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Killers seem to be ruder now



  • Member Posts: 1,054
    edited February 2021

    Killers get tired of survivors thinking they are special at the game. So the built up stress from previous matches go into the next round the killer plays. I don't get stressed out or anything, because it's the same stuff, and nothing original, but I can understand why killers can be much more toxic or much more rude, because no matter how you play you will end up getting angry messages. I get people complain about my build running non gen regression all the time. I get called every name in the book, and if survivors win it's a gg ez baby killer type deal. If they lose they still get mad. I've seen some toxic killers, but nowhere even remotely close to the amount of toxic survivors there are. I've played both sides pretty equally split between 1500 hours despite about 600 hours of that not even playing the game. Survivor is a way less stressful role to many people, and killer is about time crunching, and you having to play perfectly in order to usually secure the win if you want it. We are pushing into this gen rush meta right now. Where killers simply can't keep up with gen speeds, because nobody wants to really chase due to desync problems, and the efficient strategy it is to just do gens. So killers are much more stressed out about it.

  • Member Posts: 27

    No killer is required to give you respect no matter if you're toxic or not. I don't respect any survivors. We probably are ruder and meaner because survivors make us really angry.

  • Member Posts: 513

    I will hold on until the end long as the other survivors are not wasting my hook time just creeping around waiting for a camper that will never leave. With my insidious nurse two of them ended up in the basement and held on to their credit while a Jeff and I pounded out the last gens. Then we split up to take an exit...guess I was the lucky one.

  • Member Posts: 27

    The killer doesn't have to give the survivors any respect no matter if you're toxic or not. I myself don't respect them. They've given me hard enough times as it is, so I'm done being nice.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Gameplay-wise things are pretty much the same as they have been for the last few months. But, I did get a pretty rude end game chat from a killer for the first time in what feels like years.

    They were playing Trapper and they put a trap at the shack window. I went to go disarm it and found out they were using bloody coil. About five seconds later, someone else gets injured by disarming a trap and the Trapper disconnects. They then proceeded to call us cheaters for being able to see the traps (keep in mind their other add-on was a bag, so these were base color traps). One of the other survivors started taunting them for overreacting, they both got into a back-and-forth of swears and slurs, and then the Trapper posted their Facebook info in the chat saying to add them so they could arrange a fist fight.

    It was probably the most ridiculous exchange I've ever read.

  • Member Posts: 499


    You do start to give zero flips at the red ranks just because of the way salty survivors behave. There is no such thing as a rude killer unless they message you after the game.

  • Member Posts: 499

    The survivor mains going killer quickly find out that the desync affects killer too.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    This game has always been a toxic cesspool. Sometimes you get unlucky and encounter rude player after rude player.

    Just one of those things you have to come to terms with.

  • Member Posts: 242

    Lol! Now that was funny! Flashlights are awful. Instantly angry!

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Well maybe bait out the flashlight save, or slug, or just look at a wall lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    You're just unlucky.

    Killers have always been this rude. You were lucky before or just unluckier now in meeting the scum of the community.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Why is nodding to the Survivors considered toxic? I've been doing it this whole time as a "That was a good chase, mate." sort of gesture or a self affirmation like "You are a strong Killer who deserves these Bloodpoints" when I finally hook someone, I didn't think anyone would think it was rude.

    Is shaking your head "no" to a downed/hooked Survivor when they do something stupid or mean to other Survivors toxic too?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh my... that last line. I wouldn´t recommend you to care to much about the others fun. Sure, you can make sure, they don´t have a miserable match. BUT, don´t concentrate to much on it. After all, its a PvP game. So the others might not share your playing nice idea.

    So better take care and don´t take it to personal when things don´t go as expected.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited February 2021

    If you're doing it to toxic survivors, no. I usually get nodded at when I'm on hook and the killer stands there for like a minute, lol. That is absolutely being toxic and isn't needed. If the killer nods once or twice after downing me, then I don't really care.

  • Member Posts: 187

    It's been about 50/50. Weekends and late nights seem much worse. I went Wednesday and Thursday with a fair number of escapes and decent killers who patrolled only and didn't camp, but all last night (Friday) I was tunneled or nose- to - nose face camped for what seemed like nothing ( and when I say this I'm meaning troll/ rude factor- no t-bags and no clickity- clacks on flash lights). For seemingly fair chases and gen completion the killers would take it out on you. *shrug* I think part of it may be that you have TTV in your name as even as survivor I see plenty who go out of their way to annoy the killers- chasing and tbagging and flashlighting... You may have just been on the receiving end of someone who had a "do it for the subs" TTV taking in out on you.

    Edit: I'm not meaning to imply that you act like this, only that the killer assumes you will based on your name*

  • Member Posts: 187

    The hit boxes are still pretty big. And even tho the devs deny it, it seem to me that the killers are... Faster?? They catch up to you much quicker, even if you've started running before they're anywhere near you.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Well it is kinda the same thing as TBagging from the survivors. They can also mean something not toxic by it but are limited by the variety of emotes given in the game.

    Same with nodding after a chase. You may mean it as "well done this was a good chase" but others do it and want to express things lie "finally got you, you little ....".

    In neither case is the intention of the emote really clear and (since there is already a prejudice of negativity against emoting towards the other side) will probably be seen as only negative and toxic.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2021

    Played 7 killer games, 2 were against trappers that just laid traps around hook then camped right next to hook, 2 were face camping Bubba, 2 were doctor and Billy tunneling so hard I died in both games after 2 unhooks before anyone else was hooked (one in which only one other survivor was even injured), and the last game was a pretty fun legion game up until the last 2 gens when the entire team got slugged. I'm only yellow rank survivor so far this reset (I've mained killer for the past like 4 resets and haven't played much survivor) so maybe it's just inexperienced killers trying to get kills but it still sucks trying to grind through archive challenges and having the killer be a tool every game.

  • Member Posts: 63

    That's fair, and a bit narrow minded of me. I'll be sure not to do that unless it's one of those mutual emote exchanges that happen sometimes from now on.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Killer is now easier than before 95% of matches = 4K the 5% is SWF . ignore tbag ignore click click and you will be fine i do it sometimes as survivor and it doesnt mean toxic at all

  • Member Posts: 165

    Yep, the game itself has a toxic nature.. you get penalized if a survivor heals, you are encouraged to kill any means necessary, etc.. in my case most of the time the losers are the ones that are salty afterwards..

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    edited February 2021

    Playing to win isn't rude.

    Telling a killer they are being rude because they tunneled is like telling survivors they are rude for doing gens.

    As for the "hits I deserved" nonsense - survivors out there be acting like they weren't going to die anyway. Desync or not.

    The majority of survivors are trash. That's not meant to insult. I genuinely mean it. The average survivor is largely low "quality" in terms of ability.

  • Member Posts: 651

    Well, that's not so black and white as you describe it. Can you describe what you mean more specifically? There are many elements in the game that manipulate killer movement speed. You can not always be sure if it is a perk, someone cheating using speed hack, or something else.

  • Member Posts: 187

    Maybe it's a perk? Lol I'm not totally sure. I've just had a few killers (mainly Huntress) that I will see coming so I will take off before she's anywhere close. And before I've gone what seems like 10 feet away from the gen/ the location I was at she's already overtaken me. I've also noticed that perks (not all the time but occasionally) like sprint burst and lithe don't seem to be as effective? Again same thing- where you would normally here "fine" taking off and going seem to not be... Soon enough? Or "safe" distance to go through windows don't seem to be enough any more.

    Again this isn't every match or against every killer. Just occasionally so it could be that I'm matched against a very skilled killer *shrug* but when they can go what feels like half the map in the blink of an eye?

  • Member Posts: 165

    I've Made peace with it already..

    First I felt bad, but now I enjoy being a TOXIC KILLER to TOXIC SURVIVORS.. and I get fun out of it.. obviously they don't, cause they text afterwards 🤣

    Besides, that's the intention of playing games, having fun 😎☠☠

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Every match I played yesterday was a slug for the 4K. New players and red rank players alike were doing it.

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