Once the Desync Issues are Fixed, Survivors will Mostly Win

Even with the desync issues I can barely catch up to or hit any survivors. Killers feel like they have a ball and chain wrapped around their feet and are so slow. After getting infinite looped for awhile I just stopped and let the survivors just go. Of course they decided to taunt and tbag and wouldn’t leave. Once the desync issues are fixed honestly survivors have nothing to complain about. Most Killers have to go hard and aggressive right from the get go or else get gen rushed before they even find someone. Most killers seem to have been nerfed to the point you can just laugh at them, which now most survivors do. It’s just depressing really the sorry state of this game. Nothing about the Killers feels right and I can’t even get one kill lately. If the survivors are only halfway decent they can run roughshot over killers. I was mostly a survivor main but have been trying out killer lately. It’s not fun really. Just stressful and all around toxic.


  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’m saying once the desync issues are fixed and they can tell if the killer is close or not. Survivors will start to win an insane amount.

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    I mean, I've consistently hit rank 1 every reset since I started playing, and the game is kind of awful for killers right now. I really don't know what it is, but gens are seemingly going faster than they've ever been, and the minute you start getting an advantage as killer, someone finds a key and 2-3 people escape anyway. The DS changes can't come soon enough, but it really feels like the core gameplay loop is even more broken than what it usually is. I'm holding my breath for the fabled Game start fix that is allegedly coming, but the game just really isn't fun for killers right now

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I mean... the desync issue has only been around for a week and a half. Killers were just fine before then.

    Sad to say, but the game has been out for almost 5 years now, so most of the survivors you're going against are gonna have hundreds if not thousands of hours of experience. The more experience you acquire and the more skills you learn the more you'll be able to bridge that gap and be able to compete against them.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Yep, being outranked sucks. But don't let their rank get to your nerves. There are SO MANY high ranked potatoes, where you wonder how they even got there. If you still face experienced teams, and you feel you cannot win, try to chance your mindset about it. Like, just ignore gens and try to catch the best looper of them. Take a good look how they move, try to understand why, and try to come up with a counter to their movement. If it's all just "chase training", try out some stuff like hiding your stain or moonwlaking. And if the survivors are not total scumbags, maybe just ask them if they can give you some tipps.

    About gens popping fast, when starting into a match, scan for all the gens, and if you spot one or two far away, jsut give them up on the spot. The first gens are the fastest being completed, you cannot prevent that until the survivor through the game hard. It always slows down significantly the more gens are done alredy. So try to make sure they finish low-importance gens first, so it gets more difficult for them to finihs the high-importance ones.

    About decent perks, imo the best gen regression perk is pop from clown, which you can get via shards. This one I would deem mandatory, esp with low mobility killers (but do not let yourself lure to a far away gen to pop that, sometimes it's better to just let the pop regression go to waste.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    It'll be the same. If you play solo, you will most likely die and lose. If you play SWF, you will most like win if your team is any good.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I think you should play more survivor before making predictions like this.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I main survivor, and if I didn’t solo and have a team we could probably at least escape with two most of time. Solo though you get nothing but potatoes

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    So you just admitted with solo queue you get nothing but potatoes. If that's the case, how do figure survivors will mostly win? Most survivors play by themselves.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve noticed lately theres an uptick in parties and such. So the solo que thing is slowly being dealt with. Sure there will always be randoms but I’ve seen a lot more parties lately. Just having a two party survivor boosts the survivors greatly.

  • Sand
    Sand Member Posts: 179

    Just play like a douche haha easiest way to win as killer tbh. Just slug for the 4k or tunnel the worst survivor to even the playing field. Survivor has always been significantly easier than killer and the devs will probably never balance the game.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Bruz why not take a step back and stop venting on the forums about your experiences. Most of your recent threads is talking about yourself and complaining. Like why ask for sympathy from other users here and not just invest your time in improving?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    I mean, tbh the de-sync has been making the game harder for some killers too.

    As deathslinger when I shoot people now the spear passes right through them. It wasn't this bad before the update.

    Also they do a bunch of actions before the spear even registers it's been hit, looking like a gross hit on their screen, and being a wasted shot on yours.

    On the other hand, huntress can now hit you with ridiculous hatchets more than ever before.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    That's just you being bad at killer.

    Survivors have never "mostly won" at this game survivors have always been at best like 50% survive ratio and that's only gotten worse with time.

    If you are not good at the game and the enemy is better of course they will run circles around you. It's not the survivors having a mechanical advantage. You are just facing people better at the game than you are. If you come across a team that is not as good as you are the complete opposite will happen they will go down like flies.

    There is no such thing as an "infinite loop" BHVR removed those a long time ago. There aren't even that many god loops left in the game almost all of them can be played around with perks like Bamboozle, and you have things like Bloodlust and entity blocking. BL was nerfed to oblivion so no more god loops on Haddonfield and Hawkins.

    You have all the tools at your disposal to catch survivors. All you need, is the skill to do so.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, reading your other replies, this is far from factual.

    As a killer, there are plenty of perks, addons and mechanics to counterplay. Against the absolute sweatiest of SWF's, sure, not all killers right now have a way of getting 4k's against them, but guess what? You CAN get a 2k on pretty much all killers against sweaty SWF's, and a 2k is a draw.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Your narrative falls apart when you consider that many of the killers in the tournament also had 3k and 4ks. Oni and Pig got 3Ks the meg only escaped through the hatch. In one match the Pig got a 4K.

    You win some, you lose some. That's how it's always been. Don't try to pretend that killers are innately disadvantaged. They aren't.

    You can stop spreading the BS.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    "It's not for learning killers, by mid ranks you either get high level or low level survivors, thus it's survivor based" no, the reason you don't have middle ground survivors is the exact same reason, as survivor you're either red rank or rank 20 there's no in between. There's still red ranks who hide and do nothing but camp hatch like a rank 20 and rank 20s who do everything they can, just poorly so they stay rank 20. The issue you're getting is going from high rank playing against random rank 13s straight to 4 man swf red rank killers. That's also on DBD who's made soloq such horrible nonsense for survivors that they have to swf to have any chance against these campers. By design, horrible killers created your red rank 4 man swf because DBD still rewards bad behavior of camping.

  • FengisKawaii
    FengisKawaii Member Posts: 309

    Full Slowdown builds can be kinda nasty ngl, but none of them change the fact that Killers can´t pressure 4 gens that are simultaneously being worked on at the same time. If the first chase goes well (and it should because you have the whole map to work with) it´s guaranteed 3 gens lost. Sometimes a good spirit with good addons can stop that, but not much else haha

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That will be hardly true. Survivors were dying in very large numbers even before the V-Sync issues. You are a new killer is all.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    You realize dsync issues are also a killer problem as well right? Once they fix it (if they do) you should stop missing those hits that were right next to a survivor but wiffed the air, survivors will also stop being hit from a mile away. It's a win win for both sides, assuming they fix it for both sides of course.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I ended up dodging lobbies that look like they were red rank until I got better, maybe thatd help you

  • scottyj555
    scottyj555 Member Posts: 24

    The matchmaking has gotten better though. Not perfect but a LOT better than what it was.

  • evanali
    evanali Member Posts: 1

    The issue isn’t survivors, lol. The issue is that matchmaking is a complete mess. I’ve been in your shoes; a rank 14 killer with barely any perks, I didn’t have a killer I felt comfortable with, I didn’t know how to gen defend or which survivors i should chase and which I shouldn’t. The thing is tho, the more you stick at it, the more you learn. When I first hit red ranks as survivor i sucked. I didn’t know how to loop or use a flashlight. I’d camp palettes. It was a mess, but the more I played in red ranks the better I got, and the same has happened as I’ve played killer. I’m now a red rank killer, and guess what, I still lose sometimes.

    You do adapt, but be prepared to eat dirt a lot and get outplayed and make mistakes. Find your groove, find a killer you like ( trapper is a great choice and he teaches you how survivors path ), get some good perks and add ons setup, and just suck up the loses and learn from it. Yes, it’s frustrating, but just make sure you go into your match not expecting to win, and always exit your match asking “what could I have done better?”

    But the biggest tip I can give you is always remember that rank DOESNT equal skill. Trust me, there are so many red ranks that play like they’re still rank 15.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    You're faster than survivors and have bloodlust. 

    Judging by your profile pic, I'm guessing you're a huntress. Keep in mind that she's a 110% speed killer and relies heavily on her hatchets to compensate for her corporeal speed. 

    If not, there really are few infinites in DBD anymore. The window in rancid abattoir is a rare example, but most killers abilities circumvent that. If you feel like you're running an infinite, you're doing something wrong. Take a break and play survivor to understand the survivor mindset; that certainly helped my experience with killer, just as how playing killer helped me understand survivor gameplay. 

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    You can thank MMR for that. Playing killer is even more of a gamble than playing survivor. 

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I love Huntress but I’m not too good at her. I mostly play as Trapper and do decent.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    What's your build? Trapper has a very narrow path to success. 

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    What do you suggest? I always use the Crows for a start. They have helped quit a bit.

  • firedagodc
    firedagodc Member Posts: 26

    Just focus on tracking perks and use the teams altruism against them. Nothing makes gen rushing swf slow down than camping one of their friends. Camping and tunneling is a legitimate strategy. That's why survivors complain about it because it works.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    you are most propably one of the killer who just chase one surv till you catch him ignoring othere who repair gens because why not right?

    And then you face camp once you finally caught the to get 'at least 1k' ...

    Try to be smarter killer and you gonna win more.

    Ibsee many killere who play like a bot - from one loop to another, from a pallet to pallet. No sudden tactics, moonwalks . Killers have been gone lazy thanks to desync issue

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Welcome to killer games,thats why you need to master the top 5 killers to play so you’ll dominate games. You don’t want to be looped ? Play nurse

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Corrupt intervention is a must; save the best for last can also be helpful (as trapper is a basic m1 killer), as with ruin/pop goes the weasel (One or the other; ruin is higher risk and requires you to maintain constant map presence but pop requires you to go out of your way to use it), and NOED is useful if games are too difficult.

    Another big thing about trapper is that since he's a basic m1 killer who doesn't have any astounding chase ability, you really have to be strategic about traps. Place them in smart places early, and guide survivors to them, zoning them to trapped areas. Don't be too obvious, but still put them places where survivors would go. He has massive snowball potential, but is extremely temperamental.

  • Rahvin
    Rahvin Member Posts: 5

    I play 50/50 survivor/killer. Killer is more about time management than survivor for sure, but it doesn't have to be stressful the way you're describing it. You're talking about chasing survivors around infinites, when as a killer you should know to either destroy the infinite if possible or to not engage with it at all and go find another survivor. If you're not confident in your ability to down survivors, the game is just going to be stressful for you. You need to learn the loops, learn how to mind-game them, and then you'll be constantly making progress (getting hits and hooks without much time between). The trouble is that as killer, it doesn't matter how fast you are if the survivors are on comms and coordinated. They can accomplish their objectives much faster than killer, so the base game IS set up for survivors on comms to have the advantage. Off comms things are a little better, but four GOOD solo survivors can still wreck a solid killer if they focus on objectives.

    TL;DR: There are things to complain about here, but none of them are your issue. Your issue is that you are a self-confessed "survivor main," which means you don't have as firm of a grasp about the killer side of the game as you probably thought you did. I mean you called "Spies from the Shadows" "the Crows." I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just saying you need more experience before you earn the right to complain about killer/survivor balance.

    One of my biggest complaints about this game AS A KILLER is that "survivor mains" often complain about the game being too difficult, and now we've ended up here with the balance being heavily in favor of experienced survivors. What you're doing is the opposite. You're an inexperienced killer, complaining about the balance at lower levels. The devs keep listening to these complaints, and it's killing the game at higher levels.

    If you want to be a good killer, you either have to watch high-level killer play for hours on end, or you have to accept losing until you get good. Stop stressing about losing. Don't tie your pride to victory. Let them teabag and taunt. Learn to play, and stop stressing about artificial rewards and punishments.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    Are you seriously writing a post saying that the game should keep those issues?! 😂😂 Go play something else. Please.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    You are wrong. Killer - master race.