NOED Discussion



  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    • it only lights up at endgame because otherwise it defeats the purpose of the perk: being enough of a possible threat that survivors SHOULD be cleansing any dull totems they come across.
    • I have no idea what you mean by it has in built Undying.
    • So?
    • Exactly. Hexes are supposed to be powerful until cleansed.
    • 1 stack PWYF is 5%. Killer Haste status effect is 4%. NOED gives the killer Haste.

    And no, the perk does NOT reward bad gameplay. Firstly, the killer is already stacking the odds against themselves by intentionally choosing to play with 3 perks. Of course it’s more likely that the survivors get all 5 gens repaired if the killer doesn’t have access to a fourth perk to help them. Secondly, there are many, MANY killers that can play phenomenally well, and this sometimes STILL doesn’t prevent the survivors from getting all gens repaired.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    NOED has some pros and cons. Pros is that most survivors don't do totems if they don't see an active totem (im guilty when I play survivor of doing this!). A major Con is that you are essentially running 3 perks until after 5th gen pops. Its essentially a 25% handicap.

    So the damage you would've been doing in game is now reserved for end game. In that sense it would seem balanced as instead of creating a level loaded game play, it becomes a huge spike at the end. I don't necessarily think that this concept is bad. In most horror movies the most intense chases happen at the end while the earlier chases are more stealthy. Think of Freddy vs. Jason. Jason killer 2 people in the beginning to jump start Freddy but then went on a killing spree in the corn field.

    My issue with NOED is that it squeezes the window between activation and finish too tight (20 seconds if somebodys at a gate). I'd prefer NOED to be a regular perk that activates in stages throughout the match based on totems and gens remaining combination.

    5 gens/5 totems: no activation

    4 gens/5 totems: +1% movement speed

    4 gens/4 totems: +1.5% movement speed

    3 gens/4 totems: -2% reduction for missed attacks.

    I'd be more open for a devour hope type of hex where towards the end you mori instead if instead down (1 gen/1 totem).

    Just an idea to help levelload the gameplay to avoid the big and short timed spike at the end

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    NOED is fine and is fulfilling a very very necessary niche.

    I want you to try to name all of the good anti gen perks that a new Killer can get their hands on without spending shards, auric cells, or real money. So, base set or a teachable from Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Huntress, or Nurse.

    I would be willing to bet you came up with either zero or one with Thanatophobia. New Killers don't have the skills or perks to prevent generators from popping. They just don't. That's why NOED exists and is in the base set. Its there to give them a big power spike when all the gens inevitably get repaired, because BP only perks for Killer are generally *garbage*.

    At the absolute most I would be willing to concede that NOED has a telegraphing problem. However, that could easily be intentional. If it isn't, then I would be willing to have NOED promote all Dull Totems to a state between Dull and Lit that I call Smoldering. Also then also make it so Thrill of the Hunt also promotes all Dull Totems to Smoldering and also has the loud noise happen on Smoldering Totems.

  • LARI
    LARI Member Posts: 66

    every time someone complains about NOED I'm like "If you can do gens, you can do bones."

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Ok, My feedback regarding NOED is the following:

    1-NOED is more common than H: DH, especially in lower ranks as you said.

    2-Unlike H:DH, NOED doesn't require work by the killer to build stacks into the exposed status. I don't think this is bad, just different perks being different.

    3-NOED is NOT a high-risk, high reward perk. With the new map, totem spawns are significantly better. Also, unlit totems are harder to see and generate no audio clue, making them harder to detect. Chances are at least one totem will remain by the completion of the last gen and the killer will get value from the perk at least once before it is deactivated or the trial ends.

    4-Many players (I changed my mind on this point) consider NOED an unnecessary safety net to boost the killer's lethality and score in a cheeky way by the end of the game.

    5-To the devs, if the killer opted to play the early and mid games with 3 perks, they deserve their NOED reward.

    6-In my opinion there should be more perks with effects tied to the other side's progress. NOED in that sense is similar to Coup de Grace, where gen completion gives the killer a powerful benefit. These kinds of perks act like catch-up mechanics instead of snowballing effects like Infectious Fright and DBD is already snowbally enough.

  • eff
    eff Member Posts: 154

    Noed literally just punishes you for not doing another objective - cleansing totems. I run IS and Detective's hunch, so I'm always the one cleansing every totem on the map, and I see my team just ignoring bones when they see them. So it's a good punishment.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I was always a big supporter of NOED, but due to the weakness of survivors now, this perk is unnecessary. If a killer allows all 5 gens to get done, they don't deserve any help at the end because they clearly failed. Getting 5 gens completed should be all that survivors are expected to do, if they are even able. Killers have only one primary objective and it is not fair for the other side to have two. Nerf NOED and nerf the other meta killer perks while at it. Time for killers to show skill instead of having kills handed to them.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Coup de Grace is a great comparison. You can also use Fire Up for similar permanent buff. I posted before that NOED can be a slow buildup buff instead of a rapid spike at the end based on number of gens and totems remaining. It could be as simple as a ratio.

    5 gens/5 totems: 1:1 ratio, no activation

    1 gen:5 totems: 1:5 ratio gives haste speed and ability to one hit survivors. Break 1 totems to eliminate exposed. Break 5 totems to eliminate haste effect completely.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    No... NOED actually PUNISHES poor gameplay.. from the survivors. It punishes those who are lazy and fail to do their optional objective.

    Get it right.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,923

    the problem is no one wants to do bones and some of them spawn in basically impossible to find locations, and keep in mind if the gens don't get done quickly then any killer regardless of skill can very easily snowball

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    You have maps, Detectives Hunch and Small Game to help find totems. Giving up one perk slot to counter a killers perk is fair.

    Your teammates being lazy or stupid is not a reason to make the game easier. It means they need to learn to get better or move on to an easier game.

  • Imagine_Milk
    Imagine_Milk Member Posts: 97

    I'd say NOED is a crutch perk for bad killers. If a killer is not performing well in the match before the last generator is completed, they will most likely rely on NOED to be lethal and carry them. When a killer is carried by NOED, they are rewarded because of this perk.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Based on that assessment arent all perks crutch perks.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I'm kind of surprised at all the people defending noed like I know y'all are so quick to say DS is a crutch and that second chance survivor perks are bs and need to be toned down.

    Noed is literally a second chance for killers to insta down people in the end game and in most cases secure at least one kill. Against uncoordinated groups or solo queue what are they supposed to do? Lol

    I hope one day it gets reworked in such a way that it's still powerful and unique but not so unfair. I personally feel bad using it as killer and wish it functioned differently so I could use it and not feel bad about it lol

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Just do 1 or 2 totems yourself. If NOED appears just escape yourself. Why save the survivors that aren't pulling their weight? If they are solo and don't do totems, they'll only learn by not being bailed out.

    Do your part n go.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Tbh the only time i complain about survivor perks its always in response to defending NOED Lol. The only perk ive really thought was op was object, and that was specifically with a 3-4 man swf.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    It's getting pretty sad to see how much all survivor mains think alike.

    Sure, noed is a second chance perk. It's LITERALLY the only one for killer, and it's one that you have a very good chance to not gain ANY value from in most games, either you never reach the end game, you reach it but wont find anyone, every totem have been cleansed or the noed is cleansed minutes after the end game starts. The ONLY very good set up for that perk is when you have someone on the hook when the endgame start, or you are finishing a chase pretty close to it, and you can now just camp that hook and hope the survivor will get overconfident like they often do when it's time to unhook someone in the endgame, and start swarming you. THEN you may have a chance to get a good hook, but not much more since the second they'll see the hex pop they will either run to the door or find the totem.

    Now let's compare it to the survivor second chances alright?

    You get the exhaustion perks, Dead Hard in particular, but the others do the same too, that will let you get away with a situation where you should have been hit, they may even extend reset the chase if you know how to use them.

    DS, the strongest second chance that will let you get away with getting downed soon after being unhooked. "BuH ItS aN AnTiTuNeL pErK oNlY". Yeah, right, any people with just a shred of honesty knows its a lie.

    BT, the perk that will make all unhook safe unhooks with almost no exceptions.

    Undying/Blood Pact, the perk that will give you a second chance when you get down if the killer have to leave you on the ground.

    And I'm sure I'm forgetting one.

    It's pretty obvious that the problem here isn't the existence of second chance perks, but the ridiculous number there's in the game right now, and how each and every one of them can (and will) easily throw off your WHOLE game as a killer, turning what was a strong snowball into a total cascade of failures.

    On the other Noed does what? Let you get a surprise down on someone, in the best cases scenario it will let you get a down on a rescuer while, with a bit of luck, letting protect a hook you already have, but most of the time it will just give you one down (that you'll probably would have scored without it) that will broadcast the percent of the hex to the rest of the survivor that will then either instantly flee, or, if they are very confident (ie SWF) try to find the totem and remove it. And the rest of the time, either you didn't see the end game, or didn't managed to catch anyone in time. And what did it cost you to bring that amazing perk? A slot that was dead for the duration of the game, probably leading to you reaching the end game rather than finishing the survivors before that.

    So yeah, cry me a river, Noed is fine, it impact a very small percentage of games but will take 1/4 of your perk slots 100% of the time.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    No No NOED army rejoice!

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    "NOED rewards bad killers" is the single most enduring lie spread in this community. It is the Emperor Palpatine of Dead By Daylight myths.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I see what you mean, but cleansing all 5 totems is a problem because of solo queue. In solo queue, cleansing all totems is pretty hard to coordinate especially when the killer is good.

    I still think it is a lame perk even more so for newer players who don't really know about the perk or the totem spawns around the map.

    Now, if you are at least in a trio SWF, you should be able to cleanse all the totems on a map.

    Ok yes, we do have perks to cleanse totems, but that is one of the huge issues with many other perks in the game which is using perks to circumvent problems with the core game itself. All of those perks dealing with totems are just used to encourage totem cleansing, but why not just change how totems spawn and work instead of making a less than decent perk to do that?

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Instead of changing NOED, there has to be more incentive to do dull totems.

    The perk itself is perfectly fine, it CAN reward bad gameplay, but in an ideal match, 2 will die and 2 will escape anyway,

    So many people just sit on gens all game without interacting with the killer and then complain when they get caught with NOED.

    If you consistently run into killers with NOED, bring Small Game/Detective's Hunch/A map.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    Gonna say it to anyone who thinks noed rewards bad killers. If the killer is bad and is no threat why didn’t you just do bones? Obviously the killer wasn’t so bad or else you would have done bones. So he’s distracted you enough for you to not do bones.sounds like his effort pays off for him.

    if the killer is stopping the 4 of you from doing bones then he earns his noed.. or you are choosing to give it to him either way noed is fine

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    That's a terrible explanation. People often times don't do bones when they don't have an incentive to do so. That has nothing to do with how well the killer is distracting you.

    You can make an argument about doing bones and whatnot but that has zero bearing on the skill of the killer.

    On that note, NO ED is the true blue shell of this game and rewards bad gameplay. It rewards you for failure and its permanent effect is overbearing regardless of if it's a hex or not. It should be 120 seconds like Hope.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    As bad as Decisive strike..

    But most survivors just complain about NOED while using the extra life (decisive strike)..

    If you play good, you can survive NOED or catch the survivor again after decisive strike.. but some players just like to make excuses when they fail their objective..

  • To the survivor who loses what should have been an easy escape its the most broken perk in the game. To the killer who gets 1 extra kill its not so overpowered. Its all about perception.

    Only thing I dont like about this perk is how its such a burden for solo players but a walk in the park for swf teams. Those 4 totems are nothing to a 4 man communicating. I think the devs leave it as it is though just so they can say “look, survivors have an extra objective see!”

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Why not change the attitude of lazy survivors and encourage them to just cleanse totems. As others have stated, the devs want survivors to cleanse totems in order to lengthen the match a bit.

    You thinking its a lame perk doesn't make it so. I think NOED is a great perk. It punishes lazy survivors and it instills a sense of fear and urgency during endgame, when there are no objectives left for the killer to protect.

    There is no need to coordinate cleansing totems in solo queue. Everyone just needs to remember to cleanse them when they walk by them. Even then, not one survivor needs to cleanse them until the 5th gen pops and all they have to do then is look for the lit totem. Newer players need to learn how to adapt to the new game that they're playing. The game shouldn't be watered down and made easier for them.

    Inner Strength is a decent perk, Detectives Hunch is a decent perk and even Small Game is decent, especially against trap killers. There is no changing hex perks until the devs fix the problems with the core game. Instead of advocating for nerfs to hex perks, you should be advocating to change the core game.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Same can be applied to decisive strike and dead hard.

    NOED is deadly but keep in mind that the killer is playing the entire match with just 3 perks...against 16 perks. Noed punishes gen rush which sadly is still a thing so yeah...I think is fine as it is.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    If you're really having so many problems with it just run Small Game or DH. A perk for a perk. Survivors have 16 perks on their team, giving up 1 for NoED insurance sounds like a good deal.

    You can also bring a map.

    Otherwise just do the totems beforehand or the 1 after it procs.

    NoED really isn't that big a deal imo. Outside of a few maps, totems aren't usually hard to find. Especially once you learn their typical spots.

    I'd be in favor of giving small game a totem counter to help, I think that'll be fine. Help the Solo's and such.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    If the devs want survivors to cleanse totems, then they need to add more incentive to do so. NOED is a very unfun perk and it does get usage after a while, but that does not mean it is good. Most of the time NOED works, it is enough to get one or maybe two hooks if you are lucky and the survivors don't find the totem quickly, but for the people that get downed by a killer using it is frustrated. (This is a solo queue example)

    The problem is that survivors don't cleanse them even if they see them while playing solo queue most of the time because what is in it for them?. NOED is a pretty rare perk to see at high ranks so why bother cleansing totems if you probably aren't going to run into NOED? But just because survivors don't cleanse totems doesn't mean they are lazy, they just know that their time is better spent on gens or healing. I myself sometimes just walk by one thinking "There is probably no NOED".

    Inner strength is a pretty okay perk. However detective's hunch and small game are decent at best. Alright, so you can easily find totems, but so what? You probably don't even need to use these perks because there will be no NOED, it is only good if the killer brings other hex perks. Like I have said before, if the devs want us to cleanse totems then they should change how they work instead of giving us a perk as a band-aid fix. Hex perks are not enough to be a secondary objective because they aren't consistent.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Actually you have it backward; NOED punishes BAD Survivor play. Totems are objectives. You are supposed to do them. There is already an incentive for doing them, i.e. point and Emblem advancement. On top of that there is another incentive; the Killer MIGHT have NOED. You are gambling when you choose not to do them, just as the Killer is gambling when he/she puts in NOED and knows it might never get to go off.

  • ihartTrapper
    ihartTrapper Member Posts: 17

    I bring NOED as a safety net because I'm not the best killer and half the games I do my best but I might get one kill when all the generators are doneand I find that the only time I get everyone on hook after the generators are done is when survivors get cocky, teabagging and such even when they know I have NOED. When I play againstsomeone using NOED I learned that unless someone gets that totem it's every man for themself. Don't try for the save it teabag cause it's a high chance your that you and up on the ground.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Hex perks aren't meant to be consistent. Each match should be somewhat different from the last, which is why killers have such varied powers and perks. DbD is a game of skill and chance. You make a choice and take a chance with the results. You walking past a totem, thinking to yourself "they probably don't have NOED" is a chance you took. The perk isn't frustrating, it isn't un-fun, in fact, it is the opposite. It makes endgame more thrilling. The frustration you and any other player has with it doesn't have anything to do with the perk itself, it all has to do with yourself and your teammates. If you were honest, you would admit that. If you get downed due to NOED, it's not the perks fault. It is your fault you didn't stealth the moment the fifth gen was completed. It is your(or your teams) fault all the totems weren't cleansed.

    The devs don't want to force you to play a certain way, which is why they don't make it mandatory to do totems. They give you a choice and a possible punishment if you don't. Its the same with them not forcing you to play as a team and not forcing killers to play according to the Survivors Rule Book for Killers.

    If NOED was such a big deal, un-fun, or as overpowered as forumers like to say, at least one survivor would bring in an anti-hex perk. I see hex perks often in my match. Ruin is in almost every match I play, Devour Hope is in about 1 out of 4 matches, Huntress' Lullaby is about 1 in 5 and Third Seal is about 1 out of every 10.

    If every match was a consistent as you claim to want it to be, I guarantee that the player population would decrease from how boring the game would get.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 539

    Honestly I say just get rid of the speed boost. There's no reason why 115ms killers need an extra 4% speed boost (and let's not forget that bloodlust is a thing as well)

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Ok so then what about the speed boosts survivors can get from hope and adrenaline. Those are countered by the speed boost from NOED

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Hex perks not meant to be consistent is pretty weird. You literally get full value out of it some games, or nothing other times. That doesn't seem very fun, right? DBD should be a game of just skill, not chance, or at least mostly skill with little chance. Obviously, I am not asking for pristine perfect balance, but it should at least be more consistent. It is pretty fun to get value out of your perks because you as the killer

    I disagree, consistency is good and would not make the game stale for newer players (assuming the devs actually give us fresher content and rework killers). I think that all killers should get an intensive rework because the chase part of the game is the meat of the game. The killers are what really make the game work, good and bad ones. Every killer has a different approach and different playstyle, some more fun than others. If we for example fixed how totem spawns to be very consistent, it wouldn't really matter because that is not what you are playing for. You are playing for the interaction with the killer. This is just one thing that spices up the game and makes it not feel too stale. I don't think that the player base would decrease just because totems were made to be more consistent.

    I can admit that I don't always cleanse totems when I should, but the fact that NOED also relies on your team is pretty scary. Your team can end up doing zero bones and leave you screwed even if you yourself cleansed let's say 2 totems every game.

    I know that the devs aren't forcing us to play a certain way, but I think that they should really do something with totems. They have potential, and I think that they should be something both sides can fight over. Doing just generators can get pretty stale, but if totems had something more to them and were fun to use with hex perks I think it would add a new layer of strategy to the game. The same thing with the breakable walls, they are just ideas un-expanded upon.

    NOED is not overpowered, but most people believe that it is unfun to go against, especially for newbies who already have trouble getting to the endgame in the first place.

    If a player goes into a game where the killer gets full value out of the hex devour hope and literally can't find the totem, that wouldn't be very fun. The RNG with totem spawns creates very high highs and very low lows. It is pretty unfun to go against a killer with ruin (not even with undying)

    I am not asking for everything to be consistent, just totems. They have the potential to be much more than they are, just something new. Just like the actual game

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Whilst being the first to fall prey to NOED can feel extremely annoying, as survivor it's one of the few parts of the game which gets me excited! It feels like an end-level boss & I'll mostly hunt for that totem or attempt the save. More times than most I'll succeed at one of those. Even if I don't and fall foul to NOED .. well, I do not expect to survive every trial, and making mistakes is what makes me better!

    As killer, it feels like that heel turn in wrestling. Like Orton's "RKO out of nowhere"! I randomize my setup everytime using a randomizer, so it sometimes appears in my setup and is admittedly fun!

    Basically, as a 50/50 player I enjoy it regardless. I also don't see it as a second-chance perk. The only true second-chance perk I can think of which rewards bad play is Unrelenting (You missed, idiot! Here, have a quicker swing as a reward).

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    I use NOED on EVERY KILLER Soo... It's best to do them bones if I'm killer lol.

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2021

    NOED should just be deleted from the game. Majority of the time if a killer is playing like absolute garbage, holding W and following the survivor mindlessly without any attempts of mind gaming or knowing proper patching, chances are they're going to have NOED to get their crutch singular pity kill unless someone finds the totem within 2 minutes. Crutch Perk that rewards kills for being a garbage killer.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 539
    edited February 2021

    The adrenaline speed boost lasts for about 5 seconds. NOED is permanent until cleansed...

    I get your point about Hope but I don't think many survivors use that perk. Also we're comparing a 7% speed boost perk to a perk that grants the exposed status effect and a 4% speed boost alongside bloodlust. I don't think it's a good comparison really.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    NOED is just an inverse of Adrenaline.

    Adrenaline gives a health state if it can, NOED takes a health state if it can.

    Both give the same speed boost.

    The difference is one has a time limit and the other can be prevented/removed by destroying the totem(s).

    Get Detectives Hunch, destroy totems when you can.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    It's not weird at all. Totems are fine as they are, except for the ones that are out in the open, but that's part of the risk a killer takes when they choose a hex perk. It's the same with survivor perks like DS, Unbreakable and Borrowed Time. You don't always get use out of them but when you do, they work great. If anything needs to be improved, its the location of hex totems.

    Some consistency is good, it is not good when every game turns out the same as the last. The game wouldn't have lasted as long as it did if that were the case. The meat of the game, for you, is in the chase, but that doesn't hold true for everyone else. I am pretty sure a lot of killers get pretty tired of getting looped around the same structure three times, have the pallet dropped on their heads even though they're not under it, and get led to another structure to repeat the process. It's probably why Trapper was rated as the most popular killer last year, and it is why you see so many Freddies, Nurses and Spirits. It is why lots of killers choose to tunnel and camp.

    I am also pretty sure lots of people prefer stealth play, myself included. I never had more fun in this game than when I first started playing and was terrified by the thought of being caught by the killer. It was so thrilling being able to hide under the killers nose, knowing that they can find me if I make one mistake. I didn't get into the game because I wanted to be chased and loop the killer for three gens. I played for the adrenaline rush I got. NOED was the icing on the cake when it came into play during endgame. As a new player I never once thought "oh, this ability is really unfair, I hate it", no, what I thought was "Oh Shi*t" he has NOED, I should have cleansed the bones". Just because you and a loud minority of people (face it, forum goers are a minority) don't like it, doesn't mean that the majority of the player base feels the same.

    The onus is on the new players to learn and adapt to the game. It's what I did and it's what thousands of others have done. Millions of gamers do the same in other video games. The devs cannot please everyone and I am happy that they aren't trying to because the game would just get watered down, which is something DBD doesn't need.

    Totems are fine, they don't need any rework, they don't need to be more consistent. I rather the devs spend their time coming up with a new mechanic to the game to make it more interesting, alongside with totems.

  • DownUnder
    DownUnder Member Posts: 19

    Atleast someone tries to understand my problem with Noed, thank you.

    I think a complete, more exciting rework would be the best idea, it's just lame at this state.

    Other ideas : Lit ONE hex totem up from the very start OR just give a notification for survivors that Noed is in play when they go near a dull totem, just like the current Undying does. This would encourage survivors to do side objective.

  • DownUnder
    DownUnder Member Posts: 19

    How is doing your MAIN objective first is a poor gameplay? And what do you mean by lazy? I do every totem I find in soloq and still can't prevent that pesky perk.

  • DownUnder
    DownUnder Member Posts: 19

    I agree, as I said before, IMO Noed change would fall into the SoloQue QoL category.

  • DownUnder
    DownUnder Member Posts: 19

    You can't play a normal game without Ruin + old Undying, cmon man.... I 3k-4k majority of my games without slugging and such againts solos at rank 1.

    The gen speed can be ridiculous, I know, but that is another issue.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    The problem is that it punishes solo survivors who cant communicate to their team how many totems have been cleansed so in solo its a pure crapshoot knowing if you got them all unless you do them all yourself and then you have one person running around the map looking for dull totems in the off chance the killer has perk while their teammates drop like flies and barely get any gens done.

    Swf groups dont struggle with noed, in most instances its a huge mistake to bring it against swf groups because the hex totem literally gets cleansed within 2 minutes of it activating, which is why i dont bother to bring it. Yet somehow when i play survivor it gets the best of my team and i have to sacrifice one or more teammates during egc because god only knows where the hex totem is. This is because i play mostly solo survivor.

    People would probably stop complaining about it under two conditions:

    They add a dull totem counter in the HUD so everyone knows how many are left

    And they fix the bugs in small game. On maps with more than one level and also in buildings with more than one level small game will give you a notification that theres a totem somewhere in front of you BUT with no regard to which floor. So on maps like the game or lerys or any with two story buildings you can end up wasting so much extra time looking for dull totems because it might be ticked away somewhere on the samenfloor as you or on a different floor! Like ######### fix this broken perk! I know because im usually the solo survivor who ACTUALLY brought small game to hunt fir dull totems and try to cleanse them all myself and its usually a massive waste of time

    On second thought make that 3 conditions, because i forgot that rainbow maps ARE ALSO BUGGED! They only show dull totems to you in a certain order and if youre too far away from the totem the rainbow maps code is telling it is the next dull totem to reveal it wont show you the one thats closer to you and also wont show you the one its programmed to which wastes the charges on it AND wastes your time! Fun!

  • DownUnder
    DownUnder Member Posts: 19

    No, you misunderstood me, I don't have problem as you know: "Killers down me in every game with Noed reeee, so I come to forum cry about it reee". No, made this topic because the upcoming DS and OoO change, so I figured why not make a Noed topic, so maybe we can change every old / badly designed perk.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Couple things here I'll start with this post and move backwards.

    First off dull totem counter, sure why not wont really do anything anyways.

    Small game isnt bugged thats the way its supposed to work tells you the totem is front of you, not an issue.

    Rainbow maps only show things you have walked close enough to, they arent programmed to show you every totem in a random order.

    This idea doesnt really work, unless when i hit/hook someone i get notified that they are running adrenaline/hope so i know to tunnel them out before endgame.

    Ok this is gonna sound radical but heres a way to incentivise doing totems that lots of people wiill disagree with, first we increase gen time by 100% so 160 seconds per gen, then for each totem that gets cleansed gen times are reduced by 20 seconds,so cleanse 4 totems gen times are back to normal cleanse all 5 get time reduced to 60 seconds. This does 2 things incentivises totems and fixes the issue of rough early games for low mobility killers, hows that sound.