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[PC] The Emblem System and Pips are broken



  • Rybe
    Rybe Member Posts: 44

    I'm purple...i was wondering why i was having such a hard time ranking back up

  • Is there an ETA on an update?

    Additionally, how broad is this issue?

    It wouldn't be so bad if it was across the board, but some survivors play like their rank. i.e. I'm a rank 4 playing at 8. They play like 8s

  • Kotentopf
    Kotentopf Member Posts: 276

    Why is this not hotfixed yet?

  • Isenherz
    Isenherz Member Posts: 3

    I lost many pips at the last days!

  • ThePugStone
    ThePugStone Member Posts: 11

    Just to add to the list of PIP photos. I also lose pips from a DC'd match at load screen as well.

  • Immy1
    Immy1 Member Posts: 2

    Oh look at this one...

    Was 8, bar clearly shows what should be a plus one but says 0 progress and I depipped down to 9. I thought maybe it was a glitch and left the screen to see my level and yes I'm down to 9. Am I missing something??? Rank isn't a huge deal for me but with all the issues and I use the player report feature and nothing seems to change. Maybe this will help if I start posting them all here.

  • ThePugStone
    ThePugStone Member Posts: 11

    Not even two games later, my second depip in the safety zone! Ill reaching for Rank 20 one game at a time.

  • Tim16HD
    Tim16HD Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2021

    I have the same bug

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    Losing pips when I've had safe unhooks, completed gens, and escapes is wicked obnoxious - especially when the game decides to do -2 pips when I should've received a pip.

  • Chaoseti
    Chaoseti Member Posts: 13

    Today I have died twice and lived once. Each one of those games I have received gold unbroken. However I should only get max silver unbroken on death I believe despite alive time. Pips are still being weird, I thought that had been fixed last patch? or am I mistaken?

  • maxkang
    maxkang Member Posts: 4

    "Losing pips even though you appear to have safety pipped: Fixed in 4.5.2 (this was a visual bug where the game would incorrectly show you a higher quality emblem that you actually earned)"

    Match ended at the beginning due to a player's connection lost. I remember this won't cause pip loss.

  • Nevrion
    Nevrion Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2021

    I was just wondering when the dev's think I would be able to play the game again with none of these emblem issues? I mean ... the current rift-season won't stop, because of that, isn't it? Any ideas?

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    Idk why they didnt hotfixed in 4.5.1, but instead in 4.5.2, AND this killer hits lmao. ######### did they with the whole patch? Supposed to have new UI, but they achieved to fuc us in all ways: UI, rank progression, game experience. But ey, just wait to 4.5.2, which is ahead with no ETA lmao. WORST QA EVER

  • Emby
    Emby Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2021

    Edit: added screenshot

    They did say it was fixed in the most recent patch but the pipping system is still messed up for me after the patch went live.

    I made sure to capture the date and time in the screenshot for proof.

    Post edited by Emby on
  • Basic2000
    Basic2000 Member Posts: 1

    See I though I was going crazy at first but I noticed this issue and I was like #########???

  • This fatal problem occurred out of self-righteous self-satisfaction by the staff of behaviour. In addition, they neglected quick correspondence in spite of so severe bug, malfunction.

    The possibility that they repeat the same mistake again will be very high in future.

    We must take some kind of actions. You must not remain silent.

  • Bot000x
    Bot000x Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2021

    You guys are lucky :) at one game i depipped 52 in one game and now I'm just playing just for fun because the game decide if I rank up or not even if I had no emblems still I get pips or lose it just random

    I think this game should have no updates. every update comes with funny bugs I'm afraid if this keep going we will have a bug that destroys the PC lol 🤣


  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225
  • wig
    wig Member Posts: 18

    Has this finally be fixed in 4.5.2?

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    Fix patch 4.5.2 now the issue with the ranking system and broken pips and unbroken?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,542
    edited February 2021

    @LapisInfernalis is that since the update today please?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    yes. I just noticed that i got a Golden Unbroken when I died.

    This one was also post 4.5.2 but this one is fine. I died and got Silver Unbroken.

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2021

    I've played today without the patch as I wasn't aware it was ready. My friends told me to check steam, and the download was waiting to start... Played after patching, and unbroken emblem was exactly gold (I survived in a long game) but no extra points. I suspect it is gold capped? Idk, I'll keep an eye on it.

  • wig
    wig Member Posts: 18

    I played a couple games and everything seems to be fixed, although I did escape every match.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Escapes are fixed (I guess). But an Iri Unbroken after being Tombstoned seems not right.

    Well... Technically I died (aka escaped) the match without getting downed once XD

  • tomtomrc89
    tomtomrc89 Member Posts: 6

    Hi! New on the forum.

    Just to note I’d had the same issues: pip system calculating gains/neutrals/losses incorrectly and unbroken blacked out despite long running games.

    tried tonight after patch and unbroken working OK... But:

    • had a game where I de-pipped despite getting a neutral score (should have been zero pip change) and
    • just had two games in a row where someone disconnected prior to starting and I lost a further two pips because of it (and a toolbox)

    so doesn’t seem to be resolved (on pc). Frustrating!

  • wig
    wig Member Posts: 18

    Maybe it’s compensation for all the ones you were denied before? 😂 I escaped every match broken and got gold every time so maybe not the best test...

    I’m on PS4 and the pip calculation has been fixed for me but evidently this is not the case for everyone.

    losing pips when someone disconnects has been happening to me for a very long time (before 4.5.0) and I have reported it many times.

    it is very frustrating especially since I haven’t seen it properly addressed, other than bhvr saying it’s just a visual bug when it’s more than that.

    Just speculation on my end but maybe it’s not a priority for them since they basically want to get rid of rank anyway. Personally I wish they’d keep rank and improve it to better reflect skill whilst implementing some other way to reward frequent players.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Here is the Tombstone match I mentioned.

    The other Emblems seem fine:

    Myers never hooked or hit anyone, so bronze Benevolent is accurate. Gens flew by, so silver Lightbringer seems OK and since Myers got PWYF and I was the Obsession (and therefore "escaped" many chases), golden Evader seems alright as well.

    Only the Iri Unbroken is off 2-3 categories when you don't escape.

  • Cealdor
    Cealdor Member Posts: 3

    first game after the update still has this problem.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2021

    I posted this in another thread but this one seems more popular so I'll post it here too. Sorry for the duplicate post

    This issue is post 4.5.2

    So when is this being acknowledged properly and fixed? This issue has been out since 4.5.0 and the only thing that's been mentioned is the so called visual bug with the unbroken emblem. Players have been complaining left right and center every single day since this became an issue and yet there's still no real acknowledgment on it. There is clearly a HUGE issue with the ranking system that is far more than just visual and this is a well known fact not just a rare bug that happens sometimes.

    • If you get into a match and someone disconnects before the match starts -1
    • Getting to a safety pip results in - 1 pip
    • Sometimes when getting two pips you receive only one
    • Sometimes getting one pip results in two
    • Sometimes getting one pip results in safety pip
    • Unbroken emblem non existence when dying in matches
    • Unbroken emblem displays as gold when dying in matches
    • Ranks on the post screen scoreboard displayed incorrectly

    That's the list of the current effects of this bug. Hopefully that can help.

  • JessPup
    JessPup Member Posts: 4

    Just had 2 survivors DC followed by the killer DC-ing on Disturbed Ward and got a pip when I shouldn’t have? This is since the 4.5.2 patch and I’m playing on PS4.

  • I commented last time, but after all they committed the same mistake again.

    They delivered 4.5.2 without actually doing that I debugged that I played, but only disappointed us.

    They said that they revise an assessment bug before, but are not revised at all. This is fraud obviously.

  • Chaoseti
    Chaoseti Member Posts: 13

    I am also on PC and seeing the pip issue still, after patch.

    also my rank on the left there has been consistently wrong.

  • Godlibear
    Godlibear Member Posts: 3

    Pip system is clearly still not fixed guys, this was clearly over the safety pip and it still de-piped and de-ranked me. (PC patch 4.5.2)

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I just created a new thread about this particular issue, but I think it's way better to feed this one. So, I had a Killer who disconnected during the match and I got a depip... and a DC penalty. I enter a new match, someone DC (I can't even tell if it was still the Killer, but second Trapper in a row, maybe I got the exact same player, I didn't notice), I got a depip and a new DC penalty. Two DC penalties in a row when I never touch the "Disconnect" button...

    We can add this one to the list.

  • wig
    wig Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2021

    Behaviour, please finally acknowledge this.

  • Slein
    Slein Member Posts: 1

    4.5.2 still the same

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited February 2021

    I've lost a pip due "losing" a match which didn't even start due a disconnection in the loading screen.

    Pretty good job so far *clap clap clap clap*

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I confirm it still happens. I've got no issue with getting the emblems (for now at least), but the depip bug is here. I share a screenshot of a match I just finished (like one minute ago).

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    So, I went on Twitter:

    And here the answer:

    From what I understand, the bug which was fixed was the emblem not appearing, not the depiping issue.

  • slayer925
    slayer925 Member Posts: 26

    Visual bug Kappa

  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 266

    This is serious? More then 2 weeks since that epic update, and rank system still not working? Why you not rollback until it fixed?

    2k as a killer is depip on rank 3.

    3k as a killer is safepip even tho i did not camp at all, and they didn't open the gates, the last one escaped on the hatch.

    4k as a killer is 0 progression, but it shows +1. And i get no rank progression. And also how the hell it is not doublepip? Near all of this I think emblems still not work right.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    Unbroken Bug is finally fixed. But pips are still wrong. Last match I should get 1+ but I got 0. So waiting for the next update :)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Unbroken is not fixed when dying:

    I was Tombstoned in that match. Getting Iri would be impossible in this case.

  • Lord_Weibull
    Lord_Weibull Member Posts: 1

    Unbroken Bug is still there. Didn't escape, got "Escaped broken".

  • ShadowDraft
    ShadowDraft Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2021

    It's still happening. Died on first hook.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,324

    After update I'm still losing pips if I safety pip during a match, someone DC during loading, or killer DCs during a match.

  • Chaoseti
    Chaoseti Member Posts: 13

    No one DC'ed in my game but i still didn't pip.