Why do people hate Deathslinger and Pyramid head?

Yes, I understand that they don't play by the normal rules of the game, how pyramid head can shoot through walls and slinger can basically deny half the loops in the game, but the whole point of the killer. they're different, and they force you to play differently because if you don't, you're gonna die. People who just say say that they're unfair and have no counterplay are clearly just entitled and refuse to play a different way, or maybe adapt a different playstyle against these killers. Slinger had the strongest 1v1 potential in the game, but he has no map control, and can't play well against survivors that group up, like say Billy can. Also, If you're good at breaking line of sight, he almost becomes worthless. Pyramid head basically deletes all conventional looping, but honestly if you run the tiles differently and juke properly, you can avoid him for quite some time. Saying they they have no counterplay, just because the counterplay that YOU are accustomed to against normal M1 killers is ignorant. If slinger had no counterplay, then he would he top tier and everyone would play him. but he's not, he's just a slightly better huntress with worse addons. Pyramid head I can sort of see the argument for of why he's so strong, but I don't think he's nearly as unfair as other killers. I've never seen someone complaining about Oni's strength, or how unfair Hag is once she's set up a trap web, yet I constantly see these 2 getting called unfun to play against. What are your guy's thoughts?



  • I've never heard anyone complain about the killers, I actually never hear anything about deathslinger, but I agree with the post.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    They do realize that killers are meant to kill em right? Not to make it easy for em.

  • TheBigBingus
    TheBigBingus Member Posts: 97

    yeah, that's basically my thoughts exactly. when I play survivor and I see noed on the endgame screen, I laugh, because I ALWAYS cleanse every totem I can find, even the dull ones. I think I've only ever gotten memed by noed like once, and it was while I was cleansing a totem, the last gen popped, and noed spawned on THAT totem, and the killer was right beside me and insta downed me. I wasn't even mad, I just laughed my ass off, because it was my fault that I didn't get the totem done before the last gen. I just don't understand why people refuse to try and play differently if they want to win so badly. Deathslingers shots are very much so reactable if you're a far distance away from him. and if you're close enough where they aren't reactable, you SHOULD go down, because you shouldn't have gotten that close to him in the first place. if you're far enough away, and you dodge the first shot, his reload slowdown and missed attack cooldown give you enough distance to where he won't catch you for a long time if you're good at juking. It's the same principle as hillbilly. you shouldn't let Billy get close enough to where he can backrev you. if you got backreved, you got caught out of position and go down as a result. So with slinger, if you get caught out of position, you get injured, or downed as a result. that's why stealth is so good against him.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Personally, I'm a killer main and I think Caleb is fine, he's good practice for dodging hits, I don't pyramid head though, I played him and instantly won 4k'd six games in a row which is just ridiculous (rank 7 then 6), but with Billy, Wraith, and Legion I have to work exponentially harder to win, I guess my point is that any decent player as Pyramid head can still do just as good if not better than a very good Billy/Legion player like myself, I think he just has too many powers but I also don't know how to properly rework him without ruining his role as a executioner. Hope this helps!

  • RbLen
    RbLen Member Posts: 144

    Because unlike Huntress, Deathslinger has a quick scope action and shot. This is a problem because many reasons:

    Unlike Huntress, it basically has no windup time allowing for counterplay. You cannot juke a deathslinger shot, you get lucky because he aimed badly.

    It gives Deathslinger inbuilt zoning just because he exists.

    There is no penalty for quick aim down sighting unlike Huntress again. When Huntress ready ups her hatchet, she has a slight delay putting it down.

    There is nothing you can do in chase unless you happen to be at a god pallet where he cannot shot over any obstacles or holes in the walls, and there is usually only a 1 or 2 god pallet at every map.

    Pyramidhead is not fun either because his kit allows him to tunnel the crap out of survivors. He can force survivors step into his trail which allows him to ignore decisive or just slug survivors to buy more time. Its not fun dying after 1.5 minutes in a game or crawling on the ground for an extensive period of time.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Because they flip the playing field of normal survivor vs killer chase interactions. With most killers in the game, the survivor is reacting to neutralize the killer's movements. The killer will not get a hit unless he "moves right"

    Ranged characters flip that on its head. The survivor has to move pro-actively to not get hit. They need to be the ones to force a killer mistake, not the other way around.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Slinger zones you out by just being in LOS, making him super unfun to face, especially good ones.

    PH is similar, but gives you much more leeway with the slow down on literally everything he does (pls change bhvr).

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited February 2021

    Your point makes no sense. There is no "different playstyle" against deathslinger unless you count stealth but you could say that against any killer in the game. If you are going against a good deathslinger, there is nothing you can do besides dropping pallets instantly which is a super boring play style and doesn't require any skill to pull off.

    As for pyramid head, dodging his attacks is fun but the problem is that, his ability doesn't have any punishment for cancelling it (no, they did not change this like they said they were going to. you can still instantly M1 after cancelling) so his gameplay has a lot of just, drop pallet and get hit by his power or don't drop pallet and then get hit by his M1 attack anyway. There is nothing you can do in these situations and it feels super cheap.

    But all the evil entitled survivors just want to have easy matches right?

  • Survivors want full control of the chase and believe that the killer should only be allowed to get a hit if they (the survivor) makes a mistake. Any killer who has a chance to get a hit based on their own good play survivors dont like.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I don't really mean to start an argument but they do have different playstyles. Due to their strong chase powers you need so gain as much distance for mindgaming as possible, once you are close, odds for killer winning the mindgame increase a lot. With normal M1 killer, the distance doesn't matter half as much, same with LOS.

    There's a huge diffrence between chasing a survivor who knows how slinger's/PH's power works and does his best to playa around it, compared to someone who has no idea and just does the basic M1 loops.

    Chases vs them are risky, require predictions and favor the killer but with some luck and a lot of thinking, you can outplay them for quite a while even if they're good.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    They are like Huntress. Difficult to loop because they can easily play around palettes. You need to use a different palette tech against them or they will catch you if killer knows what he's doing. Pyramid Head is the most problematic of the three in terms of looping because he can fake and switch between swing and earth shatter so he is really difficult to verse in a chase if killer knows what he's doing.

    As for entittlement blah blah blah everyone playing this game is an entitled prick, so don't lose your socks over it.

    Now as for you never seeing anyone complain about Hag or Oni, lol are you a noob? People complain about those two all the time.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Hey, I enjoy playing stealth.

    It's just that stealth got nerfed into oblivion so it doesn't work anymore.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Pfft this thread is actually proof the exact opposite.

    Killer think they can never hit survivors unless the survivor makes a mistake. They don't realize that most of the time they could have hit the survivor if they didn't crew up their chase.

    fact of the matter is killer holds most of the advantages in chase, especially after all the changes to the mechanics over the years. But killers somehow think they all play perfectly, they never make mistakes, and the only reason they ever win (which is 60%-70% of the time as per kill rate stats) is because survivors make mistakes.

    Huntress, DS and PH especially are examples of killers who only let survivors escape because they screwed up and made mistake after mistake. If these killers never made mistakes survivors would be downed in 10 seconds.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    They want killers to be their toy but anti loop killers have some control so they hate them.

    That is literally it. summed up and can be used for any and all arguments against it.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited February 2021

    Did you ever think that survivors playstyle may be SUPER MEGA BORING to the killer?

  • umm what? have you even played the game?

    If the survivor and killer are on opposite sides of a pallet loop most killers can not hit that survivor. The killer moves left to go around so the survivor moves right, if the killer moves right, the survivor moves left. They run around and around as the gap closes until the killer is near enough that the survivor drops the pallet and now the killer can not hit them. Majority of pallets in the game are safe pallets. You literally only get a hit if the survivor screws up. Same for many window loops.

    Know why people talk about killers mindgaming? because the mechanics of the game require the killer to manipulate their red stain in order to force THE SURVIVOR to make a mistake. No mistake = no hit. This only applies at loops that allow mindgames btw, some loops don't allow them at all since killer and survivor always have clear line of sight.

  • sprint burst to main building

    sprint burst to main building

    sprint burst to main building

    sprint burst to shack

    sprint burst to shack

    No I disagree as a killer that is super fun and interactive. I miss the days of god windows too where it was sprint burst to iron works window and then 3 times around. So much fun for killers! ^_^

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369
    edited February 2021

    I don’t know why people complain about Deathslinger, he’s balanced and hard to play as. Also hitbox sucks and many times my shots will go through survivors without hitting them, lol.

    But to be quite honest, and please remember I’m saying this as a dedicated killer, Pyramid Head really has no counterplay. Everytime I don’t hit someone (ranged) is because I screw up the shot, not because they outplay me. If I don’t miss, there’s no way they can do anything to keep me busy. Also his base kit mori sided with the fastest animation in the game for it is kind of bs.

    The only true counter to PH is stealth. And you can easily see why that doesn’t work most of the times.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940
    edited February 2021

    I don't hear anyone complain about Pyramid Head. I think most people are happy when they see one. PH players are like the biggest chads in this game.

    Deathslinger there are 2. The skillslingers who always shoot and do really fancy shots or those who spam M2 to gain distance for an M1. I don't agree with the M2 spam into M1.

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478
    edited February 2021

    From what I can see, it's because of the lack of counterplay. Survivors biggest counterplay measure is to loop but because these two are built to counter that, theres little else for a survivor to do than just run. PH can slap through walls which defeats the line of sight issue. Between that and defeating DS and Unbreakable if tormented, AND how BT doesnt count for torment rescues last I remember. Theres nothing you can do against a good PH as he counters everything survivors require to survive. Thus making him A tier.

    And while Deathslinger requires a more precise hitbox than Dump Truck Huntress, he can cut you down on most outside loops involving windows, barrels, tyre blockades etc. And because he has a smaller terror radius and some use M&A, you're already in his range before you may be aware of his presence so you're most likely shot before theres much chase. Making him B Tier for the sole fact he lacks gen control. Otherwise A tier.

    Unfortunately theres nothing you can do to make those killers more counter playable without taking away the purpose of their power which sucks cause they are unfun to play against, much like a good Spirit, Oni, Nurse. Cause like all those killers, very little counterplay to them because of their power. And since there are more deadzone being made with every map change especially with Autohaven and Macmillan, you're just going to lose out regardless of your skill.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Deathslinger is a hard killer to ‘bully’ because of how easy he can deny loops and drag people back before they reach pallets. Unfortunately, we live in a world where a lot of people would rather chase the killer around than actually do their objectives. This type of gameplay is harder to pull off against somebody like Deathslinger because of the reasons listed above. He just isn’t a ‘bully’ magnet in the slightest. But I think that’s a good thing. I personally love facing him as he actually makes me nervous and isn’t that what the killer should do?

    For Pyramid Head, he’s similar to Deathslinger. He has the ability to down survivors through pallets and vaults, he also has the ability to pretend to do this and then simply get the M1. So he becomes somebody that’s trickier to loop. Also, because he has the ability to counter and straight up deny the use of DS, that annoys a lot of people because DS is their crutch perk that they HAVE to use every match. Again, like Deathslinger, I love facing him. Because I have to be really smart during chases and I think killers like him made me even better at the game.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    All killers are overpowered when you're bad as survivor.

    Good survivors have a win rate of around 80% against Deathslingers and Pyramid Heads (based on the level of play of Sawpalin, Exlelite etc).

  • Awgustin
    Awgustin Member Posts: 9

    lmao deathslinger still exists????

  • JFF
    JFF Member Posts: 166

    I think it has something to do that they're anti-chase killers, making the most fun thing for survivors "chase" rather frustrating. For me it has nothing to do with bullying or escaping. As a veteran player I enjoy chases, that's why Blight, Oni, Billy or even demo are extremely fun to verse, since they can be dangerous, but still need to deal with basic defense mechanics survivors have, as for Slinger or Phead, survivors have to rely on their screwup.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Ok and what does this have to do with anything I said just now? Changing the topic is basically saying that I'm right.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Demogorgon does the exact same thing as Deathslinger and Pyramid Head in a chase. He denies windows and pallets using his shred particularly with rat liver.

    Unlike Pyramid Head Demogorgon can strafe&zone around corners while already facing the window/pallet making it even easier to zone survivors yet everyone calls him fun to play against.

    What makes the difference?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    survivors find the killer having control boring while the killer finds survivors having control boring.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Ironically neither Deathslinger nor Pyramid Head even have full control over chases.

    Pyramid Head's power gets nullified by elevations (stairs, buildings, loops like the harvester), bugged pallets that stop the shockwave [happened to me at rotten fields. Shockwave couldn't go through shack pallet], perks that grant free distance like Sprint Burst, Balanced Landing, Lithe and Dead Hard which allows you to ignore a perfectly predicted shot through the wall and make distance while Pyramid Head has to stand there doing nothing for 2.25 seconds.

    Deathslinger's power gets shut down by breaking line of sight (which I admit is map dependant), dropping pallets when injured and the same perks.

    The only killers that give a damn about anything you throw at them is Nurse and (to almost the same degree) Spirit.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Yes many killers do require different playstyles but deathslinger's "different playstyle" is dropping pallets instantly which is a boring playstyle like I said and it doesn't require you to do much of the things you learned about the game. What you described first is the case with every killer (making distance etc.) You can't really do anything on tiles against him besides pre dropping pallets because he can shoot you over pretty much every pallet loop. There is no "mindgaming" or juking either because he can insta ADS and shoot, leaving you no time to react to anything. If a deathslinger keeps missing, it's not because you are "juking" him, he is just playing bad. What you do against him is just hold M1 efficiently and get out since he is not a very powerful killer.

    Pyramid head is not nearly as boring as Deathslinger in my opinion and there are way more things you can do against him but there are still those annoying situations I mentioned which can make him feel really cheap. If they actually changed that like they said they were going to then he would have no issues.

    Deathslinger is one of the worst killers, probably equal with Spirit , when it comes to being boring as hell. He is hated by a lot of players at this point and it's not because he is "too powerful" or anything like that.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I know they don't. The problem is they have a sliver of control vs normal m1 killers.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    That's not always the case. Many killers such as Nurse have way more control over chases and they are very fun to go against. Killers can be both powerful and fun, it's just BHVR's incompetence at designing both fun to go against and fun to play as killers.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    Deathslinger would be better if you got a better audio cue of where he is before the chase begins. With Huntress you get some humming and her TR is larger. Almost any Deathslinger I see plays with M&A which nearly guarentees a first hit for the Slinger, then you can run some 50/50s but you will go down if they are competent.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I disagree about Nurse. Have you ever faced a Knockout/Infectious Nurse?

    She is by far the most annoying killer in the game in my opinion as she literally makes anything useless. Distance, windows, pallets, even perks that grant you free distance like Sprint Burst and even Decisive Strike as she can instantly down you again after the stun and even elevations (had a Knockout/Infectious Nurse on Midwich who slugged between the first and second floor). Absolutely no chance to play a normal match solo.

    I hate her from the bottom of my heart and think no killer should ever be designed like her again regardless of the skill requirement. She is literally like an offline game character. Perfectly balanced if the enemies were NPCs.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Are you really putting pyramid head on the same level as demo?

    I’d almost put demo as the worst killer in the game. He’s got nothing. Terrible early game. Massive sound effects. Even if he sets up it can all be undone. He can be looped easily, even if you are amazing and using rat liver he can be fed pallets.

    At least if you are on point with Pyramid you can absolutely drop people. He can’t be fed pallets at all, and he can tunnel someone out of the game within minutes.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited February 2021

    Nurse with a slugging build is really boring, I agree with that. Thankfully it's not something that's common when I play.

    I disagree about much of the rest though. Distance is VERY important against nurse, losing LOS and making as much distance as possible is one of the best plays you can do. I don't really get why people are saying pallets are useless against Nurse either because they can be used against her. If you're at a pallet when the nurse is about to use her second blink, you are pretty much forcing her to make a 50/50 decision about which side you're going to drop the pallet from.

    I share similar opinions about Spirit (especially the last paragraph lol) but I don't really have that many problems with Nurse after she's been nerfed.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    No, I'm not putting them on the same level.

    I am describing the situation people use to say "Pyramid Head is boring because lose-lose" (i.e. you want to vault a window but Pyramid holds his M2 and if you don't vault he M1s) and compared that situation to Demogorgon (vault and you get the M2 hit, don't vault and you get the M1 hit / lose-lose).

    Why is that situation "boring and cheap" as Pyramid Head but "fun and fair" as Demogorgon ?

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Probably because most demos are bad and it’s fun to bully them. I never meet competent rat liver demos. Not that I bully killers, I just loop, but most survivors attempt to.

    I actually don’t see much pyramid head anymore either now that I think of it. Mostly huntress, spirit, and nurse; who in my opinion are easier to execute than demo or pyramid head.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Because if you drop a pallet in a demo's face he still has to break them. If you compare windows only they might seem the same but that's not really the case.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Nurse is also horrible and stressful to play as. (aka not fun)

    How many nurse players do you see vs other killers?

    I have tried to just hook and run with her but she is so slow at traversing the map and survivors with E to outplay are all 3 hit downs that the only way to play her against good survivors is slugging.

    Even otz was stressed out while trying to get 50 wins as nurse and couldn't.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited February 2021

    I see quite many nurse players. Most of them are not good though. Nurse is hard to learn (as she should be) but once you do, she is fun.

    If you struggle to win too often with Nurse then you are simply not that good as her. She is one of the best killers in the game. Otz is also not that experienced with Nurse from what I know and seriously, if you expect 50 wins in a row to be an easy and non stressful task then that's your problem.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    It's interesting that you think it's somehow reliable to force a 50/50 on nurse who's blinks at close distance to pallets are faster the survivor's animation. You might get lucky but in the end it's the same case of killer favored mindgame as is with slinger and PH.

    At that point, you can counter deathslinger by making a 50/50 prediction via abusing his slow movement. Each time he has LOS on you and you're about to turn a cornet, you get a chance to force a 50/50. He either has to aim and shoot directly at you running around the corner or fake/shoot next to you if you'd decide sidestep. He doesn't have time for both so he's forced to predict which happens all the time during a match, it isn't a rare ocassion.