The Glyph Visual Effect and Magic-based killers.

I just got to the challenge where you have to touch one of these. All I could think about is how cool would it be to have a killer with some magic power that can create portals like that.
I know we have Demo and Hag, but I’d love to see some type sorcerer or sorceress type killer with a travel power like that.
What do you guys think?
To be honest I'm not a fan of teleporting, you just pop from one place to another, not really that fun gameplay I would say, but that is just me.
I like more zoomin' Killers, like Blight or Billy.
If the teleporting is done right then I wouldn't mind that much, Nurse for example is fun for me (when she works).
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I understand. I was more focusing on the effect itself rather than the idea of a portal. It just reminded me of a magical portal.
At the moment we don’t have a magic-type killer so I thought it would be cool to see. I guess I’m thinking of a Witch type character.
Maybe not as pretty but you get the idea. 🙂
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I would pay so much money for a killer that's a mix between a sorcerer and the Legion. A spread the pain type vibe killer that uses magic.
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Interesting take. I think if done right this character could have the potential to be as powerful if not more powerful than Nurse.
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Gonna be weird here..But, If It was like a Fiddlestick's ult from LOL..Where when you teleport in crows/raven or something attack survivors. I would love that #########. make em scream and take damage..UMM!..Think guys throws birds at people!
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jason would be a great one, can teleport but only when within fog, while outside fog his vision is dimmed slightly.
likely would cripple fps tho