I wanted to be evil for some games and came up with the most unfun build for survivors

Deathslinger with warden key's and tin oil can
NOED, ruin, franklin's and knock out
Survivors hate to lose their progress, hate to lose their items, hate to be slugged and hate end game NOED
Surprisingly very efficient, but obviously totally horribly unfun for survivors
Still didn't needed noed once tho
If you want to take revenge on all the survivors that tbagged you or used ds on you or gave you ######### in chat, here's your revenge build, use every perk they hate against them because they use every perk you hate against you.
I don't recommended it since again it's the most unfun build for survivors, but it's efficient.
I would replace Franklins with Thana.
I am gonna try STBFL, ruin, Thana, Knock out
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You don't need any particular build to make it unfun, just slug and let them bleed out. That's all.
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it's true, but I made a build for it
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Hag with Third seal, knock out, sloppy butcher, and noed or franklins can be pretty awful as well.
Just slug every survivor you hit and then leave them down; put a trap or two around them for if they don't or do crawl, move on to the next survivor and do the same thing and odds are on almost any map even in a SWF you'll generate some post game insults. Don't bother hooking anyone unless everyone is down and unbreakable is no longer a thing. Also trap items.
I had this used on me but tbh I found it somewhat clever I didn't mind so much, since it's rare you run into this build and it's not the most meta thing.
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Don't forget the Dead Dawg Saloon offering: Easy-controllable map w/ great totem placements most of the time. Extra points if you're playing Deathslinger, Bubba, Spirit, or Freddy (most hated killers).
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I mean, you're right but that's just blatantly bm for no reason.
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Honestly franklin's isn't that annoying to me at all. At best I just have to go back and pick up my item (which is 99% of the time a medkit) and then just heal up. At worst I just lose one of my many, many items that I may have lost by dying anyway.
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Play bubba with lightborn, mad grit, iron grasp, and agitation then let the facecamps begin.
It's the most evil thing I've ever come up with.
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Wraith with “shadow dance - blood” and “all seeing - spirit”
- oppression
- overcharge
- surge
I don’t know how but this build caused a lot of DC’s if I got the ball rolling early.
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Sloppy butcher, nurse's calling, knock out, 4 perk to compliment killer choice
If you ignore hooking you can just walk away and pressure survivors away from gens to find teammates. I've noticed everyone starts playing more cautious to prevent the whole team from going down. Max bp and prevents suicidal 1st hooks.
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Just play like all the other 5 twins player out there and everyone will hate you already
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But then they start to play immersed and you find yourself checking every bush on the entire map lol
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Unless they're all P3 Claudettes, it isn't hard to spot somebody in a bush on that map considering it's very well lit.
Either way, if they're in bushes, then that means they aren't doing gens!
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As resident deathslinger expert, what earns me the most dcs is keys + oil can + NOED + Franklin's + STBFL + pop.
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So using ds on killers is bad?
Smh these forums. If you are pissed about other people using certain perks or playstyles (killer or survivor) you need to take a break from the game. It is clearly getting to you.
Holding a grudge and targeting specific people is even more petty. It just shows how affected you are by it. Negatively.
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Or you could take this as a mostly lighthearted discussion.
I can say thay i think an annoying build for nurse would be:
Double cool down add-ons, undying, sloppy, infectious, devour. With anti map offering. And to slug and let them all bleed out because i got tbagged 3 weeks ago Monday.
Doesn't mean its good or I am. Or that i would actually use it more than once in a blue moon.
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There are far more evil builds than that. Still, what makes build evil is the actul playstyle, you need to play toxic to make evil build work.
If I want to play like scum for whatever reason, I just play tunneling pig with perks to support it. Nobody like getting caught in RBT and then never getting chance to get free out of it. You can just crouch stalk them and if they go for boxes you get free down. If they don't they die after 2 min.
One can only play like that for so long until they get evil overdose.
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Honestly I'm addicted to this current build. Thana and dying light for DOUBLE SLOWDOWN. Sloppy cause I keep em injured and want them to stay that way. And knockout because I'll slug one and keep them there.
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I got Thanatophobia from this weeks Shrine and i'm leveling Legion to try a Slowdown Build, i thought about a build but i'm not sure if it would work. Anyone please confirm.
Dying Light or Hex:Ruin
Sloppy Butcher
Iridescent Button addon with Filthy Blade or Cold Dirt
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if survivors heal against legion they lose automatically. Your build is just win more. You'll win against bad survivors but half decent will destroy you all the time