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Killer hitboxes

iamzammm Member Posts: 18
edited November 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi, just here to complain about how ridiculously big the killer hitboxes are, and that I seem to get constant lag whenever a killer is swinging at me to hit me. I've got countless recordings of the game being agonizingly frustrating when it comes to this matter. I also feel like it's got something to do with the hitting animation. It seems to me as if the hitboxes longest reach applies regardless of what stage the animation is at. Let me explain: if the killer has swung at me and missed and I've got behind him/her, if they're still in the animation and turn around but their weapon is down, it'll still hit - this is absolutely painstaking and it's ruining the entire experience of this game for me. If you want to see recordings of this happening, CONSTANTLY, please feel free to ask for them as I've got examples of the hitbox being a joke in spades. I love this game and it's just upsetting how BADLY messed up it is at the moment and how DESPERATELY it needs a fix ASAP.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited November 2018

    Melee hits are not registered via weapon hitboxes. The weapon swing is just a visual animation for immersion and no indication for a hit.

    Latency just makes everything worse btw, if it happens in every game, then you are the cause of the problem (close other applications, use wired instead of wireless, force sister to stop watchign netflix etc :wink: )

  • iamzammm
    iamzammm Member Posts: 18

    Then how are they registered? Because I'm taking hits left, right and center at the moment that are all miles away from me. I can see the killer swinging one way after I've moved the other direction, but I get hit or there'll be a swing from the killer from a fair distance away but it'll still hit me - this can't purely be latency issues because it's happening in games where the connection is good as well as in games where it's average. See, I thought the same thing about potential lag but the same things happen to the entire group that I play with, in more or less every game. I have a wired connection and run nothing but party chat at the same time as the game on my Xbox One X. There's definitely something wrong with the game at the moment that needs fixing because trying to play as a survivor main right now is impossible.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    It's called "LAG".

    But you are right, the hit detection sucks. Way to many hits are not detected.

    @iamzammm said:
    Then how are they registered?

    Survivor have a hitbox -like an upright mini wiener- and some animations go outside these static box.
    Killer have a hitcone in front of them and the system checks if part of that cone and part of that hitbox connect during the swing animation.

  • iamzammm
    iamzammm Member Posts: 18

    I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're a killer main and not bother replying to more or less anything you've said. The whole purpose of this post was to put my views across and hope some of the devs see how messed up their game is at the moment for people trying to play survivor, which is not down to just lag. I admit that there's gonna be times when lag screws you over and does, but not in every game and certainly not with more or less every swing coming my way.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @iamzammm said:
    I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're a killer main and not bother replying to more or less anything you've said. The whole purpose of this post was to put my views across and hope some of the devs see how messed up their game is at the moment for people trying to play survivor, which is not down to just lag. I admit that there's gonna be times when lag screws you over and does, but not in every game and certainly not with more or less every swing coming my way.

    "im just going to ignore you because the truth disagrees with my biased view and i just want more escapes for no effort"
    your post is pointless nonsense

  • iamzammm
    iamzammm Member Posts: 18

    No, just simply that a killer isn't going to admit that they're OP and survivors have been nerfed to kingdom come and that we can get hit from swings nowhere near.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @iamzammm said:
    I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're a killer main and not bother replying to more or less anything you've said.

    And I am assuming that you are a tryhard survivor main that never ever play killer. :P

  • iamzammm
    iamzammm Member Posts: 18

    Nope, just your regular survivor, trying to play a game I like without getting screwed by lazy development.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @iamzammm said:
    Nope, just your regular survivor, trying to play a game I like without getting screwed by lazy development.

    Devs spoon feed survivor for over a year now.
    Survivor issues get fixed within days, killer issues hardly get ever acknowledged.
    So you better hold your horses, buddy.

  • iamzammm
    iamzammm Member Posts: 18

    Basically every nerf that's happened to this game in the last year has been to survivor so I don't know what you're talking about, and don't go off on me because you're not happy about being unable to pick up downed survivors if they're being healed.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2018

    So you just show that you never read the patch notes and choose to ignore any nerfs to killer. It's sad to make those false claims.

    And yes, Freddy unable to pick up survivor that get healed is stupid af and needs to be fixed. This is actually an exploit in my book.
    And btw very nice you took the time to read my other postings.^^

  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @iamzammm said:
    I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're a killer main and not bother replying to more or less anything you've said. The whole purpose of this post was to put my views across and hope some of the devs see how messed up their game is at the moment for people trying to play survivor, which is not down to just lag. I admit that there's gonna be times when lag screws you over and does, but not in every game and certainly not with more or less every swing coming my way.

    Wolf74 and yeet are correct on what they said. I am a survivor main and I know what your referring to but yes it is a slight lag issue. That and the survivor hit box's are like a mini weiner. There is a dev video that shows it and your character could be hunched over but the hit box extends above his head by about half a head height and his face extends out of the hit box as well. Once you see it it makes a lot of sense as to why you get hit sometimes and others you dont.

    I dont agree with the hitbox's but I am not a programer so I cant say I could do any better. I will see if I can find the video. Someone posted it on here a while back.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Watch the following video. Skip to about 42 mins in and you can see what the player's hitboxes actually look like:

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @iamzammm said:
    No, just simply that a killer isn't going to admit that they're OP and survivors have been nerfed to kingdom come and that we can get hit from swings nowhere near.

    Name me 1 survivor nerf with the last patch that even shook up the issues that killers at highranks have and I will gift you a steam game for up to 59,99.

    Oh wait you can't because nothing about the hitboxes was changed, looping is still as easy as ever and gens still get rushed.

  • Demonsouls1993
    Demonsouls1993 Member Posts: 261
    Oh look more survivors who never touched killer in their life
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @iamzammm said:
    No, just simply that a killer isn't going to admit that they're OP and survivors have been nerfed to kingdom come and that we can get hit from swings nowhere near.

    Name me 1 survivor nerf with the last patch that even shook up the issues that killers at highranks have and I will gift you a steam game for up to 59,99.

    Oh wait you can't because nothing about the hitboxes was changed, looping is still as easy as ever and gens still get rushed.

    Owned :lol:

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    iamzammm said:

    Nope, just your regular survivor, trying to play a game I like without getting screwed by lazy development.

    wait, like when infinite loops existed? Or when vacuum blinking in the other side was a thing? Or when you could insta blind?

    BTW if you are on console just don't use wifi. Just don't
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @iamzammm said:
    Then how are they registered? Because I'm taking hits left, right and center at the moment that are all miles away from me. I can see the killer swinging one way after I've moved the other direction, but I get hit or there'll be a swing from the killer from a fair distance away but it'll still hit me - this can't purely be latency issues because it's happening in games where the connection is good as well as in games where it's average. See, I thought the same thing about potential lag but the same things happen to the entire group that I play with, in more or less every game. I have a wired connection and run nothing but party chat at the same time as the game on my Xbox One X. There's definitely something wrong with the game at the moment that needs fixing because trying to play as a survivor main right now is impossible.

    when the killer swings his weapon, the game marks an area of effect in front of him. when a survivor hitbox is within this area, he'll get hit. if the killer turns, the area also turns, so its always in front of him. thats how he is able to 180° hit you.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    Tbh from the title I thought this post was going to be about killer hitboxes and how they should be made smaller to combat looping. To my surprise it wasn’t. The more you know.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited November 2018

    @Malakir said:
    iamzammm said:

    Nope, just your regular survivor, trying to play a game I like without getting screwed by lazy development.

    wait, like when infinite loops existed? Or when vacuum blinking in the other side was a thing? Or when you could insta blind?

    BTW if you are on console just don't use wifi. Just don't

    Everyone on console uses wifi because they dont bother setting up cables etc.
    Thats sth only pc gamers do in order to compete in fps games, console users usually dont give a damn because they play more casually (I never bothered setting up wired connection to my console either even though I had the possibility to do so)

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Master said:

    @Malakir said:
    iamzammm said:

    Nope, just your regular survivor, trying to play a game I like without getting screwed by lazy development.

    wait, like when infinite loops existed? Or when vacuum blinking in the other side was a thing? Or when you could insta blind?

    BTW if you are on console just don't use wifi. Just don't

    Everyone on console uses wifi because they dont bother setting up cables etc.
    Thats sth only pc gamers do in order to compete in fps games, console users usually dont give a damn because they play more casually (I never bothered setting up wired connection to my console either even though I had the possibility to do so)

    Everyone? I have ethernet cables set up on all my consoles and PC.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @Malakir said:
    iamzammm said:

    Nope, just your regular survivor, trying to play a game I like without getting screwed by lazy development.

    wait, like when infinite loops existed? Or when vacuum blinking in the other side was a thing? Or when you could insta blind?

    BTW if you are on console just don't use wifi. Just don't

    Everyone on console uses wifi because they dont bother setting up cables etc.
    Thats sth only pc gamers do in order to compete in fps games, console users usually dont give a damn because they play more casually (I never bothered setting up wired connection to my console either even though I had the possibility to do so)

    Everyone? I have ethernet cables set up on all my consoles and PC.

    Sorry, 99%

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited November 2018
    "You're wrong, here is how hit detection actually work...


  • Marvett
    Marvett Member Posts: 159

    all the hitboxes in this game are insane,
    if we add the lag then ... gg ez.