What is the possibility of a new and improved Dead by Daylight game?

strikerfreak12x Member Posts: 39
I know that there isn't really much story, but I am indeed a huge fan of this game with only a few particular complaints and that is smoothness, toxicity and balance. I'm not saying make an entire new game cause this one isn't balanced, but I am saying make a new Dead by Daylight game for the next generation of consoles or even remaster this one on the next gen. As I said I am a super huge fan and would enjoy seeing this company make a new Dead by Daylight. It would give them more money to put into a better and smoother, more enjoyable Dead by Daylight. I would love to see this and if not a new Dead by Daylight, then maybe a different game with a similar concept where you have suvivors vs a killer. I would love to see another multiplayer horror game and am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of the genre. Would love more. What are the possibilities?


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    If they made a new DBD i would just quit.
    Either make this better or don't

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    DBD 2 is a joke. You really don't make 2 games when you update one every few months. This game will improve over time.
  • Jeff_Zombie
    Jeff_Zombie Member Posts: 7

    I don't see a need for a sequel. We get regular enough updates that any potential issues will smoothen out in due time. I say, just keep with the updates and consistently releasing new content.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I dont have enough trustr in BHVR to buy DBD 2.
    If they cant fix this one, just let it die in peace :lol:

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @thekiller490490 said:
    DBD 2 is a joke. You really don't make 2 games when you update one every few months. This game will improve over time.

    I agree. This game keeps improving over time. Why would anyone want a new one, when new content regularly comes out?