Behaviour was basically harassed into making an LGBTQIA+ chapter

NOTE: I am in no way homophobic, transphobic, etc. I am simply being vocal concerning Behaviour and being inclusive.
Although I think its great that the devs are incorporating a chapter with some LGBTQIA+ lore, I can't help but think that they were pressured by some of the community, and I feel like this should be said: It is not their job to be diverse in a survival horror game. The game is about killing and surviving, not about social inclusiveness. I find it so hard to believe that people in this community really think that its the devs job to be inclusive, when it really isn't. Again, I am not trying to come off as non-progressive, I just want people to understand that its not cool to pressure the team to do something that you want, especially when its not in any way shape or form related to the gameplay and health of the game.
They weren’t though.
and even if they were. Doesn’t matter. Look at colorblind mode, people are saying BHVR only adds it because they are pressured (which is also not true, they always said they would like to add it but it wasn’t a priority before). Doesn’t change the fact that it needs to be added.
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Nobody “harassed” them into anything.
Quit with the melodramatics. They can make whatever characters they want, and anybody who has a problem with it (not saying you, but in general) can deal with it.
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This really isn't a good look for you. The above comment from Luzi explains it all.
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Please, produce evidence of this supposed harassment. Last I heard, one developer had a conversation with one person who made some good points. However, I have been gone a while, so maybe some evidence of harassment came to light.
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Wait the games fan base pressuring the devs? Never heard that before 🤣
Fans pressuring the devs to add this and that in their game happens all the time probably everyday. In every game.
Why is this one so special and causing an uproar???
Ask urself that?
I'm all here for it
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Before these teasers came out, I would see people complaining about the lack of inclusiveness on all of their social media platforms, and, although I won't say names, certain people would constantly be barraging some of the devs of the game. Also colorblind was something that should've been incorporated long ago, and it was even evident that some of Behaviour caved in due to pressure from the community.
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Game health isn't just about how well the game functions technically, but also how well it's modeling healthy representation of others. And if you think that's nonsense then consider it from a business/profit standpoint: A game (or most media these days), are leaving money on the table by excluding specific groups of ppl.
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If they could actually get BHVR to do something good for them. I’d love the community to come together to force them to make good maps or fix the current ones but we dont get anything.
Survivors tend to harass them into nerfs though. Case in point everyone protesting by hook suicide against freddy, like they disconnects previously vs spirit, nurse and old freddy. Just refuse to play against what you dont like until it gets nerfed. Hmm perhaps I should protest perks I dont like such as DH, just facecamp every DH user with Bubba in protest.
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Check twitter before these teasers, saw a decent amount of people complaining about it, although doing some background checks was hard because these tweets were either buried or removed, so it might be harder to find.
Edit: I also didn't want to name or show some of these complaints due to privacy reasons.
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Is this even confirmed, or is OP just speculating?
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That definitely seems like he was harassed and didn't have a nice conversation with someone about lgbt representation.
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People asked them if they said they were going to and then they talked about their shared interest in it and were just unsure of some things.
The only thing people harrassed anyone about was they literally harassed Almo off the forums over other game issues.
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Good point, although the world-building pointing is a lil argueable.
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Because I didn't want to show names or even hint as to who did what, I didn't put any evidence, but you can find some stuff on twitter and on the forums if you dig enough.
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You do realise that if we never asked, we wouldn't receive? And if we don't get normalised, we will keep being ostracised?
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I love how you managed to find a way to complain about survivors in a thread like this.
Like, it's actually incredible how the entire survivor population has rent so free in your head you're paying them every time you make a pissy post about people who play a certain side of a video game.
LGBTQ representation? That's cool and all, but have I told you about how much survivors #########' suck today?
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Why is it that adding LGBTQIA+ stuff into games always mean that the devs were harassed into it?
Why can't we be happy for a group of people to get representation into a video game instead?
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Ostracized for what? Its a cat-and-mouse video game dude, not something to be taken serious.
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It actually wasnt meant to be a knock on survivors so dont be so sensitive but I can not think of any example of killers doing that.
My point is the developers should not capitulate to salty players demands. Yet they do quite often which just sends the message that if you rage quit or suicide on hook often enough you’ll get exactly what you want
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It is something to be taken seriously because media is a reflection of societal climate.
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"Sexuality shouldn't matter in a horror game"
"I don't want to get politics shoved into my face"
Pretty much every anti-LGBTQIA+ post here.
People obviously can't be bothered to realize that straight relationships were already mentioned several times in different lores and NOBODY said something about that.
But adding a character from this group suddenly becomes "problematic"
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Complaining isn’t harassment. People complain about any and every thing in this game all the time.
bring evidence if you make such bold claims.
and LGBT+ inclusion should have been in the game since introduction of Nurse and her lore, just like how colorblind mode should have been incorporated sooner
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It's like when certain people complain about "virtue signalling". Some people are actually virtuous, or at least try to be, and do nice things for other people because they are nice.
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Let me remind you, people are calling this person part of the LGBT+ community because this person is a little bit larger than usual, and have a slightly smaller chest size, despite NOTHING being confirmed.
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I'm not just talking about DbD here. But to specifically talk about DbD, it's been four years and no LGBT+ inclusion in any of the roster. You may not think it important, but that's the kind of mentality that leads to LGBT+ people being marginalized irl. Because humans are kind of dumb and we take our ques from things like film, TV and yes, videogames.
When a marginalized group gets included in fiction, they start to get normalised in a way that they really aren't in reality. This doesn't just apply to LGBT+ people, but every non-majority group. Why do you think there's such a big outcry about including non-cis-straight-caucasian people?
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There is no definity that this chapter will have an LGBT+ Character in it, let alone a whole chapter about it lmaooo.
The idea that behaviour is being pressured into doing anything is ridiculous. It took a PR nightmare to see a colour blind mode wip and if they actually got forced into doing anything ever we'd have a haddonfield rework and nurse bug fixes among many other things
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No? People speculate the char might be LGBT because the colors in the teasers match up with certain colors that represent bisexuality or transsexuals AND because there is an LGBT+ char being confirmed to come which was stated by the devs in June AND because of what you said.
but it’s only speculation..
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i agree with you. i see it on twitter alllllllllll the time. i have nothing against it, i just don't understand it. i love the game, i play the ######### out of it, but i'm not interested in the lore or the sexualities of the characters, it's just not something i think about ever so i find it really weird lol.
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Can you stay on topic please.
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It's not weird though.There are definetely quite a few people out there that are interested in the lore of the characters.
You are just not invested in the lore,but rather in the gameplay and that's ok.
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I meant as to what the contents of the chapter would entail. Is this confirmed, or are you just guessing?
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no i wasn't trying to say it's weird in general, just that it's weird to me. just to give another perspective. not mad about it though.
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I know,i just wanted to explain you that there's nothing weird for other people to be interested in the story of fictional characters.Be it from characters from a TV series,a movie,a book or a game.
But i know that your comment wasn't meant to be anti-LGBT+
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We don't even know if either Survivor or Killer is going to be LGBT. Where did this LGBT theory come from, anyway?
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The color gradient on a few pictures matches the bisexual pride flag's.
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First, many don't mention relationships at all (and even a man marrying a woman doesn't rule out all sexual identity scenerios) but something tells me you won't be satisfied with a single sentence that says 'Bob's boyfriend came home to find the house a wreck' and that's it. Because almost none of the character lore makes the relationship any kind of focus.
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That is exactly how most people want them to handle LGBT inclusion though.
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While what you said may be the idea the devs might have, but another possibility is that the devs said they WANT to add an LGBT+ character, they didn't straight up confirmed it. I see those colors everywhere, wherever it's K-pop (the inspiration the devs seem to have with this chapter) some gaming youtube channel, most people that record themselves who have bright lights around them usually use the typical neon colors that you see on stuff like keyboards. It's used because it's (in theory) appealing to the eyes.
I'm not discrediting anyone, I just don't want people think that it is 100% true, AKA, it's fine for people to put ideas in their head, but I don't want anyone to cement it into their heads as fact, because if it turns out to be something different, then people will be very disappointed, or even mad at something that the devs didn't even (fully) promised.
(I'm not against anyone in the LGBT+ community, I want those people to be represented as well, but it's healthy to always keep an opened mind to things, instead of building it up to unrealistic expectations that no human can achieve easily)
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I hope so.
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That's exactly how everybody wants it to be and how it has been with the other relationships in this game (e.g nurse,legion,david,felix)
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Oh yeah I get what you mean. I don’t expect that char to be LGBT either. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turned out to be but it’s whatever for me.
people are just speculating about the Char, mostly mentioned KPop idol, hacker, DJ, cosplayer, anime fan and LGBT. Only the LGBT speculation turned out to be so controversial though.
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I can understand them being Bisexual, no clues about them being trans or something else though.
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I guess there would be SOME people that would be disappointed if the next character isn't LGBT+ but you could easily say that to people that constantly think Candyman,Chucky,Jason etc will be the next killer.
The majority wouldn't say a thing if this character isn't LGBT+
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Nobody harassed the devs into POSSIBLY adding an lgbt character, you're just trying to make the lgbt community look bad jc.
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If the devs responded to twitter, they would have already reverted the ui. Stop being so melodramatic.
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Also, I find it hilarious that all of these people who keep claiming they don't care what sexuality a character is make posts like the OP complaining about something that has in no way been confirmed. That's how little they care, that they want to jump on that complaint train before it's even scheduled to leave the station.
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So the new character is confirmed as being LGBTQQIP2SAA+? I must have missed the character/lore confirmation in the ruckus that has been this forum today. What's the new Killers power? How is nobody talking about all these confirmed, totally-true-totally-confirmed things?
Or is everyone freaking out over speculation cuz that's always been a good idea?
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BHVR cuz some kpop stans @'d them on twitter
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Obviously it's not confirmed.Some people just think it could be the case and now we've seen a TON of people trying to explain how this wouldn't be a good thing for whatever reason
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I hate it when people speculate it and then when its not what they expect people outrage. I will never understand them. Just use your imagination make your own thing.