Borrowed Time + Decisive Strike Needs Nerf

2 perks so op and clearly they both need nerf. When surv get save with borrowed time you need hit him twice for down. And surprise he saving himself with DS and chase starting again. Clearly devs need to nerf that. When you get save with BT, DS have to stay passive. DS have to work when you have not BT save.
Clearly survs have advantage with that perks.
Why u chasing the guy who just got unhooked and who has borrowed time?
Is this a bait post?
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You're whining literally about tunnelling lol.
As a killer main, I always go for the survivor that has completed the unhook IF I am still with in close proximity of the hooked survivor.
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How can you play against swf survivors. Destroy them one by one.
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Sounds like BT and DS are doing their job well in this situation.
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So you know they are SWF, yet you still tunnel the unhooked guy KNOWING very well he might have DS and BT ?
Sry to tell you, but you just shot yourself in the foot...
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Sounds like someone who wants to tunnel but has a harder time doing so. The way you describe those Perks they are doing what they should do.
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Yes i know but i thought he has only borrow time. That is why i was chase him. But point is they both need nerf.
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I won game with 3K but game was annoying.
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DS is getting nerfed and BT maybe only needs a nerf to counter it's ability to body block. But in this sense where you tunneled the survivor off hook? Nah, the perk doesn't need a nerf to help tunnelers.
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Maybe because you kept going after the person with but active?
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"Yes I know"
WHY u tunneling the guy who has BT + DS in a SWF? Even though, you say you knew.
If they're SWF it's more than safe to assume they all have BT + DS or at least some of them and the guy who unhooks has at least BT... Those perks exist for people like you.
You played yourself.
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am i getting judging because of play style? But i am not playing as tunneller killer lol
They were swf and it was not fair for me. So i played like them, unfair.
But point is not them. Point is BT + DS together giving you 3 hits chance for escape. How that fair for killers?
This perks jjust need little nerf. When you have protection from BT you cant use DS. Other times you can use. So that will be fair for everyone.
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DS is getting what it deserves already
But BT is completely fine bruh :v You wanna unhook in my face? Free hit for the unhooker
Thats a win for me
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It's a shame there's no second person you could go for in this situation.
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Hit the unhooker instead. It's pretty simple. If the Unhooked tries to body-block you, just slug them to waste their time.
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So a survivor is hooked, gets saved, killer comes and hits them, but the saving survivor had BT, then the poor survivor that was saved and hit again and chased, is downed and has DS, but the killer complains? There are a number of solutions for that. Don't chase the same survivor that was just unhooked or if you do, wait 60 seconds after the survivor was saved before picking them up.
By nerfing the perks, you are making the saved survivor even weaker. It's not their faul the killer is either camping or the other survivor just decided to save them right away instead of waiting for the killer to leave. It's not their fault the killer decides to tunnel them instead of going for the saving survivor. Both of these perks are there to give the survivor a chance in case they are chased by the killer right away. Would you like to be the saved survivor, with no chances of doing anything by being saved right in front of the killer and being chased again?
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That combo IS a problem at the very end when gates are open, but DS is getting a nerf that is welcome since it still offers protection against tunneling during the match but can no longer be used offensively
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Sounds like BT and DS doing what they're supposed to do even with the DS nerf... I don't see the problem here? You say you won the game with a 3k but BT and DS caused the game to be "annoying" so what you want is a survivor to have literally no chance and to get into super easy games so you won't be challenged. Luckily for you it sounds like you got into a pretty easy game cuz usually when killer tunnels as hard as you admitted to it's an easy escape for survivors. The entire point of those perks is to mitigate the style of play that you described. By all means feel free to play that way if you wish but don't come crying nerf because you find it annoying that there are perks that counter your playstyle which is considered super annoying by pretty much everyone that plays this game.
Like I said though play the way you want it's your game and you spent your money on it nobody can force you to play differently. What you described though is the definition of tunneling and like I said almost everyone finds tunneling killers extremely annoying. So why is it okay for you to play in an annoying way but people can't play in a way that annoys you even though you say you still won? Can't have your cake and eat it too.
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I also hate tunneller and camper killers and i am not playing like that. I did that against swf team. But that is not point like i said. Point is BT + DS combo is so strong. Survivors have advantage with that. Dont think just for tunnellers, in end game they can use that advantage.
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So just because someone wanted to play with a friend you had to try and ruin their experience by tunneling/camping. Okay then 😐
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In end game is the combo overpowered? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean they're overpowered at other points in the game.
Additionally, how do you know they were a swf? I'm a solo only player, yet I've been accused of playing swf multiple times because we played well.
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I am checking Steam profiles in lobby if they are Steam players. And they were friends on Steam.
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Cool, you know they're a swf then. Still doesn't justify having to tunnel.
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Tunnelling a strategy and you cant judge people for that
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There are times where I will accept tunneling, and then there's tunneling just to ruin a swf fun. Yes, there are those toxic swf that rush every gen, and they're ones where it is generally accepted that tunneling is fine. But when you're doing it just because you know some people are playing together, that just sucks the fun out of the game for both the opposite side, and for yourself, or atleast if I was in the same situation as you.
Additionally, running DS and BT is a strategy, so you shouldn't go calling for a nerf when it does its main purpose.
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Yes, that Survivor have the advantage there.
And they only do have it cause you're going for the one who has those 2 effects active.
Go for someone else.
Tunneling is a strategy, doesn't mean it's always the right one.
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Yeah, as a killer main I must say, this is hardcore tunneling... I strongly suggest that you don't go for the BT chase since you'll waste a lot of time and probably get DS'ed anyways... Unless you're a very good Nurse who don't care about DS 'cause those 5s of stun are the last 5s the survivor will be on their feet.
Anyway, just go for the unhooker, you'll waste way less time and you can always slug.
Edit: camp and tunnel as much as you want, the game is yours to play it in your way. But if it's giving you the big L's, don't complain... You need to know when you'll have an advantage in camping, slugging and tunneling.
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Don't camp
Don't tunnel
You are welcome.
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so you got 3K, you hard tunnel and maybe you camp and in the end still asking for nerf ? wow just wow
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Then don't judge and cry about survivors using these perks as a strategy to win.
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Ya instead thay should just buff for all of you tunnelers out. Youer even lucky that they are even nerfing decisive strike.
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i think decisive is fair in certain scenarios. like if your teammate is a moron and farms you, you need some sort of insurance policy. borrowed is meant to discourage proxy camping