For SURVIVORS. Why are killers so OP? Blocking my perks is extreme smh

And before killers come at me, read what I say. Y’all are already OP by being faster, and then blocking my perks as well. If a survivor could individually block a killers perk, they’d throw a fit. So a killer blocking my spine chill, dark sense, and empathy is a bit muchhh?! Killers don’t @ me, survivors what do you think? And killers don’t go acting like survivors giving your two cents from a survivor perspective
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You as confused as I am?
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I don't know what you're referring to.
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The level of survivor whining is getting worst by the minute.
I expect them to start just posting angry emojis by tomorrow.
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Nothing blocks spine chill, dude. As for Empathy & Dark Sense, the Blindness effect is generally pretty uncommon, and arent that good.
Killers are far from OP in general.
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I play both sides but what u mean by block your spinechill.
And survuviurs block killer perks more I'm afraid and not every killer is faster take nurse for example she the slowest killer and yea she got blinks but do u know how hard it is sometimes to land that blink. Plus what happens when a killer brings say three hex perks and all of them get cleansed in the first 4 mins
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As a survivor main... what? Like I'm genuinely confused haha
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It seems to me that only killers have responded to this lol some ppl Can’t read god bless y’all
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"everybody who disagrees with me is a [member of a group I dont like]"
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Scream can block spine chill, literally saw him
behind me and spine chill was not activated. Unless my game is glitching which it’s not bc friends can attest to this, what hacks are you suing for this not to be blocked?!
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Are you sure you read the perk correctly?
-Works within a 36M range, the Killer has to be looking directly at you.
Undetectable only blocks Aura Reading, it doesnt affect Spine Chill (or Premonition).
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What do you mean exactly by "blocking" your perks?
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Obvious bait is obvious
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Huh. I've never had this happen to me before. Spine chill saved me from being caught off guard by them quite a few times, back when I ran it.
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What i wanna know is who gave him an upvote, or did he do it himself.
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Oh no, we can read alright, it's just you who can't write.
Btw, here's a very, VERY basic bit of knowledge for you : the crutch you have been using, spine chill, only works if the killer is looking at you. Decent killer, especially the one relying on stealth like ghostface, will know that they probably should avoid looking at you if they want to sneak on you (it's still a pretty hard counter to him, since, yaknow, he needs to look at you if he want to expose you but whatever).
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I said I play both sides and understand both arguments I was just trying to make a point that it works both ways but maybey if people relized it's only a game and not take it so seriouse there would be a hell of a lot less salt and the game would be more fun for everyone
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Besides all a killer really needs to do ie ghost face as he does not have a terror radiouse when stealthed is not look at where the survivour is then at last min turn round.
Iv been grabbed many of time by a myres and my spinechill dident go of but then I relized I need to be more alert of my surroundings and actually turn my camera and look for the killer
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Ok thanks for explaining and doing so in a CIVIL manner lmfao can all killers move without facing a direction bc I don’t play as a killer whatsoever
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Maybe... yaknow... you SHOULD try to play killer before throwing a very childish tantrum on the forum because you have no idea what they can do?
At least just to know what you are going against? Dont you think that would be a good idea?
No. Ok then.
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"can all killers move without facing a direction:
Yes, all Killers are able to walk backwards, and also strafe left & right. They arent airplanes or something.
"I don’t play as a killer whatsoever"
That much was obvious just from the thread title and your opening post.
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You probably would have gotten your civil answer sooner if you asked the question in a civil manner.
Also play killer. You can only learn so much from playing one side.
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Yep. It's called moonwalking. Sometimes they do it to hide the red stain, other times its for mind games, sometimes it's just for memes.
I'm just regurgitating info already posted at this point, but as others have said, you should play killer! It'll help get you into the mindset of your enemy, so you can be more prepared for them when you face them. It really does help a ton, even if you find you aren't as good at it.
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Thank you too for responding in a civil manner, that would certainly make sense. lol some ppl sheesh god bless the ones who get triggered by me thanking you for actually being informative rather than a waste of a comment
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Everyone should be civil and the game myt be better. Yea they can walk backwards or sideways there lots of trick killer have up there sleeve. The killer also is in first person so fov is really bad on killers like hag or blight that are low to ground. I would suggest giving killer a go just to C what they C plus I'm a better survivour for playing killer as I know what there powers are and how that specific killer works. So I can counterplay them. Even if you don't get a 4k don't worry it's just a game.
Buts most people that say stuff about killers is people that have never tried playing killer
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@Sonzaishinai why are you triggered by something I said to someone else? Snowflake alert geeeeez can’t be so sensitive man
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Killers can't "block" perks, I don't know what you're talking about. Some killers have abilities or perks that let them temporarily avoid aura reading, and Pyramid Head's cages don't count as hooks and so don't activate hook perks, but other than that...
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I'm not triggered. Just informing you.
I see your new to the forums so i want to let you know that if you formulate your topics like that you're going to get nasty responses.
No hard feelings
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Please tell me you’re joking
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This whole thread is pure chaos and ngl it made me giggle a little.
Why shouldn't there be counterplay to specific perks though?
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And that's the problem: you should at least play a few rounds of Killer so you know how it works. Then you'll see how limited the killer side is and you'll be a much better survivor.
And yes, I'm replying to something you discussed with someone else because it's a thread and no, I'm not a killer main, I play both 50/50. 😉
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Just play killer and equip: Third Seal, Retribution, Huntress Lullaby and Blood Favor.
Tell us after the match how you think about survivors taking killer perks away.
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How is @Sonzaishinai being sensitive?
You said you wanted people to respond in a "civil manner" on a post that barely makes any sense. But before that you said:
Ironic that you want peopler to reapond in a "civil manner" but than say people can't read.
Like what @Sonzaishinai was saying, you should play killer (which you should, because you didn't even know killer's could walk in a certain direction without looking in that direction).
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Quote: "Y’all are already OP by being faster"
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This post is gold.
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Google what "asymmetrical" means please
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Considering there's SWF groups called "Bully Squads" which can counter camping Killers. I don't think you understand how little power Killers have over Survivors, OP.
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Wait, you think killers are Op because they're faster than survivors?
What in the actual #########?
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Somehow a killer has beaten my dark sense i am very angry and i will now demand attention from surrvivors only, since killers are so op because they move faster.
I will not hear out killers and I will immediately invalidate their opinion.
Also I would like to inform you that this is bait or i am new to the game and dont know what blindness does.
Was this translation susscesful yes or no
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Y'all already OP by being faster...
You're right they should make killers the same speed as survivors that way we will never hit anyone
I'm sorry but how can anyone take this seriously when THIS is your first point of killers being OP what an obvious bait that looks more like a joke then anything.
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And it shows. It really shows.
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Which is why you don't individually block a do it as a group....
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This is literally what was going through my head.
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Go play Killer some, and get some experience with them before making a bunch of false statements about things you clearly don't understand.
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Ngl this thread as a whole gave me the shits and giggles
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I play as a Killer and I'm replying to this thread just because you tried to forbid it.
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Yeah killers shouldn't have weapons either. Matches should be decided in dance battles instead.
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Uhh I'm a survivor main. I just understand what you are trying to say. Spine Chill can't be blocked.
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He was looking away while walking at you then he probably figured out you had spine chill because you probably walked or ran away before he was even close to you