Really good idea from scott

I gotta say big fan of this.
A ping system would be really nice one of the best things about apex
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I am unsure of the second idea for more reasons than I care to list right now; but that first idea is absolutely what this game needs and has needed for a while.
I literally do not play solo queue ever. It feels impossible and it's too frustrating.
I either play with friends, or I play with killer. Full stop.
This would change that.
Unfortunately, this is a good idea but the developers didn't think of it themselves. That means it will never happen. They are too stubborn and prideful to implement something like this, because that would be like admitting they were wrong and the community was right. Then again, I didn't think they would cave about the UI or animations but they are very slowly being whittled down so I guess who knows....
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The part system and what kinda bothers me is what stops the killer from camping if anything this gives them even more time and room to camp the only thing i could think of is rework Kindred so that if the killer's terror radius is around the hook gens are sped up if this system actually happens only thing i can think of that solves this problem but even maybe just making it base kit would solve it if Kindred was reworked to increase the speeds without needing parts.
Also the first part is amazing really hope the developers get word on that it needs to happen.
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I agree if Dead by Daylight does this it would bring life to Solo queue and could lead to a better way of balancing instead of the current way.
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I would like some kind of trial warm up thing, and devs have said they are thinking and working on something for down the road in that regards. So I imagine they are already going to do whatever they are going to do on that front.
I do look forward to trapper not being punished just for being himself....
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it is THE best thing about apex. It's the one thing that made me fall in love with the game as a solo player
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I think they confirmed Trial Warmup was scratched it was also another idea from Scott sadly they said they have ideas but unknown what they are but the first part of the video regarding Pings i hope the developers take note of that.
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It hopefully will be the Best thing about Dead by Daylight if we start voicing we want a ping system.
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I do not like the part system, at all. I understand the idea and it's very interesting... but I see way too many things that would go against killers or turn survivors into more weird players.
The ping system is needed..bad. But of course, as mentioned, with reworked/tweaked perks.
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Yeah I'm Iffy on the Part System but the Ping System im 1000% sold on
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The ping system sounds absolutely awesome and maybe that's the features the devs were talking about that will be implemented now that the new UI is here.
I'm not exactly sure about the second idea though.It sounds interesting but it will require a TON of work thus unlikely to get implemented
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Hopefully a Ping System is in the works it actually seems like a solid idea.
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Sorry but behaviour doesn't like good ideas, come back when it breaks the game. Actually nvm, if they actually put this in the game somehow it would break.
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It might actually get implemented.
There has to be a reason why the devs insist on keeping the survivor portraits vertical in the new UI
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The problem with a text chat is you'd have to stop whatever you're doing for that to work basically wasting time this is better in the sense you wouldn't need to type and could get off the correct information quicker so in theory this is really good if pulled off correctly.
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Com wheel - yes. Looking for parts to repair a gen in record time - not a good idea. Survivors can just tap a gen, stealth around the map to get the part when game starts. Do it for all the gens without killer seeing them. And now you can get all gens to pop before killer can make the first hook. What it really should be is gens go at normal speed for the first half and then slow down for the second and reveal the part. Picking up a part will let you repair it faster by "x" value.
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Yeah hopefully this is the plan all along and Scott just Mega Minded and guessed this Idea
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Yeah the Part System im Iffy on but the Ping/Comm System is fantastic
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That would be absolutely useless for console
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Yeah that's a very good point.
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I really like the comm system idea: I've been advocating for DbD is meant to be played solo! for a long time, but at the end of the day the reality is that the vast majority of players play SWF, so there's no point arguing with that - it's time to introduce communication for solo players, but without voice chat.
The gen part idea though.. sorry to be so harsh, but it sucks :P. There are too many problems to tackle, and even if I'm sure Scott didn't get too much in depth with its explanation, I really struggle to find a proper balance/solution without basically doing a new game entirely. Also I really think it would exacerbate even more the difference between solo and swf: solo (especially new players) will just roam around aimlessly and/or waste time in "unpaired" gens, while swf will Navy Seals their way to 4 parts at the same time, and rush all the gens in 1 minute lol.
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"that would be like admitting they were wrong and the community was right"
you mean like they will never think about adding colorblind mode?
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It took, an absurd level of harassment, complaints, pestering, bringing it up again and again and again and again for years- but yes, sometimes they do eventually cave when backed into a moral corner.
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No problem
We are used to it :'(
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Dbd is a game where survivors are supposed to cooperate in order to win. STILL the game on its own does not provide enough resources to achieve that (2021!!). What is wrong with you?
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The ping system sounds cool and I would enjoy that much more then the normal/proxy comms suggestion.
I don't really care much for the second idea although I'm all for the idea of some kind of slowdown early on or another objective.
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The comm/ping system sounds interesting. Maybe instead of actual text they could come up with vague symbols or something else?
this would actually also be a very good reason why they want the survivors vertically on the HUD even though many people complained that the previous setup was better
the parts concept sounds a little bit like one of my suggestions, still think mine is more interesting and wouldn’t change too much about the overall flow of the game. Something about having one specific part for one gen and having to run back and forth doesn’t sound as fun to me.. if you are interested in my concept:
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I like the first idea a lot.
The second one is more iffy. Definitely have to monitor that one.
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The ping system would be nice, but the problem is that you cannot impliment it right now.
Killers aren't designed to go against co-ordinated survivors. They're designed to tunnel out a weak link/s (it's unfortunate, but it's kind of true and I think it's terrible design) while the rest only barely know what's going on. Without someone self caring in a corner, killer would honestly be kind of unbearable.
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Killer would be challenging but good Killers aren't gonna be fazed that much by this and it's not like you are not gonna still have randoms that suck this isn't gonna change that too much the only true fix to that is better ranking and matchmaking.
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Wrong. Survivors being co-ordinated isn't about them suddenly getting skill, it's just about them being time efficient. Those potato randoms aren't so potato when they aren't scared to do gens and don't waste time.
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I'm pretty sure his gen part idea only affects the repair time when you DON'T have a part (2 minutes or whatever number you'd wanna use). If you had the part, the gen would be the standard 80 seconds. I'm not actually sure if this is what he meant, I didn't hear a number for the gen times w/ parts. And if survivors are tapping gens and pre-emptively putting parts into the gens that's a good thing for the killer? They'd have to go the length of the map TWICE, for each gen, just to start working on the gen to get the 80s repair speeds we have now. If they're running they're almost certainly gonna get found, and if they're stealthing that's so much time wasted walking round the outskirts of the map that it becomes a benefit to the killer because that survivor will have done nothing for well over a minute. If the killer doesn't find anyone well the survivors deserve the advantage because they played better than the killer did.
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30 second gens for walking to a highlighted object while the killer is distracted is terrible.
We will go from 5 minute games to 2 minute games since you can only be on one place at a time.
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I've been behind the idea of some sort of collectible for Survivors to get for gen repairs for a while now, so I'm down with that. I'd rather it be a finite amount of these parts across the map, but they're not equipped like standard items. They're stocked inventory like tokens which can't be given away or dropped; however, once a Survivor dies, the parts they had go with them.
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I would love if both ideas got implemented.
Keep in mind, the whole parts system would need tweaking to it as well as several perks, but it's a far more engaging gameplay loop than hold m1 on the first gen you see until you get chased.
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Ping idea is great.
Parts idea is good but will never happen.
I don't think the devs will take the risk of altering the base game game to much.
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Ping idea is what I've wanted for a long time, and is what I'm hoping they're trying to set up, by insisting that the new icons stay vertical.
Parts system I'm not that much of a fan of, sure it'd make gens more interactive, in a way, but the devs will have to alter so much of the base game and some perks to make it work. I don't see it happening. Also parts don't sound that hard to get. Killer can only be in a chase with 1 survivor at a time, so it's not that dangerous to go for one.
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I adore the ping system, I would solo queue way more often if we could do that.
The parts system is very... meh. I honestly think Corrupt Intervention should just activate by default at the start of every match, and they rework the actual perk to do something else.
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Both very good ideas. I had a similar idea to the "generator parts" thing a while ago. It would give Survivors a reason to explore sections of the map that they normally dont go anywhere near.
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The first idea is not really new. It has been suggested on this very forum many times. It think it's perfectly fine and it's pretty much needed at this point, in particular because solos are very vulnerable to camping strats. This one gets a thumb up from me.
The second one has me more skeptical. It would probably require rebalancing a lot of perks and other stuff in the mechanic itself (spawn distance of the part, aura blindness, part respawn, etc.), which I don't see BHVR be willing or even capable to do. It would also basically make survivors play super efficiently by default. Spawn in the trial, walk to a generator, tap generator, go get that part. Uh you're going to get the part for that gen? Then I guess I'll get the part for this one, because there's no point in repairing partless. So, survivors will split up by default and still the killer can only chase one.
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I really like both ideas to be honest. Solo queue desperately needs some form of communication to bring it more on par with SWF and the part system would make repairing gens less boring.
Not sure how good of an idea it would be in terms of the current gen speed issue though. Like, atm there's plenty of reasons to traverse the map when you're looking for totems for example or even gens. Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to suddenly bump into a part while looking for a totem, going for a rescue or you're just randomly wandering around and suddenly you won a lot of time. Gens aren't going to be as boring tho, that's for sure.
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I have always played alone very rarely with friends, in fact when I play with friends I lose because they don't have the level that I have and I don't feel comfortable playing with friends I guess I got used to playing on my own, but I think this idea is for a better genrush what nonsense with this you are turning absolutely all the teams in swf, the killer plays alone why 4 brains cannot organize and play better versus than one brain, if all the survivors could communicate to make genrush in a better way, I would practically stop playing DbD because playing as a killer would be completely unfair and unplayable because it is already very difficult and as a survivor it would be more ez and unfair practically swf.
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I like the first idea.
The second feels unbalanced. I'm not sure what is the best way to fix it but the current idea just doesn't feel balanced at all.
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The first idea is good. I’ve always wanted a way to tell other survivors I have Borrowed Time, because they’ll yank someone off the hook in front of a camping killer and hand them an easy down but if they just let me do it that survivor could get away safe.
The second idea I’m not so sure about because you mostly find survivors when they’re doing gens. Blendettes urban evading around random parts of the map looking for parts may slow the game down in a bad way because stealthy survivors is always boring for killer. Its like when they go to do totems and you’re walking around the map wondering where they all are
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I agree with a lot of others, the second idea doesn't seem that balanced.
If there are 2 gens left than the action takes place where the last 4 gens are. If you give survivors the chance to get stuff where you have no reason to be as killer because there are no gens anymore, than you pretty much can't apply pressure and in most cases its even so much better for the survivors, because they can split up and the killer doesn't even get a chance for a potential snowball.
First idea is kinda ok, even though i can already see people spamming these commands to annoy the rest of the team. Don't know if 20 second cooldown fixes that, if they do it the hole game.
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They could easily make it so you can mute people's pings or something honestly that could solve that issue of spamming with the cooldown.
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Yeah, that would be a good idea. I don't think it would be healthy otherwise.