Japanese Tournament may have the right idea about SWF balance

Since we all know SWF isn't going anywhere and you can't do anything about comms, period, I think the developers can use one of the ideas from the Japanese tournament to fix the SWF problem.
SWF Rule: When in SWF, no duplicate perks are allowed. Or maybe only 2 of each perk.
Something to that effect. Player loadout of excess perks will b e disabled and they have their 1 minute to fix that. I mean they were probably queuing before getting into lobby so they had time to do that earlier. And come on they're SWF they are friends they can discuss beforehand who gets what perk.
The big problem killers face with SWF -- is getting hit by 4 DS in one match. When coordinated an SWF can really abuse a lot of perks to make life hell for a killer. The perk limitation on the SWF loadout should go a long way in alleviating problems with SWF matches.
Solo players in a mixed team will not be penalized, but anyone in the SWF party should not be able to have duplicate perks.
I generally agree with the rule about limiting duplication of parks. (But still there were restrictions on offerings, items and add-ons. There were also restrictions on killer UR and VR. That'd be SWF with brand new parts, syringes, hemostats, maps and keys, and the ability to use purple test potion/oak tree/coins together.)
But still, the use of voice chat breaks SWF for the reason that we can share each other's location, killer location, palette availability, and lots of other information without perks.
To address this issue, the game should be divided into a casual mode that can be played in SWF and a solo only ranked match mode that cannot be played in SWF.
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solo mode is never going to happen. every game wants this and few every get it. SWF is very important to the population of DBD.
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Designing the game around this just isn't right. There are many SWF who are a group of friends that are actually terrible at the game. Aside from that... to make a system where peoples are restricted makes the pre-game lobby a clunky mess. Especially for the SWF groups who do not comm. A system like this only works in tournaments because pre-made teams of pro players can establish a plan far before a match begins (days/weeks) to delegate who gets what and the best way to use each perk kit per player. That's why it works. Often times, SWF groups are duos/trio stacks which would leave randoms in a strange way, unless you only want 4 stack restrictions and that's just not good game design.
They are attempting to stop the 4DS problem with the new changes. This is the correct path to do. Not perk restrictions. Now, a player wastes time off gens, off healing, off doing totems... if they want to run around with their DS (as it will deactivate the moment they touch something)
(getting to the last part of what you wrote)
Simply, this is not a proper system and really only targets the "higher level" players. Perks just need to be reworked to not be oppressive (which is what they are currently trying to do with the new DS and OoO)
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I really do not think you should punish people for playing with their friends. Just balance the game around SWF and we wont have to have SWF only balancing.
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It is a really selfish thought if I have to say.
Then if we balance with solo why killer should being punish for other players playing with their friend?
If we balance with swf why should solo player being punish for not playing with friend?
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I don't mean to deny playing with friends, but I don't see how it is any different from making another mutual friend and playing KYF.
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The think the best idea I heard was basically for when a SWf goes past 2 and has 3 people you get a extra perk..So, IF 4 people ina swf you get 2 extra perks If you are the killer
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i mean a killer could still get hit by 4 DS in most cases : 4 solos, 2 SWF of 2, 1 SWF of 2 + 2 solos. The only time that wouldn't happen is 1 SWF of 3 + 1 solo and 1 SWF of 4 which is pretty rare
But yeah i always thought 2 max of the same perk in a SWF group was a good way to "nerf" SWF without nerfing solo survivors even more.
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just buff solo to swf level then buff killer accordingly
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What about solo then?
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Solos actually aren't that much weaker than SWF.
Fixing the MM would already fix solos, and we could also add in a comms system like built in kindered.
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I already get 4 reds most games and it doesn’t fix the issue. A pinging system like apex could be interesting though
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Or we could make solo as strong as SWF, and then balance killers around SWF, that way people aren't punished or restricted gameplay-wise for wanting to play with their friends.
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Erm, I mean do you really think you can hold the tournament up as a pillar of balance?
I just skimmed it and it was like, 50% pigs running the RNG mori build and praying they got lucky.