This next chapter is gonna be the make it or break it for the Dead By Daylight community

For someone who's been playing this game since it went free back on PS Plus in August of 2018, there's been some good and a lot of bad moments for me on this game. I've dealt with toxic people, toxic streamers, an onbarage of bugs, autoaim cucking you constantly, and the list goes on. At this point I just wonder when is enough truly gonna be enough for me.. I felt like before I discovered Dead By Daylight I was living my best life playing loads of games I loved, but since then I've induced myself to the ever so god awful grind on this game and dealt with tons of backlash from the community. This past week whenever I get on and play a few matches I can already tell that I don't even want to play, because the issues the game is present with and will continue to be present with forever. The last two chapters have been an entire mess.. Binding of Kin or the Binding of Bugs was the worst chapter to have ever be released on this game, and the devs knew it as well. BHVR wanted you to buy a killer that wasn't even fully polished, the new killer was bugged severely, the new perks didn't even work like they were suppose to, and the chapter was filled with tons of bugs that the community found if I remember it was over a 100. Then we have the mid chapter... A new UI that looked incredibly terrible, hitboxes were broken all over the place, the emblem system was completely broken to no surprise, and we have fat shaming bugs that made it into the game because nobody cares about testing things. They fixed this stuff which is nice, but c'mon BHVR why must you rush all this stuff out after PTB!? You delayed the mid chapter with literally no changes, but couldn't do it to the Binding of Bugs chapter!? Whatever this upcoming chapter plans to be, a lot of people are giving you guys one last chance. Because it's truly sickening that we the people who got you to where you are, have to play a game that's still in the Beta version honestly. Certain known Dead By Daylight steamers are starting to play other things, and sadly the Fog Whispers have to be forced to play this game because of their partnership. I loved the Clown changes although I wish you guys did something to his map mobility, but I'm not letting you off the hook for everything else you've done since the Halloween Event which I don't even need to talk about how bad that was. All we want is a game that everyone can enjoy, and not have to get frustrated at thanks to greedy and lazy decisions. If this next chapter fails miserably, I think I'll be uninstalling the game for good and just be done with it permanently and just be happy. Because honestly everyone is happy when we don't play DBD. Rant over...
If there's no words on fixing some of the maps within the next few weeks I'm taking an indefinite break from the game. The Game (map) is unplayable right now with no gameplay, and some of the other maps have had some nasty parts added. It's not worth playing M1 killers because it's like 2017 all over again.
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Its the break it, we got a Kpop idol while fortnite gets a horror icon (Ripley and the Xenomorph). How embarrassing.
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I’d rather have a KPOP idol survivor to be honest. 🙊
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The fact that we got a K-Pop character won't break the game.
You do realize Fortnite is multiple times bigger than Dead By Daylight ever will be, right? Fortnite get's a license like every other week. Fornite sneezes and the entirety of the MCU and Star Wars rush to clean it up. It's not embarrassing that DbD is just a smaller game.
At topic, yeah, probably. The game won't die, new players will stream in as they always have, but it may lose a big chunk of long time players if the chapter is bad again.
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You can't be serious
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Why can’t I? I love horror and I also love KPOP, so seeing both worlds collide is exciting to me. I know it might be a difficult notion to grasp, but people share different opinions. Crazy, right?
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The Xenomorph got added into Fortnite before Dead By Daylight sadly, hell I would get rid of the Twins and just replace them with him.
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Alien and Aliens are among my top favorite movies but I just dont see them fitting well in the game honestly. It would be weird seeing them hook, walk around, get hit with pallets, etc that I just dont think they would fit well.
I think predator fits so much better honestly since they also hook people and their movement would be much more natural. They seem like a more likely candiate to me
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Hell I can't even have fun playing Trapper anymore, because someone is constantly watching me place traps wherever I go and I can't even use my ability at all.. Therefore have boring games of being nothing but M1, and still wonder how hard it is to seriously give your poster boy three traps at base to start..
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Killers in general need a look at honestly, not even just from a balance standpoint but they just are not as fun a lot of the time unfortunately.
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What envy that this chapter does not have a license and even more so not to have a Xenomorph and above all that the survivor is a k-poper on the one hand is tedious, I don't even like that genre of music.
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Red rank killer game is simply too challenging (for me) at this time. My win condition in 4 bbq stacks. The amount of games where I have to camp my 3rd stack because all 5 gens are done happen way too often.
The reality is survivors have too many resources. Literally though survivors do try to milk each pallet loop, they really don't need to at all. You can literally throw a pallet down and gain distance loop once or twice throw pallet down, gain distance, and repeat. The killer either has to leave you and pressure gens (but then that guy can just do the exact same thing).
Gens will pop quickly and the game ends. I've had a few games lately where survivors have said "gg" and I don't think they're even being disingenuous, but after it's like, "well was it?" That game lasted maybe 6 minutes. What was good about it?
I think in general there needs to be way less pallets. Maybe 8-10 tops. If you're going to have 20-25 like on some maps, then they shouldn't spawn at all. Maybe 3 or 4 pallets spawn after it gets down to 2 gens as a reward, but the killers need some early game pressure. And with 20 pallets plus most players running some sort of exhaustion perk, many to most killers really have issues getting early pressure.
I know I know, "I get 4ks all the time". Sure, play enough and you'll have some easy matches too. But any group of survivors that split up on gens and simply exchange 40-45 second chases, are going to win most matches. And if the games lasted a bit longer and there was more action, at least losing would be kind of fun. As it is now, it's been rough for me post 4.5.2. And from the sounds of it it's been rough for many other killers as well.
So uhh devs... How's that early game mechanic coming along? Because 1/5th of your player base (if not more) really could use it... Any day now.
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Y'all are so depressing. Every time something some people don't like it's always "everyone's going to quit if x doesn't happen right now!"
Like that isn't going to happen tbh, no one really left when Decisive got nerfed the first time now the second time too probably. No one left when Balanaced Landing got nerfed. No one left when Ruin got changed. No one left when Nurse or Billy got nerfed. I doubt anyone will actually leave if they add a buggy k-pop chapter into the game. At least, I know I probably won't and I've been playing since 2016.
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I think it’s disrespectful to imply “life was better before DBD”, like it’s some poisonous drug addiction.
If you’re still playing, then you obviously love enough the content here despite some of the bad stuff.
I genuinely love this game. I’ll probably be playing right up until BHVR give up on it and turn the servers off.
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I've took extended breaks from the game. Last one 3 months, previous one was longer.
It takes some good changes for me to come back. It's not that I get bored of the game it's that the developers do something really bad or refuse to fix certain things and I find the game not worth playing anymore.
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I feel like someone makes this statement about every chapter. Give Behavior a break. At least they got rid of the scattered HUD.
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It depends on the killer and the perks, I use to at least level a killer to unlock them. Now I have several killers I will not play and a few perks I don't even want to pollute my blood web with.
Don't care about survivor, only leveled 3 of them and got my main with ash.
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I get so tired of people being a crybaby about this game. I have been playing this game since it was free also and at one time it did kind of take over my life but because I wanted it to. I love dead by daylight. I have taken breaks from the game but not because it's terrible but because I realized I needed some balance and I had a build up of other games I had been purchasing that I hadn't even tried yet. I always come back to DBD and my breaks are never long. I still play for a bit almost everyday. I will admit I didn't especially like the binding of kin chapter but I didn't hate it. If you hate the game bad enough to cry about it online then you should have quit a long time ago. Trust me, no one will miss you and that's fine. Not to mention, people always get on here complaining about the game but never have any detailed solutions of how they would do better. You know why? Because you are not clever enough to create a game of your own like DBD. Give the creators some credit where it's due and cut some slack for a few bugs. They always fix a bug when there is one and some things you can't fix, such as playing with someone who sucks at this game. Get over it and either get off or keep playing.
For those of you talking about Fortnite, my 10 year old daughter plays fortnite. If you think you can compare this game with Fortnite you are being ridiculous. Fortnite is a child's game and any adults that play Fortnite have a very childlike mindframe. I am certain any adult playing fortnite is not a successful adult. LOL!
I also agree with what someone said about predator being a good killer. Great idea but you're also right, alien would not fit in. Me and my fiance also toyed with the idea of Chucky but thought it probably would not work because of his size. Hehe.
I look forward to every chapter and every update and every event with DBD even when it's a new character I'm not in favor of. Keep 'em coming. I'm not going anywhere.
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People are leaving the game though, the stats of people playing on Steam are dropping from what I remember.
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It's gonna take one more thing that grinds my gears to make me leave the game, it's slowly but surely getting to that point for me.
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We don't know that yet, but I really hope that BHVR does its job as a game development company and fixes their only successful game.
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The maps IMO will make people leave game, nothing in the history of this game has pushed players to borderline leaving other than the ruin rework and a few buggy patches.
If maps continue being reworked the way crotus, campbells and game were, essentially 50% of the maps are going to be brutally unfun to play on. Which is odd because the macmillian reworks were fine if not actually good, autohaven was meh and ormond was alright. For some reason however they just absolutely slaughtered Crotus, Campbells and game which I do not understand.
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people say this every chapter...
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Finally someone gets it. The game doesn't resolve around one or two specific perks, but maps are crucial. New gideon as an example has no gameplay if you're an M1 killer, you can't AFK or dc everytime you get an abysmal map so.....all you can do is stop playing. Not like you can avoid maps.
These are "bad" maps like usual, ya know bad and you dont want to play it but you'll cope, the new maps are downright abysmal and actually ruin the game. It feels like 1st gen DBD.
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people love and I mean LOVE KPOP. people may feel some type of way, but KPOP makes money and doesn't care if you're upset about it.
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The game needs to be retired we need something new and better to come around it's never going to get better the maps are old sure they updated graphics over time hitbox clipping trough objects are a big problem that's needs to be addressed now just a Band-Aid to a broken arm approach we need a real fix the perks are not very helpful as they don't make the game fun anymore the ranking system needs to go like the biggest problems are camping just look at bloodlust do killers really need extra speed Freddy is a speed demon sorry but leatherface should have a cool down with his chainsaw is over kill that most people use him for camping and because of the buff it's not easy to avoid him the wiggling needs to go the flashlight are not all that great anymore because they have protection making it useless letting killers hit you when sliding over a pellet or jumping trough a window should not be a thing back too my point about killers clipping trough objects and that's one of them I don't care if people desagree with me but it's true regardless I can't see this being fixed because they don't care and most think it's fine just some of the many problems that will never change
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In the end dude is it really that big of a problem? We have a Chinese Gamer (Feng Min), A Nervous Leader (Dwight), Ash, a Heavily botched Quentin, along with a famous TV show host (Jane), and a Black lady who joined a cult then escaped the cult via going to the entity's realm (Elodie).
Surely a popstar survivor isn't too bad of an addition, along with not being too out of the ordinary compared to some of the characters who like feng min for example was in Pro Tournaments and Jane being a famous TV show host. While I'm not a huge fan of kpop I truly don't understand why people hate this character in question so much. Is it because the devs are doing a trend everyone else is doing? Or because it's not "horror like" (although let's face it until they add ceiling climbing mannequins or legitmately scary killer that can scare you in game by surprise DBD isn't gonna be scary for awhile)
I'm sort of iffy if the new killer IS the popstar, because well... I mean we have a roster of bloodied mutated killers then you just see a brightly colored diva. But if the new teaser suggests they can rewind time than that's hella cool overall you know. Hard to implement, but if the devs work out something for that power than it's surprising.
The only thing I'm concerned about this upcoming chapter is the amount of teasers we've been getting. It seems like they're hyping this up A LOT which worries me if they might get HELL TON of bugs like Binding of Kin and all that hype was just overall disappointment.
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One thing I rarely see commenters acknowledge is that this is about to be a 5 year old game that even with the graphic updates, is operating on the same engine, which means it's almost 5 years worth of coding changes.
Coding is the biggest hurdle in long term multi-player games. Many people don't even recognize that. Changing one thing can and will break something somewhere else. Sometimes it's super obvious and they catch it before release. Many times its something miniscule or something that isn't easily fixed without creating a snowball effect.
At this point, coding is a nightmare due to the age of the game and the amount of content it has. But if they start from scratch on a DBD2, they lose ALL the licensing, which is fine because they have enough original material to work with. But it's also a bummer because the licensed characters are part of the fun of the premise of this game. They had to renegotiate licenses for the game when it was ported to new platforms it wasn't on before, even if it's the same distributing company like Microsoft and Sony.
Once Unreal Engine 5 becomes available, they really need to consider if it's possible to make the switch, this way they can have a clean slate in a way as everything would be freshly coded. It'd be a long process, but it's either that or a crash and burn death for this game down the line. Bugs are becoming more frequent because of what I outlined in the beginning of the post. So yeah, things are only going to get worse, especially with COVID protocols still in place.
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Ive been playing since day one. I paid. I live all the updates. I'm a daily players still have fun still enjoy I play with a group and we laugh the whole time. Even the bad matches. If you want to be toxic or don't enjoy stop playing as well as leave the community no one cares about you crying like your opinion is the normal one
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Well I don't like it because I'd like to stop seeing stupid cosmetics.
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Kpop idol survivor>Aliens and space.
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You have to remember all three franchises are owned by Disney.
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Disney/Fox let Epic Games make the Xeno use guns, stand upright at all times, and do a bunch of emotes. From dancing to silly poses.
And yet you think Alien couldn't fit in DBD? Okay then.
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Your opinion doesn't matter either to buddy, just Saiyan.
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Game will prolly be fine for a while yet. It has a niche but pretty dedicated following that has technically grown more than it's shrunk since release.
Sure it has it's up and downs but it's been chugging along pretty well.
Even that bad update which scared a bunch of folks away was higher than it was the year before.
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I mean
.. If we get a kpop survivor... Who really gives a chit? If you like it... Okay? If you don't? So what? It's really nothing to get silly over either way- damn, and y'all call other things toxic without any self awareness
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It's gg for dbd. I quit
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The game is going to be getting millions of new players. Did you not see the new teaser? Will smith/fresh prince/ blue genie is the new killer and survivor. Ahh that's hot
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I hate the no end of bugs as much as any player but I won't leave a game because of that could behaviour do better? Yes they can and should but at this point in time I'm noticing bugs appear they get fixed nearly instantly, some bugs are taking awhile eg hit boxes but that's fine once you know the issue as a player you just add a few feet onto where killer is in your head.
Point is the game is crappy at the best of times but a chapter release will not be the reason I stop playing it will be when they add alien to the game because this is a slasher not a alien game you wanna play as a xenomorph go buy an alien game as I see it aliens have no place in this game at all they pushed it with Demo and look how that turned out.
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19 times is the charm 🌠
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I'm gonna a take an indefinite break from meth!
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LOL I forgot you were elected to speak for the community. (eyeroll)
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And it's wrong to voice your frustrations? Jeez no wonder having an opinion on the internet doesn't mean anything
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You literally phrased YOUR opinion as that of an entire community! Have an opinion... then state YOURS do not presume to speak for anyone but yourself.
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What kind of thinking is this? Holy ...
Yes, it’s a horror game. But survivors must be unique so throwing in a K-pop character doesn’t do it any harm. You’re still gonna be chased by deranged killers. You’re still gonna try to escape and not end up on a hook.
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I was one of the biggest critic for the Bonding of Kin chapter with all the bugs and coding issues.
I was met with much hate and negativity, but I kept my words.
After a few patches with constant fixes after fixes, the Twins were relatively playable now and the game became less of a hassle to deal with.
Of course, it's been almost 4 months since Bonding of Kin and patch 4.5.0 broke the game ONCE MORE.
They're fixing it now and it's getting better.
Give it time.
I was so pissed off at the devs (and you can check my discussions for this) and I can understand why you would be worried for the third game breaker code-issues it might bring on to us.
But, after waiting patiently and knowing the game is being under maintenance all the time, I can tell you that I've learned from my mistakes and misjudgement and that I have hopes for them in any cases.
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Games already dead for me it's not fun all the bugs ruin the game and it's survivor sided no matter how you look at it. You don't see any item add ons that hinder the survivor experience like slower run speed do you? Hopefully the next patch comes with redemption but I doubt it.
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While a Original Chapter is nice, BHVR (useally) does a better job with licenced chapters. Look at Myers and PH.
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I hate when people refer to Steam charts to know how many players are leaving/joining. LOTS of players are from Xbox, PS4/PS5, Switch. I own the game on all three of them and I assure you, if you turn cross-play off and look for a game as killer you won’t believe it. The queue times have never been this long. Yes, people left the game. Much more people than Steam can tell.