Injured survivors need to be slower.

Injuring survivors isn't really enough to stop them from doing gens, there does need to be some kind of penalty to gen speed when injured. You can argue that there is the risk vs reward with being louder and one shot, but if you aren't in a chase and you know the killer is busy with someone else the risk is gone, and the perk iron will makes you completely silent unless the killer brings stridor which is rare unless its a spirit or nurse.
Just a simple like 10-20% speed penalty would make it less of a problem. It wouldn't be applied to no mither as the perk keeps you injured for the whole game actually creating risk vs reward scenarios. Yes Thanatophobia does exist but having to bring in a perk just to make the game somewhat manageable is stupid. Same thing with tunnelling off hook, make borrowed time base kit for survivors, then the killer would be discouraged from tunnelling and wouldn't be forced to bring in a perk for one scenario.
I get I sound like an entitled killer, but this is big issue with playing killer, as you feel like there is nothing you can do. If anyone has any better ideas then go ahead.
It'd be nice, but doing generators for longer is not a good solution.
Look at the state of survivor gameplay. If you're not in a chase, you are holding down your LMB for long intervals with nothing to really do. Gameplay outside of chase is already shallow as-is. A speed penalty will not help that.
We need a more comprehensive solution to the gen to chase ratio problem. Tacking on more numbers won't help.
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For obvious reasons, no
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Being injured already has a huge risk of shorter chases
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No they don't.
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Injured survivors should teleport on a nearby hook.
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Killers currently have two perks that punish survivors for staying injured. Run one of those if survivors not healing is a huge problem for you.
Thana - 5% slowdown per each injured survivor
Blood Echo - Exhausts survivors who are injured when you hook a survivor.
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No, bad idea. Are there a bunch of brand new players on the forum lately?
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you already get a lot from injuring a survivor like: you can hear them from a mile away and next time you find them theyre 1 hit
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It should be a perk or maybe even a buff to hemorrhage.
Like, since you are bleeding so profusely you're bleeding all over the generator and it's slippery.
There's so many hemorrhage addons currently.
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play Nurse.