD be relatively okay.

    With that being said, the recent update is far from acceptable, and I really wouldn't be surprised to find out if the hit detection issues are tied to something else and we just don't realize. For all we know, BHVR could be targeting all the users that make complaint posts or ######### on the awesome Twitter guy. That never did cross your mind, now did it?

  • Member Posts: 2,533
    edited February 2021

    The hits on high ping Killers look worse and maybe hit validation got bugged. That's all that's changed. High ping Killers have always gotten questionable hits. Now they're just questionable enough that they're getting more attention than usual.

    It's still a latency thing. I highly doubt the hitbox mechanics have changed with the new patch

  • Member Posts: 2,533
    edited February 2021

    Something needs to happen every game for it to be a core gameplay bug. If it's inconsistent, it's probably a latency/server/validation thing.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I understand the occasional pallet hit but what I don’t get is the hit through a wall, around the corner, over a crate as tall as you or through the boulders you are running by. I’m hoping these issues will be addressed soon as it makes for a frustrating match. There’s other issues that need to be addressed too like book over not increasing the wiggle like it should. Just yesterday I was running it and the killer carried me just as far and the meter was at the same location both with and without the perk.

  • Member Posts: 104

    LOL no they are worse this patch, i had perfect ping and so did the killer, we werent lagging at all and all of a sudden he hits the pallet but it connects to me 🙂

  • Member Posts: 583

    Seriously, Deathslinger was nowhere near Zarina in that moment.

    My few games I played before deciding to wait it out(no dbd is better than garbage dbd), I was getting lunge-range quick attacks, it felt completely unwarranted. Those marks point out that the problem still exists. Just because the killer misses doesn't mean the server isn't completely screwed right now.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Honestly I agree. My hits have normally been this bad. I've barely noticed a difference except for here and there. I'm just glad people are finally experiencing what I have for years.

  • Member Posts: 437

    Wow this one single 3 minute video really proved that hit boxes are fine

  • Member Posts: 385
    edited February 2021

    I need to make a copy pasta about how this was never about hitbox but latency and desync.

    Also, played a lot of survivor today, didn't got any weird hits, if anythign it was quite the opposite, I managed to land some palett stuns that were DEFINITELY bullshit.

  • Member Posts: 649

    No, they are definitely not fine.

  • Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2021

    Yea, you're right, its working as intended. Just cause you managed to get past some hits, that doesn't mean all of them were okay. As you can see in the image, you can barely seen the deathslinger when he hits you around the corner. I agree that people cry about things, but when the vast majority of people are getting hit from 10 feet away, it means that things are NOT OKAY.

    I play with 30-35 ms usually and I get hit from 10 feet away, through pallets etc. And if I were to make recordings of each and every instance of this happening since the new patch hit, my hard drive would be full.

  • Member Posts: 2,533


    I was definitely in lunge range. When the hit connected, it looked sort of weird though. My guess is that I desynced with the servers when the hit connected but they were using this distance to verify the hit. I bet it looked like I teleported forward on his screen.

    This patch does have questionable hits but I'm pretty sure it's a server/hit validation thing and not a hitbox issue. That's the point of this post the hitboxes are the same as ever and people saying the hitboxes are bugged, which isn't true

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I get what your showing but I feel this is just an outlier in a trend. Sure what your showing is a case in which hitboxes or latency is fine but that doesn't excuse the fact that the overall trend shows that hits are worse then before.

  • I get about one gross hit a whole game. However it's mostly messing with things like sprint burst almost every single time.

    So it's not unplayable but it does suck and is confusing and frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Nice of you to gets games where you don't find it an issue. But you're honestly just getting lucky and there is definitely an issue. Kind of weird for you to make this post and not specify that you're saying it isn't hitbox related and rather server/desync related.

    Literally nothing is more annoying right now that having absolutely BS hits go through and then have the killer act all high and mighty in the post game chat as if you could even play normally LMFAO, and/or act like this CONFIRMED issue doesn't exist. In fact, this patch has seemed to bring even more a-hole people out to play as killer so they can take advantage of the fact that most survivors are struggling in chases right now due to hits from the inability to judge where the killer ACTUALLY is according to the server.

    Laggy killer hits used to be only once every few games, now the NOT laggy killer games are complete rarities. It feels like I'm playing on the Nintendo Switch all over again.

    Anyways, your games are probably fine if you live in an area where you can get matched up with lots of players also based near you, and they have good internet. But I'm based in the southern US, and often get matched with killers based in Canada so my matches are absolutely rife with killers landing hits that absolutely should not hit. I have no idea what they did in this last mid chapter patch to cause all these server issues, but it's extremely irritating. Killers teleporting through pallets after you've thrown and stunned them with it is NOT normal LMFAO

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    I don't put it past them when they have along history of lying and outright insulting segments of their customerbase

    inb4 banned

  • Member Posts: 399

    So I have high ping? I wouldn't say 30 is high.

  • Member Posts: 582

    That... doesn't mean that there's not an issue with hits right now? Hitboxes/Hit Validation (Whichever it is, I'm not a Dev) are wonky right now, and plenty of clips show it. Sure, you got 2 minutes where hits happen to work fine (Granted, I still think 1:00 looks wonky as all get out, but I digress). That doesn't mean it's not a consistent enough issue for it not to be addressed. I seem to get at least one wonky hit a game. Whether it be me being smacked from 10 feet away, getting hit from outside of lunge distance even when closer, or getting hit through vaults and pallet stuns after I'm already far enough away from them, it's not good. I will also say that, at least in my playtime, Deathslinger has probably had the least miserable hits out of everyone I versed. Michael as well.

    I just think that to say 90% of times, everything is working fine is overshooting it. I just think there's too many consistent issues for it to only be that 10%. (And even if it was just that 10%... that's still a major issue that needs fixed.)

  • Member Posts: 392

    Precisely. It is the killer hitting you and not you hitting yourself so it looks completely normal on the killer's end most of the time. They can't magically give everyone 0ms delay globally but sure server networking should be improved.

  • Member Posts: 392

    But neither of these prove that hitboxes are broken at all

  • Member Posts: 275

    LOOOOL, so one guy has no problems with hitboxes, congratz, you are the lucky special snowflake here.

    It's still a problem, when 90% others have the problem.

  • Member Posts: 3

    i wanna know if you use ethernet?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Congratz you found 3 mins of functional hitboxes and servers in DbD.

    Here, let me just pull up 100 hours worth of stream content from this week alone proving that this is the exception to the rule.

    Hitboxes/desync are a problem.

    So what are you trying to prove here?

    that 1/5 hits will look Ok. Well yay the game works 20% of the time.

    heck even if it was 1/2 hits that looked fine (which it isn't) game is functional 50% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,344

    I mean yeah you're not wrong, as I'm sure the actual hitboxes are just fine. At most they might be a bit wacky if they don't fully match the new survivor animations or something.

    But there's certainly something up with ... something. Not sure if it's hit validation, "general" lag compensation or something else but there's some pretty bizarre hits happening. I've seen a lot of killers swing (too) early more often than before too, as if survivors appear closer than they really are or something. Sometimes it leads to wacky hits, sometimes it leads to a whiff - either way it's happening more often than it used to in my experience.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I’ve played plenty of survivor since this patch and I’ve not experienced one suspicious hit. I’ve been salty. But nothing suspicious has been occurring with hit registration.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I never said I was disputing the claims.

    I said that I wasn’t experiencing problems.

  • Member Posts: 285

    Iv played about 5 matches with the new update. Iv had a few bogus hits on every match and my ping is usually around 40.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    No, they are not. I feel like on every pallet you drop, instead of stunning the killer, they just teleport to your side and hit you. That was not happening before.

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