Hit Validation Feedback



  • Azael
    Azael Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2021

    The only change that I've noticed hit validation make is at vaults, which are much more fair and functional now. Most other hits can be just as broken as before, and huntress hatchets, which I think are the worst hitboxes have also not improved whatsoever. As killer I have had some issues with not hitting survivors while they are still in the vault animation, which is really odd, and I guess due to the aforementioned hit validation at vaults. I do rarely have a swing miss that I feel definitely should've hit, but not too many problems with that. I do have a quite a bit of issues with auto aim making me hit survivors that I clearly wasn't aiming for, and that clearly weren't even near my blade, but this issue can be both harmful and beneficial depending on the context. Grabs are also exteremely buggy, often starting the grab animation, only for the survivor to stand up and run away.

  • Erak
    Erak Member Posts: 97

    My hit validation feedback.

    If you wouldn't have mentioned that it is active, I wouldn't have noticed it. Therefor it doesn't work. High ping killers and also survivors still have a benefit of their bad connection, so vpning is still an easy way to cheat. Also in the past few weeks I noticed that the killer ping now even affects FL save timings and other things.

    Conclusion it does not work and doesn't do anything. But low ping killers are punished and grabs aren't just canceled no you don't even turn a canceled grab into a M1. So instead of beeing down they are fulllife.

  • vulpecula
    vulpecula Member Posts: 4

    Ever since the new Update, which went live yesterday, this game has become unplayable. My Ping is always around 30 on EU servers and a huge amount of hits I received should not have landed. (Killers teleporting through pallets, Killers hitting me while 5 Feet away and so on) It was bad After Hit Validation was turned on again and it has only become worse after the Update. (Clips can be provided)

  • Butchershow
    Butchershow Member Posts: 6

    since yesterday we noticed a very high, still rising number of "bullshit" hits. Hits, that never shoulld have hit. I mean, we all know, hit detection in dbd was always a problem but what I noticed since yesterday was like a "best of bullshit hits since release" compilation in one patch.

    Today, finally, we faced him, the one and only Mr. Longfinger Krueger, the one who was already famous for bullshit hits but today, he showed us his best... enjoy <3

    Please BHVR...fix...your...gaaaaaaaaaaame :(

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Maybe it’s just me but I’ve noticed a lot of times Killers attacks go through objects and hit me more than ever. They will hit me through trees, and other surroundings.

  • ACigar
    ACigar Member Posts: 13

    Man's pull that gogo gadget extendo grip attacks out on me. They became elastagirl and hit me from around the corner.

    They pulled that gun out and bopped me from out the doorway. The killer also lagged out about 5 minutes later so it may have had to do with the ping difference between the killer an I. I'm not mad, cuz I didn't lose a pip from that game, but that was very annoying in the moment

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Played my first survivor match since this patch went live. Got hit thru every pallet I dropped. Got hit before I could see the killer's stain behind me. I'm on PC and typically have a connection in the green range.

  • ble3kaudio
    ble3kaudio Member Posts: 100

    what in the blazin' bajeezus happened to the hit validation on this patch. Looks like you are no where near getting hit and you get smacked. i'm sorry, but it's just very unplayable in the 4.5 patch. looking forward to an update so I can jump back in.

  • wuperbear
    wuperbear Member Posts: 33

    it punishes survivor so much when killers are using VPN. too many china vpn killers in japanese server its almost unplayable

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    its absolute booty, getting hit by mile long nurse, 10 foot arm freddy, WIDE hatchets. i think its time fora break

  • aurum_exe
    aurum_exe Member Posts: 182
    edited February 2021

    Devs, if you wanna resolve this "fake hits" problem once for all, take that CONE registration hit out of the game and put it on the M1 killer's weapon. Then put collision objects on survivors joints/bones, so you can register hits only when the killer ACTUALLY hits them! You can get much much better results. I've made many tests, and it works better than that CONE bs.

  • Ellinthris
    Ellinthris Member Posts: 2

    Adding my voice to the many other, hit validation has seemed to favor killers extremely ever since patch.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    My friend fell after jumping out the window, look where his key fell

  • I have seen stark differences. I either have clean games with no odd hits at all, survivor and killer, or games where it is all odd hits. Primarily noticing issues where the killers position isn't synced up to visual so it looks like they're further than they are and are getting hits from what looks like 10 ft away

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 440

    As Bubba I bump into window with my chainsaw when I was in chase, get stunned for, Survivor escaped this window, takes like 3 seconds when I was swinging during hard bump and this Survivor fell down into dying state couple meters behind this window with huge delay, ping was around 30-40ms. I feel it's really unfair hit so I leave him on the ground and let his team to heal up.

    As Trapper I connected really sus hits, I clearly missed some hits but Survivors get these hits after few seconds later anyway.

    As Pig I never get too many Survs disconnected after my dash hits. They just give up and rage quit.

    As Survivor I'm getting these ridiculous hits almost every time, one of the most funny hit was when Trapper hits me on Midwich from stairs to pallet in room under stairs if you know what room I mean through another Survivor which is trying to block hit and was my human shield.

  • MaxStrategy
    MaxStrategy Member Posts: 2

    Your game is now trash, getting hit constantly, all the people that say you cant notice are killer players I bet, and the survivors that say it are brain dead, fix your #########

  • jeremyjordan01
    jeremyjordan01 Member Posts: 1

    Seriously, every time I see a killer that's ttv streaming and hittng people through walls and around corners, they all say the game isn't broken. They say survivors are complaining constantly about the hit boxes. well.... no sh*t. Because the ppl who say it's not broken are killers. if you play survivor after this last update you will all have the same opinion... that it's now officially a game where to have any fun as a survivor, you just meme and don't care about doing objectives anymore. It's become a toxic division more than ever between killers and survivors. It's not the killers fault its bad, but now they get to take advantage of all the toxic builds and don't even try.

    I played as a killer for a couple days straight to see the difference and I barely had to try to get a 4k. All my hits were landing, when honestly a handful of them were very very questionable. Some just flat out missed and I see that I contacted them. So when killers based players are saying "I dont see a difference" with a smug attitude, it's because they have nothing to complaint about.

    So now you have frustrated survivors, and killers that don't give a f*ck about it. So the division begins. It's a one sided game at this point.

    But thank you DBD for making sure we look better when we crawl away right before we got Moris'ed. When more than likely we shouldn't have gone down in the 1st place.

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    I just placed another thread for this several days ago because the same issue. We actually recoded it just so we had a record of the game play to review. My friends and I decided to test with doctor in a private game just to see and in vc the person who was playing killer was frustrated because there were hits they were landing that in no way should have hit us. The worst instance was going into a vault and being half way into killer shack before the a hit downed me when the audio indicated she had hit the window frame. The friend playing doctor was rather irritated with her saying. "Yeah that was bs, there is no way that should have connected."

    At this point we have found that if there is any lag, or any delay it seems to prioritize either one person or the other then giving the true value. 38 minutes latter and we were able to have her hit survivors around corners, on the other side of pallets when cleared, on the other side of a cleared vault with distance, hitting when behind her, and hits when a survivor was outside the killer strike zone (aka red cone) when in chase. It makes for a bad match when you have a good game get even a small blip of lag and the entire thing seems to desync so hits are being made that shouldn't connect or vise versa.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    Patch 4.5.2: I am still missing survivors when I am touching them. Some lunges literally curve round them like I was bumping into them, and I still miss. My ping is usually around 30-40ms, and never above 60ms. What the hell is going on?

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    This is a good explanation; I think that's the most scott has ever delved into this kind of thing that I've seen, at least. I'm not certain about the dedicated server thing, either. But I imagine that the packets being sent back to the client can be disordered by jitter and other latency issues, effectively negating any corrections the server did.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    What I feel like is kind BS is when the killer is at the end of the swing the game act likes the weapon connected when it didn't connect mid swing. That should be fixed. I shouldn't get hit when the killers weapon is near the ground

  • FruityPeach
    FruityPeach Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2021

    hit validation... hitboxes??? this makes no sense... how could he hit me behind him?

  • RedFoxx1993
    RedFoxx1993 Member Posts: 5

    I feel like the hitboxes are still messed up. Many times i vault through a window all the way and they still manage to hit me or knock me down and I think thats unfair. I will literally be through the window running forward and im hit.

  • vulpecula
    vulpecula Member Posts: 4

    We can all agree that 4.5.0 desync was horrible and 4.5.2 fixed it. It was almost like the synch was perfect after that. I played a lot after that patch and I was in heaven. No bullshit hits whatsoever. It was way better than before 4.5.0. But then a minor update (around 38 MB) happened and hits/sync got worse and worse. Did anyone else notice that?

  • feathery
    feathery Member Posts: 14

    Man, I feel this. I was going against a Trapper yesterday who downed me after I jumped out a 2-story window in Haddonfield, hit the ground, and had already activated Balanced Landing. I was about 10 feet away from the wall and just like... :/

  • Ravio_Li
    Ravio_Li Member Posts: 126

    The curse of 4.5.0 is back. Please, do not mess with locomotion if you can't have it properly work with the hit validation, as something is causing the desync. Animations can wait until the game is working properly. Please. I don't know what you're doing, but it isn't working.

  • YourNightmare
    YourNightmare Member Posts: 164

    Is it possible to explain us how hit validation server works ?

    Because from what i have seen, it works great with low ping killers, hits are great, and timings are tight BUT it doesn't work at all with high pinger killers (USA or Russians playing on EU servers) and we got a ton of bullshit impossible hits against those killers.

    I suspect BHVR to disable the feature when the killer's ping is too high and to revert it back to killer sided validation.

  • immoraldemise
    immoraldemise Member Posts: 117

    Server hit validation doesn't mean anything when players have really bad internet or they're using a VPN.

    I even tested using a VPN as killer. They complained post game about how i warped and got bad hits. You need to disallow people using VPNs to play. I know it sucks because some people can only play with a VPN, but Mark from Chile shouldn't be playing with Tom in Michigan. This causes problems because of latency.

  • Ravio_Li
    Ravio_Li Member Posts: 126

    This has been happening to quite a few of my friends, including one of them who streams and has caught it on stream multiple times.


    are 2 of the noticeable examples of this happening.

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87

    yeah the first days were beautiful. no killer hit me 2 meter through the window. no "the pallet is completly on the ground and the killer can still hit through it" bs.

    than it got worse again.

    its terrible against huntress, twins or trickster. victor can miss 2 meters and still hit..same with huntress. and tricksters blades look in survivor pov like the fly directly through massive structures when you loop him...

  • cynical
    cynical Member Posts: 19

    Yeah so I don't think I need to say anything about this.

  • Zer0
    Zer0 Member Posts: 42

    Killers are hitting through dropped pallets like crazy now. Worst part is they don't even get stunned. There's clearly something broken with them after the all kill update.

  • Butchershow
    Butchershow Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2021
  • Forreth
    Forreth Member Posts: 1

    PC - Survivor - no Video:

    I recently have and see more and more issues with pallets. Sometimes the drop-animations starts, but the surv gets hit and the palet is still standing. Or it stuns the killer but the surv takes a hit anyway. I've seen it in many lobbies with good and bad Pings. And in crossover and non-crossover as me and my mates remember.

    Also the hit-box after a fast vault is sometimes ridiculous, so that the surv falls down a few meters behind the vault.

    Dead hard sometimes exhaustes without tanking in our matches too.

    And Hatches are the same in our games... huge hitbox and can cut through trees n stuff. Seem to be very sharp and big.

    Additionally I got some issues with the Deathslinger and his ability, but I see him rarely so I can live with that. :D

    Please check the hit-boxes and palet-issues! Thank you.

  • jeremycarinio
    jeremycarinio Member Posts: 160
    edited April 2021

    is there an update with the mods here? i have been experiencing the same. its frustrating. and a lot of killers are mid swinging trying to get a hit. Killer mains right now are aware of the hitbox issue and ARE ABUSING it.

  • FruityPeach
    FruityPeach Member Posts: 17

    i was almost with the feet on the ground. i really do like hits like this. not. 30 ping btw.

  • FunCat
    FunCat Member Posts: 27

    I'm playing as the nurse and i can tell you that i got lot (too much imao) of hits missed where i can see the weapon going trough the survivor.

    So when i play survivor and i'm hit by the killer which is almost two meter of me i can tell you that it's frustrating.

    I stop counting the time i hit the pallet beside of a survivor right in front of it and with full health (so it's not a DH).

    I don't know if this is because it's the nurse and maybe a way to nerf her but it's really annoying.

    This killer is really hard to play, espacially against swf around loops so if there is attack that should hit and it don't, no need to say that it's very frustrating.

    Never saw a game bugged like that.

    There is so much bug that the youtube channel 4gamers can make a video of 15 min every week.

    And it's not everybody who clip their game.


  • IshinSolarc
    IshinSolarc Member Posts: 114

    I feel at the moment the hits are connecting well and it's working fine in most siatuations, but were some would be miliseconds of a hit still feel not quite right, like when running vaulting windows and the killer still able to connect weird hits.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Me:BHVR , killers throw silly hits

    BHVR:Show evidence with video

    Me:I put video proof


  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    There is an issue with lunges and especially with Pig's Ambush where the lunge will cut short to hit the survivor, but then the hit is invalidated.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075


    After hit validation was introduced, i feel that I'm getting robbed of hits a lot on nurse. Stuff that should connect and doesn't, and I honestly feel like aim dressing towards objects has increased too because of this (survivor kissing a rock or other stuff and my camera turns towards it despite me not moving my mouse at all). Basically as killer i feel punished a lot more even though my ping is perfectly fine.

    However, as survivor i don't notice any difference. Some questionable hits happen, but not that often

    For reference, I play on EU servers with 35-45 ping

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited April 2021

    I've found a decrease in these issues, but it definitely still happens a fair amount, also EU (UK) with same ping range as you.

    As survivor, as usual, a ton of quesitonable hits, but that's partially because EU server is plagued by VPNing killers and a lot of people from regions that didn't get their own server on over 100 ping.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    I have a couple of clips from a game I saved that show what i mean, i will try to edit and post them later

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    OK sounds good. I've definitely been robbed of a fair few hits as killers like Blight and Oni, but idk if its because of validation as before it was implemented I had this happen a fair amount anyway.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Here are two examples of a recent game I had (I actually recorded it because it was fun, not because of those two clips xD). The first Ace didn't have Dead Hard (he had sprint burst), but my m1 went straight through him. The second clip shows what I was trying to explain when I mentioned walls or sharp turns. I'm not saying that these things didn't happen before, but they're definitely increased since a while. I can definitely say it happens at least once a game :| I feel like I'm getting penalized for having good ping

    I wish I knew the coding behind hit validation and how it interacts with aim dressing, just to know for sure if this might be due to that