Thread Closed

ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

Someone actually provided a valid piece of information to this thread (pic below), so the thread is now closed.

Thank you for he person who actually linked some evidence instead of going off because you have a superiority complex. I appreciate it!

Post edited by ttvbardberd on


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Aren't people getting a lack of reward for getting out?

    Thought i saw a screenshot floating around here that showed they had escaped, but no Emblem of any kind was rewarded in that category.

    Don't quote me on that btw, i don't remember where the screenshot is and i might just remember wrong.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302
  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I'd have to disagree. Literally made my account yesterday and have replied to multiple forum threads already because my Android phone always suggests me DBD threads, so I'd thought I'd make an account, lmao.

    Having my username have ttv in it is a simple way of letting people who share the same opinions as me find my content. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Good try tho I guess?

    In response to your other point, the system itself looks bugged for sure, but still awards you the same. So if you depip, it's still because you played badly, not because the game isn't working correctly.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    as I said in the previous reply, this is just the way of the game communicating to you how many pips you lost/got. The mechanics behind the scenes still work the same, but the visualisation is broken. The pip system still however rewards you for playing well. The only way to derank/depip is if you weren't playing fairly.

    In the video the guy was awarded 3 gold medals, which at purple ranks does award a pip, but the game says it didn't reach that far. The bug is with the visualisation, not the actual mechanics.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    Pipping is absolutely broken right now. Some people get it more than others. You are one of the "others."

    Some people are salty and pointing all sorts of fingers everywhere for why they suck at this game.

    I don't care about that I'm actually happy to be in the green ranks again. Well purple now I went back up because you know, that happens. Was pretty happy in the low ranks because it's more chill down there. Back in purple killers are getting sweaty again.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    maybe look through all of the forum and watch videos.

    People are losing a pip even if they do 3 gens multiple saves and escape, i should know its happened to me plenty.

    At this point by now i feel like you've made this post as a joke.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I wrote a reply but it deleted for some reason.

    As I said in the previous comment, the system itself looks bugged but the reward is still the same. So if you play well, you're rewarded for doing so, if you depip, it's because you played badly.

    The problem is with the visualisation of the pip system, not the mechanics of the pip system. It still works exactly the same.

    For example, in the clip, the guy gets 3 gold medals, which at purple ranks rewards a pip, which he got, but how it was visualised is bugged. Therefore, proving that it's the visualisation and not the game mechanics.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    No. This isn't correct. All evidence shows that it's the visualisation of the pip system that's broken, not the actual mechanics. Read the previous reply as I state this in more depth.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    the visualisation of the pip system is broken, but not the actual mechanics. If you do well you get pips, if you do badly you lose pips, hence why I made the post about how people are trying to exploit the latest update just to rant about.. nothing? I guess? (Which is what my whole post was about).

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Again, the actual bug isn't with the mechanics but the visualisation. If you're going to make a claim like that please include a screenshot, otherwise you're just making claims that you can't prove.

    The only reason I even mentioned my stream was because, I have proof of this not being the case, in many VODS, therefore defending my point.

    The mechanics aren't broken, the visualisation is. So if you depipped it's probably because you didn't do well in the match.

    If you depip for someone disconnecting, that's not a pip issue but another issue entirely.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Again, completely missing the context of the entire post, please read the previous comments and replies first. The problem isn't with the game mechanics but the visualisation. If you're depipping, it is because you did badly, but the games visualisation of that show that you did well, which yes, is a bug and needs fixing.

    The post was aimed toward the people who claim that the big is screwing them over when in fact, it's not, and they're just bad.

    And yes, although in the screenshot you provided it looks like you did well enough, it probably is just the visualisation of the pip system telling you you did good, when in fact you didn't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    You can't possibly be this braindead.

    It is not a visual bug. You absolutely depip.

    You're like one of those flat earthers who is shown a picture of earth from outer space and claim that it just a camera trick.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021

    The fact is the visualisation of the pip system is broken, not the game mechanics. So the game shows you did well when you didn't. (That's a fact!)

  • wig
    wig Member Posts: 18

    dude are you trolling? This can’t be for real.

    We’re not trying to exploit anything we just want the game to work properly. Don’t be so ignorant as to think that just because you aren’t experiencing the issue it’s not real.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,897
  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190
    edited February 2021

    My friend has to double pip just to regular pip right now , you can spew off all this nonsense to try and get your not so popping ttv some views all you want but that doesn't change the fact that this bug is affecting other players , my friend is at rank 10 right now he's better than me and I'm a rank 1 I literally watched the man get 3 flashlight saves 2 unhooks and heals, escape the match without getting downed after being chased for a gen and then escape only to have a depip on the end screen, tell me mr ttv gamer how you can have a perfect game and depip if you're bad?

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Ah, the classic "I'm right you're wrong" defense without providing proof that it has happened to you. You realize only a small handful of the entire community has dealt with this problem relative to every player, right?

    If it's happened to you, please provide a screenshot. As it hasn't happened to me, I provided proof with the vods on my stream, and further backed up my point with the visualisation being broken, not the mechanics.

    As I play well, I don't depip, therefore supporting my argument further. There are players who are just good at the game, but I digress.

    You seem to be missing the context of the post in its entirety.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021

    Oh! Sorry I completely got that wrong didn't I! Sigh. Only question, though, please provide proof of this occurrence? It seems like you're just.. spouting bs?

    You can't just make claims. Please provide proof. Every piece of evidence in this thread has almost certainly pointed towards the visualisation being bugged, not the mechanics of the game.

    (Glad you missed the context of the post too.. I guess?) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    That's not correct in the slightest. Why do I not get an unbroken emblem now when I don't escape, but I stayed alive the entire match until the very end. You use to get at least a silver most times. Now you get nothing if you don't escape. I derank most of the time now if I don't get iridescent in at least 2 category's along with a silver or gold if I don't escape. The visuals are not busted. They work just fine.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I'm not saying that just because I'm not experiencing the issues it's not a real thing, I'm pointing out the people who claim for it to be a thing when actually it's just them being bad and not providing any proof to defend their case.

    Every piece of evidence I've seen seems to indicate it's the visualisation aspect of the pip system that's broken, not the actual game mechanics.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    Yea because I'm supposed to log onto someone else's steam account and provide screenshots? All the posts and comments you see are enough to prove my point , there's no way that many people report having the same bug and I may have been inclined to agree if I didn't know someone with the same bug that I play with everyday , you're the one on here spouting BS to try and draw attention to your lame ass ttv nobody wants to watch

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    You probably are getting silvers, but it's just showing up visually, this is the entire point. In order for this code to be bugged, someone would have had to manually go in and change it, it's a completely separate part of code from the matchmaking and determines what emblems you get/pips from the post-game review.

    Again, there is definitely a bug, but it's almost certainly a visual one.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    🤣... I think the only issue is you have no idea what you're talking about.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    I love how you provide the proof and he still wants to pretend like he hasn't seen evidence like a true bot just trying to bait people

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Ah, what you're saying is that I don't think there is bug, when nowhere in this entire post have I made that case. I said that the bug is mostly certainly a visual one, not a mechanical one. But go off I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    What the hell are you on about?? The system is bugged. It's definitely NOT a visual bug.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    No, I examined the proof. You seem to be manufacturing bs out of thing air I guess? I've replied to the people showing evidence, and it almost certainly looks like a visual bug.

    The video shows the guy with three gold emblems, which resulted in a +1, only the VISUALISATION of that did not match the actual MECHANICS of the game. He got three gold emblems, yet it said he didn't get enough to pip, yet he did??? Seems to indicate that the VISUALISATION is the problem and not the actual pip mechanics, as he still did well and pipped.

    The image of the two gold's and one iridescent should have been a pip, and the VISUALISATION shows that he reached the pip, but the MECHANICS show that he intact did not pip, further proving that it's probably THE VISUALS, saying he got those emblems when he probably didn't.

    Both of these pieces of evidence point towards the visual aspect of the game being bugged and not the mechanics. If someone can actually provide an actual piece of evidence that shows that it's the mechanics of the game and not the visualisation, then I'll happily retract my statement, however, no one has. You need evidence to back up your claims. Did school teach you nothing about references and proof-reading?

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    What is happening to you personally is not the baseline of truth for the entire game. Just because you haven't experienced it, doesn't mean thousands of players are automatically wrong or mistaken.

    I've lost 2 pips for a Killer disconnecting. It wasn't "just a visualization bug". It was a literal de-rank. This has been happening since the update, and maybe by the time you studied it they've tried to apply some fixes. I've noticed just in the past day or so that I sometimes pip normally, but at the same time, every third game I de-pip when it says I safety pipped. I still de-pip when a Killer d/c's. I lost 3 ranks the first few days after the update. I was trying to grind my way back up so I don't have to play with potatoes who leave team mates to die on their first hook while they crouch in a corner, but I've opted to just play Killer until said issues are fixed.

    We aren't all blind and dumb. We know when we're losing full ranks.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,190

    Well that's up to one of them to provide that because I'm not experiencing the bug I've just saw screenshots and short clips from my friends with thousands of hours in this game that prove you totally wrong but that's fine I'll see myself out while you sit here and be delusional ignoring a mass of people saying the same exact thing about this bug while trying to draw attention to yourself

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,096

    Good to know everyone on this 6 page bug report post are wrong just because you never experience it.

    There's multiple other posts in bug report section of players with proof they have lost pips when they should've gained them or atleast safety pipped. It's more than visual. I've lost pips from players DC during the loading screen. I've lost 2 pips multiple times even though my entire team escapes and I've completed gens, safe unhooks, and had been chased. You're not supposed to lose 2 pips from completing matches but it's happening. It's not just a visual bug, I have dropped rank from the -1 pips when someone DCs during loading or the -2 pips even though I escaped. But go ahead, tell everyone that is telling you players are losing pips it's not happening just because you personally have not experienced it.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    Don't forget he's also telling everyone who has lost a pip to this bug is a bad player and they need to get better.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I haven't said that it's not an issue. It definitely is. But it's a visual one, not a mechanical one. Please read the replies and try again.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Ah here we go, further proving my point. You said it hasn't happened to you, it also hasn't happened to me. Why is that an argument people use, when I've clearly acknowledged it hasn't happened to me but has happened to other people.

    There is definitely a bug, but a visual one, not a mechanical one.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021

    Good to know you haven't read any of my replies in this thread or the edit I made to the original posts lmao.

    Just because I haven't experienced it, doesn't mean it's not an issue. I feel the same way! Maybe if you read my replies you'd see that? Lmao.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    That's interesting.. I don't remember saying that? Why don't you link some evide-- ah wait, there is none. Oof.

    Please read the post, you literally have no argument and are providing nothing to the conversation. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    So you think losing a Rank through a Killer disconnecting, and remaining at that Rank, which affects who you're matched with in a survivor queue is "just visual" even though it affects game play.

    What is it like to be the center of the universe, that your personal experience is so correct, and so absolute that it becomes truth the world over? I'd like to live that way for just one day. But alas, that cursed objectivity keeps screwing me over.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    here is one of the many times that you have said it's because people 'played badly' and that's one of the first times you've said it.

    honestly quit while your ahead, nobody agrees with you and you have no facts yourself its your theory and you are claiming its facts.

    It's you fighting the community.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,096

    I didn't say you don't think it's an issue, I said it's not just visual like you keep claiming. We do not feel the same way because you just think it's visual. It is not just visual when players are losing pips from DC during loading or losing 2 pips after escaping.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Here we go again, completely taking what I said out of context lmao.

    When I'm talking about visualisation, I'm talking about the actual visual aspect where it shows you how many pips you, emblems etc. There are two underlining factors when it comes to this bug.

    There's either the visualisation of the pips/medals that's broken, or the mechanics that broken.

    I can't sit here and say I'd know what it would like if the pip mechanics were broken, I theorise that maybe you'd play and the pips would just never get awarded at all, which is impossible because the Devs wouldn't let that happen.

    I can sit here and say though, that every piece of evidence, to ME indicates that it's a visual bug for the PIPS ONLY and not a mechanical bug.

    It's basically easier to say it's visual rather than it being mechanical.

    Now, what you're implying that I'm saying is that this doesn't affect the game at all, which for 100th time, is not what I said.

    But you keep putting words in my mouth, it doesn't really help your defense I guess? You're supposed to change someone's opinions with facts and knowledge, instead of shutting every discussion down because "it's not what a small minority of players" are experiencing.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021
    Post edited by ttvbardberd on
  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144
    edited February 2021
    Post edited by ttvbardberd on
  • KlapzCheeks
    KlapzCheeks Member Posts: 171

    Theres literal pages of evidence of the issues in the bug report section. Youre sitting here acting like youre a dev telling us whats wrong. Then you pop off at the fact people are telling you that youre trying to get views on Twitch saying youre not BUT youre saying YOUR proof is IN YOUR TWITCH VODS. You have under 400 followers and your DBD vods are at 150+ views? Not to mention your VODs are sub only. On one of your VODs you have 284 views, so what youre trying to sell eveyone here is more than 3/4 of your followers are subbed and watch your VODS that much? HA

This discussion has been closed.