Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

thoughts on mettle of man ?

Member Posts: 4
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

as a survivor player i think the perks needs a total over haul

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Crap perk, needs a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    It used to be broken. Now it is a very bad perk. It definitely needs changes.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    The negative effect should be removed. Maybe it should also be changed to 2 protection hits, but make it give the endurance effect for a minute after taking the second hit instead of somewhere down the line taking 3 hits to down someone.

  • Member Posts: 1,417

    I like this idea. Question is would the perk only be one time use or multiple uses?

  • Member Posts: 9,706

    Actually I think Flip Flop is fine. It has synergy with other perks and even by itself it can get you out of the killer's grasp if left slug for too long.

  • Member Posts: 2,504

    It should be reverted to be closer to its original text. Survivors got a decent perk and then it got nerfed into the ground just like anything else remotely useful survivors have had in the past. That's about all I got.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    IMO, change it to be powerful but only once per match with an easier activation. Something on the lines:

    Mettle of Man: After taking a protection hit while Healthy, Mettle of Man activates. While active you gain Endurance for as long as you remain injured and when the effect is consumed, Mettle of Man deactivates for the remainder of the trial.

    That way the perk keeps a similar (but easier) activation requirement, but can only activate once per match.

  • Member Posts: 9,706

    That is literally just a better version of the release version.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    Not really. The release required 3 normal hits. So just by going down then being first hooked, the survivor already had 2. This one is powerful but requires you to take a protection hit to activate and needs to be reactivated if healed to healthy. Also, it can only be used once per match. Note that taking a protection hit while Healthy does not grant the effect when exposed or against insta-down killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, I don't know. It's hard to tell how strong an effect that would be, given that it has a downside (mending).

  • Member Posts: 2,533

    It's really Meh-tle of Man

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Where it belongs.

    The idea of that perk is on the level of the flashlight qol update.

  • Member Posts: 1,624

    Junk perk.

    Used to be top tier. Now its trash tier.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    I would remove the aura reading downside it has, it serves no purpose since the perk was nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    It went from Meta of Man to that. Now that's evolution right there.

  • Member Posts: 243

    mettle of man is a lot like legion it was broken when it came out they nerfed it to the ground and now they don't want to touch it ever again

  • Member Posts: 89

    Super fun perk when it works. Get downed once, get healed. Heal again and protect people!

  • Member Posts: 4,429

    It's an awful perk in terms of design, it does provide a really powerful effect, but that condition it needs to activate brings it so much lower than it could be, also it does have a downside for no reason that's there from the first version of Mettle of Man (kinda reminds me of Legion having power gauge penalty for basic attacks).

    It either needs the downside removed and more ways to get stacks (Potentionally increasing the requiered stacks to gain Endurance if it happens to be really easy to get stacks), or it should get completely reworked.

  • Member Posts: 43

    Rapidly went from must run to never run. I never understood how BHVR thought the original was good enough to release. Currently, the benefit of this perk, despite being really good, is not remotely worth it.

    The requirement is too high, and if you even manage to pull it off, you're stuck in tight spot by either staying close to the Killer until they spot you, wasting your time and relieving gen pressure for the Killer, or running away, having the Killer see your aura indefinitely and likely screwing you and perhaps some of your teammates in the process.

    It definitely needs changes. My favourite in this thread being....

  • Member Posts: 651

    Even in its original form the aura donwside of Mettle of Man made no sense.

    MoM is just a fundamentaly bad idea for a perk. If it can be reliably activated its too strong, but if its not reliable enough its worthless. Everybody knew it was a bad idea when it was leaked, everybody experienced the sheer stupidity of it when it was released and everybody know there is no way to save this perk unless they change it to something completly different.

  • Member Posts: 137

    Although I love Ash as a character as well as his perk concepts, I do have some ideas for buffs/changes to his perks:

    Mettle of Man: Taking 1 protection hit grants the user the "Endurance Effect" instead of taking damage, has a cool down of 120/100/80 seconds and taking protection hits grants 1 token up to 5 tokens for increased healing speed by all survivors to heal you including you. (You get healed faster)

    1st Token: +30% healing speed for anyone who heals you (including yourself)

    2nd Token: +35% healing speed,

    3rd Token: +40% healing speed,

    4th Token: +45% healing,

    5th Token: +50 Healing speed and 25 bonus blood points in all categories.

    Buckle Up: You can see the recovery progress of survivors by the intensity of their auras up to a distance of 40 metres, also survivors in the dying state within 40 meters of you crawl 50% and are healed 30/%40%/50% faster but only by you. After healing, both you and your teammate can see the killer's aura for 10 seconds.

    Flip Flop: Up to 50%/75%/100% of your recovery progress whilst in the dying state is converted into wiggle progress upon being picked up. You also decrease your overall wiggle time by 4%/8%/12% while Flip-Flop is equipped.

  • Member Posts: 137

    Bro that would be just destroy the perk entirely because the endurance effect only lasts for a single hit, after that it's gone, if that's the case then no one would use m.o.m anymore, it should be able to be used for the whole trial but with requirements.

  • Member Posts: 137

    I agree, I reckon you check out my rework suggestion, hope it helps!

  • Member Posts: 137

    No dude, no perks for either killer nor survivor should purposely be bad because then pushes everyone to just use meta perks which is annoying and repetitive, even slippery meat could have a nice rework if they just bothered to change it up a bit.

  • Member Posts: 21,215

    I was being facetious.

    Do you remember what original MoM was like?

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    It's better being useless than what it was. I don't care what they do with it so long as it's never even close to like that again.

    I had to stop playing when it first came out it rendered DBD unplayable.

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