Dead by daylight is not ready for competitive:

3:34:15 , the pig match. This match shows why dbd is still not ready as a game and for it's mechanics. Pig is too weak of a killer, and with only a dash that can't counter pre dropped pallets and big loops the gens just fly very fast to 2 gens until traps (RNG based) don't do enough because you're not gonna use all of them before the exit gates get powered.
To conclude devs, I'd balance the weakest killers and nerf the really op perks before even doing a tournament
It's never gonna be. Thank God. I love it just as it is- a casual fun game.
Or casual stress as killer.
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never gonna be either,anyone who said is be ready someday fooling them self's.
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Wait... You're saying killers lose to survivors on the highest level of play ?
Now that's shocking and totally not what everyone knows already lol.
Sorry for the sarcasm but really that's not news to anyone. Killer skill does not matter in DBD and never will because the game is intentionally balanced around the mediocre survivor level.
And even at that level of balance average solo survivors struggle to escape regularly.
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Anne Hathaway to portray the next jigsaw killer in saw 59 4D VR?
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LOL, this game has championships now? How long have I been gone?
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Dbd will never and should never be a tournament game. It’s too random and unbalanced for this
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Pig wiped the floor with those survivors though. Only the meg got away and she only did because she fished a key.
While you are absolutely correct that DBD is not a game that will ever be ready for competitive play, Pig a "weak" killer was more than strong enough to massacre the survivor team.
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when have the devs ever said they wanted it to be a true competitive game?
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Well, to say it can NEVER be competitive is silly. (not to the OP, but other posters)
To say it isn't ready for it, I agree wholeheartedly. One of the worst balanced games I've ever played with the weirdest mechanics and plagued by bugs.
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You are implying those things can't be fixed.
This game will eventually die if there isn't a good pro scene. There is a reason LoL is still one of the (the?) most played games in the world.
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comparing LoL to dead by daylight is very funny, good joke.
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Watched this and all I could think is why aren't my survivors this bad. I can go 10 matches straight and not get a single survivor close to what I witnessed. Not top level play but I think they were trying to avoid the 50/50 snowball chance of high skilled player games.
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Pig is weak in that format. Not capable of downing stronger runners efficiently. That's just a typical Pig game in competitive play. It's what happens to a lot of M1 killers when survivors can dump map resources freely because their teammates are hyper-efficient on gens. The survivors were solid, even if builds were odd. The corner tech was brilliant. Put Pig in a lose-lose. Pick up and lose the gen or slug and lose the hook.
Her build was really suspect though. Not taking Corrupt Intervention on Shelter Woods is ascended. Ruin does nothing if you can't patrol. Shelter is pretty big and Pig isn't mobile. So not only are you giving survivors free roam immediately, you're devaluing your Ruin by not taking Corrupt. Pig isn't going to accumulate a lot of hooks in comp, so perks like PGTW and Devour aren't good on her either. The better play was Corrupt/Ruin/Undying/NOED.
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You are obviously missing the point. I don't disagree that this game is ready for serious competitive play. What i disagree with, is the notion that the reasons that it isn't ready, can't or shouldn't be fixed. The reason being, is that this game will die, likely in the next couple of years, unless they start doing these kinds of things. Another competitor will come along, and do it right, and people will leave for that game. I mentioned LoL as an example of something that, despite having a decent size field of games similar to it, it became extremely successful, largely in part due to the company taking competitive play seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they pay their pros an actual salary and run a league very similar to the NFL or other major sports leagues.
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Yes. I know all about esports. Dbd doesn’t take skill the same way other games that have pro scenes do. It also doesn’t have a big enough fan base for something that large.
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Again, you aren't making any rational point. I didn't say anything about the current state of the game being ready for it. I agree with that. I'm saying those things should be fixed. But if you want to disagree, fine, but at least give a valid rational reason why the game shouldn't be one ever, as in, devs DON'T fix those things.
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Lol is nothing special. 2009 lol final fantasy 11 has 0 pro teams. but this ps2 gem is still playable on PC with servers and a sizeable community. what does having a pro group have to do with anything.if you make a good game they will come. O yes also it came out in 2002.
the point i was making is this game has 0 cosmedics. the only fee they have is the 12.99 a month you pay to play. also i think they added 2 1 dollar extra inventory slots. they still to this day make a profit. here check it out yourself
also steam numbers are deceptive as most people bought a physical copy .
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the issue is pig has one of the highest kill rates in the game so i doubt the devs will touch her
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No it's not. We all know that. If it is then these "championships" won't have 1000 rules player have to follow and gameplay that is heavily limited.
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Casual doesn't mean it has to be unbalanced, first. Second, nobody ever said it to be a casual game
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I think that's wrong though in my opinion at least. Solo survivors have been getting more aware of just splitting up on gens. If everyone just splits up on gens the game is done 95% of the time. You can loop for like 15 seconds, and as long as everyone glues to gens the killer doesn't stand a chance unless they slug.
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I've never watched a DBD tournament before, I've heard they have some weird win conditions and so players play strangely. Is this still the case?
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No, we actually need to balance around this. Killers getting 2 hooks by the time survivors completed 4 gens, even with full slowdown build and heavy restrictions on the survivor perks, is kinda ridiculous.
The tournament is good in the regard of showing how strong even heavily restricted survivors are.
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A game that's more based around RNG than actual skill will never be competitive
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Agreed! Your win or loss can depend on how lucky tiles spawned and how many pallets.
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Apart from all the many different things which make competitive dbd not make any sense, other games like mobas and fpses where everyone sweats and runs only the most meta stuff can still be fun and interesting to watch. In dbd those matches are pretty dull imo, even with a commentator excitedly talking about gen progress and current amount of slugs
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First of all, did I just watch green rank players because that’s what it seemed like to me? That Pig had no idea, was even getting stuck on corners. Those survivors weren’t even good either, they just did gens.
And yeah competitive games actually require skill, this game requires none. Also the amount of RNG involved is insane so no chance, and it’s been made to deliberately have RNG
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watching dead by daylight at the highest level of play (l o l) is very very boring. all of the balancing in the world could not change that.
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DbD tournaments?
Lol, imagine playing Basement Bubba at a tournament.
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this is exactly why the game is not ready at the moment. Just with RNG luck for tampered timer and sketch/gears pig can have a guaranteed kill 20% of the times if it is the last box to search. That's it
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It will never be, too much RNG, too much random stuff and not enough people following it to guarantee money from sponsors.
Most esports ventures have ended in monetary disasters, even a powerhouse in that department like Activision-Blizzard with several very succesful games had to fire a lot of their esport division workers and while we dont know the reasons odds are they are money related (as almost always are in the corporate world).
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Can't believe this game actually have people tryna to be competitive and completing in tournament.