A response to those against adding LGBTQIA+



  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Felix was not mentioned to me previously please expand on that.

    Legion is a whole different animal as we're talking about 4 different people in 1 role, and in my mind they are in a crazy pansexual relationship with each other anyways.

    As for David i established my skepticism based on 1 old relationship, I've known lesbians who had relationships with men and gays who have had relationships with women. So i dont believe that pins him in the straight catagory, although you do which i find intriguing.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Legion is a whole different animal as we're talking about 4 different people in 1 role, and in my mind they are in a crazy pansexual relationship with each other anyways.

    You should read the lore before speaking about the lore. There's a whole tome dedicated to Frank and Julie's relationship.

    As for David i established my skepticism based on 1 old relationship, I've known lesbians who had relationships with men and gays who have had relationships with women. So i dont believe that pins him in the straight catagory, although you do which i find intriguing.

    Like I said before, we're all adults here, so let's be frank with each other. You don't believe that someone is anything but heterosexual if you see them dating someone of the opposite sex unless you already know them. In fact, nobody does. So no, it's not "intriguing" that anyone would assume that Frank dating Julie means they're heterosexual, it's just what everyone does.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Felix was not mentioned to me previously please expand on that.

    Felix's girlfriend announced that he was going to be a father. 

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319

    You're assuming again, assuming that everyone does things a specific way OK just because someone else implies something doesn't mean another person is the exact same copy of the first person and is going to mean something in the same way. If I meant that person had a problem I would just go ahead and say it, if I want to insult someone I do it blatantly. I don't need help either thank you.

    My intention was not to insult that person or anyone in this forum, they actually stopped pinging which I appreciated and would appreciate if you see this you don't ping me, this topic is not about me it is about as op say new character.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Like i said i havent deep dived the lore i just looked at the main wiki page. I havent unlocked most of the tome lore.

    I actually prefer not to make assumptions about people at all, but im not a judgemental person, i dont really care if someones straight, gay, black, or extraterestrial. So no its not what everyone does.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Thank you for that. I would still classify that in my same opinion of david where a single hetero reference does not make a definitive hetero character.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I mean,sure.We will never be 100% sure if that's the case,but it's very very likely unless we get prove that says otherwise

  • Who cares, really- if there's no assigned sexuality to a character, they can just be whatever you want- Dwight in an elf suit gives off some vibes anyway XDD

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Which is the point i was trying to get across on page 5, i prefer to create my own narrative on those points rather than have them definitive.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    I solemnly agree that LGBTQ should be in this game, several other games do it so why should dbd be excluded?

    The only issue I could see with it is if the character is either a stereotype or if the character seemingly is just a token, I would be cool with a few LGBTQ characters though, killers as well are welcome as long as BHVR doesn’t go overboard or too far

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That's completely understandable and BHVR initially intended to do it that way but then they screwed it up and mentioned sexuality (e.g nurses lore) anyway and now to try to fix that mistake to be more inclusive in the lore of upcoming characters

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    Felix also has a gf who has a child and Frank and Julie are dating to add two more.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    Sure he could definitely be pan/bi/omni but considering how they're literally having a kid that's still +1 for the hets™ and +0 for the gays™

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    Aww but that was my plan of avoiding sleep and doing my hw due in 2 months ago 😔

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    GoodBoys should do their homework and get enough sleep though ☝️

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069
    edited February 2021

    The forums won't let me "quote" my own edited comment on here, so... @TheClownIsKing I'm copy and pasting it:

    This was in response to your reply:

    "It may seem crass, but time and time again it’s proven (or they’re caught out) that the most vehemently opposed are closeted themselves.

    There may be exceptions, but they’re rare."

    And I finally edited my response to better respond to this as of 7:47pm GMT -

    No matter how often it's been proven right or wrong, making that assumption is an overall dick move. I know you are a good person (or at least... I believe this to be true), and I know you don't want this whole post to devolve into assumptions of your sexuality and angry rebuttals about how you're declaring:

    "I'm right, and anyone who doesn't agree with me is secretly gay"

    And I know you really just want everyone to focus on what's important:

    An LGBTQ+ represented character introduced in DbD is a good thing that shouldn't be bemoaned or combatted, and instead generally accepted or applauded!

    That last jab... doesn't achieve this, and instead antagonizes the readers into focusing on how you just called them out/said they're secretly gay with an errant assumption.

    I Like you dude, and while I'm not the best person in the world to try and act all noble about things regarding DbD debates, I'm sincerely trying to help you avoid mistakes in your wording.

    Be Positive about this subject, and don't resort to being antagonistic. That's what the ######### do... You're not an #########, so don't do yourself wrong by going down to their level.

    I'm sorry for repeating myself, but have faith that I'm only looking out for you here, and to see you being so vicious like I used to be... Just breaks my heart.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    I am a GoodBoy though but no every-*slowly fades into unintelligible tired grumbling about coffee, being underappreciated, and a cow* >:(

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Not really, i mean again i can see where the assumption comes from, my uncle for example was married for 16 years and had 3 kids before he came out. Its not as black and white as your comment makes it out to be.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    And yet they haven't confirmed any of it. All they've confirmed is that there are het relationships and no gay ones in the canon lore of dbd at this moment in time, which is literally all we want. Something concrete and canon.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I get what you are saying, im just saying i want it to be kept vague and open to interpretation like they are in the case of david, felix and nurse (again not talking about legion because i dont know the lore). Basically i dont want the sexuality/gender identity to be forced in your face and have it be this is what the character is 100% with no room for interpretation.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    The only reason people don't want a LGBT character is because it would steal their Nea's precious rainbow wardrobe let's be honest atm Nea has the brightest content in the game add an LGBT character and then we can see rainbow attire more pink hair and who doesn't love a gay charecter natural shine 😂🌈

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    I don't understand why people care about sexuality in a video game. Why? Why do you care? I don't care if a character is any color, race, sex, whatever, so I don't get why people always ask for it. I'm Asian and I don't play only Asian characters because it technically "represents" me. If no character has a sexuality, then you can roleplay every one of them as being anything.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    edited February 2021

    It may not care to you which is fine. But to other people, representation could be very important to them.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Up to this point they've been actively excluding non het relationships. I'm not going to play only one character because it looks like me or has a similar personality.

    I do get annoyed when I see something actively discriminate against a marginalised group, one which I'm part of, and perpetrate by such exclusion that there's something flawed or unnatural about it.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    But nothing has been confirmed or mentioned so where is this all coming from

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    You could tell that to the hordes of people that, as soon as they know there's LGBT stuff in their game (other games of course, although this one at some point), they go nuts and start boycotting everything out of spite and because FoRcEd AgEnDa and that bs, lol.

  • Which survivor (Or killer) Has representation of LGBTQIA+ I think it could be Zarina with her backstory but I could be wrong. I haven't read most of the killer's and Survivor's backstory to know about that.

  • The only thing I'm worried about is if we get an actual confirm LGBTQIA+ character (Trans or nonbinary maybe) (With the new chapter possibly) is that homophobic ######### decide to be so toxic to that one survivor...

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    All I'm going to say is this. It absolutely does not matter if we get a character that's LGBTQ+ and it does not matter if we never do. You're going to be spending most of your time in matches anyway not looking at the lore page. Nobody should get butthurt if we do get one and if we don't.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    I don't like that you are forced to accept every "modern" political thing in our society, or you will not be accepted. We should all have our right to freedom of speech and people should respect different opinions.

    And do understand that I don't say I'm positive or negative to anything, just saying if everyone have their right to their religion, sexuality etc you should have a right to any political view also.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You should look up "paradox of tolerance". Also, you are free not to accept things, just as people are free to exclude you for not accepting them. A gay person doesn't have to passively accept that someone else is homophobic and pretend like that's not an issue.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483
    edited February 2021

    I do respect different sexual opinions. I'm all for freedom of speech and here in my country we are so far from it and everything is getting so much worse all the time. We had peaceful streets here 20 years ago nowdays they are full of gangs robbing or abusing you, if I protest against this I lose my job that is how it is. It's a globalist regime and in their eyes I am a "right wing extremism" probably although I'm not really.

    And I don't have anything against LGBT people at all just saying. It's just the need to include what is trending because some people are very vocal about it. If we see more people demanding more respect for people in wheelchairs then games will feel the need to include it. So this thing just feels political.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 577

    Idc if a LGBTIQ survivor gets added if this relationship is like a side note for example the nurse. In the Lore of the nurse it is more focused around the horrors she has to deal with at her work.

    I DO have a problem behaviour adds a LGBTIQ survivor and promotes it like crazy: OMG WE HAVE LGBTIQ REPRESENTATION IN DBD!!!!

    The representation should be a side note not a crucial part of the survivor or the Lore, because it is still a horror game not a dating sim.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,892

    To be fair, BHVR made just a tiny little tweet about not being exclusive anymore and why they changed their point of view on it (which is totally okay to announce when they have stated before they won’t include any sexuality)

    ...and people are going nuts over it. It’s not BHVR that makes a big fuzz out of it but the community, pro and contra

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    Everyone is talking about it on this forum so why can't I give a statement myself? It has nothing to do with caring a lot about a topic lol.

    LGBTIQ+ comes with stereotypes. If you just want to mention a char is queer in an archive log entry people won't be satisfied, they want obvious gay looking chars, maybe even genderfluid, drag chars or whatever. And if they make a rupaul candidate a survivor I'm just done with the game. Killers are not a threat anyway but imagine bullying a killer in a drag outfit...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If you just want to mention a char is queer in an archive log entry people won't be satisfied, they want obvious gay looking chars, maybe even genderfluid, drag chars or whatever.

    Source? I've seen this claim repeated a lot, but the people who are asking for it want it to be treated like heterosexual characters and relationships were.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,892

    Never said you couldn’t state your opinion. But so can I.

    and your claim is not true. Almost everybody asks for not stereotypical representation. I think any representation is good, especially if it is diverse. So get me a flamboyant gay femboy. But also get me some normal dude that just happens to be gay. (I am using gay here as an example, can be expanded on anything LGBT+)

    just because there are stereotypes doesn’t mean every representation has be be strictly using or not using those stereotypes. People should restrict the writers that way, straight chars are not restricted to be non-stereotypical hetero as well

  • Retromind
    Retromind Member Posts: 156

    Video games ?

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited February 2021

    I can somewhat understand wanting specific races in a game, but sexuality has no relevance to anything whatsoever. I have a lot of experiences with the LGBT+ community, and most of my experiences, similar to the opinions and statements by people in this thread, had done nothing but cause me to want as little to do with it as possible. LGBT+ these days has fallen into the same extremist issues that liberal politics has had happen to it, which has its own ties to the LGBT+ community itself, in that it's a small amount of people trying to make everything about gender, and trying to force ridiculous things onto people, but when you start to use their own logic against them, suddenly you just hate non-straight people. There's plenty of good, sure, but if you're bisexual and happen to have an opposite sex relationship, oh no you're just evil.

    But sure, it does go both ways in that people who are racist or people who are offended by anything other than their own sexuality would complain about a character they main being gay or trans, but well, who cares about those people

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Nurse has been here for years, where was the outrage about sexuality back then? Also, the slasher genre has been filled with sexuality since forever.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    While I get where you're coming from, you're speaking of another minority within the lgbt+, everyone is a different world and yes, there's people who are really dumb within lgbt, and outside of lgbt, the problem with this is that overall you won't see anything but the people outside argue that this is some agenda and political thing when there's a character introduced into the media being LGBT, extra points if its a main character.

    Being LGBT myself I love having some characters like this, not because of the whole just sexuality or whatever, but because the struggles they represent can feel real and relatable to many of our experiences, it is a painful existence out there being within LGBT, especially if you're being chased with hate crimes, which sadly happens all too often.

    In a perfect world nobody would care about a character like this at all, they would accept it as normal, rather than make a big fuss about it, but with how things are nowadays, and will probably be for a really long time, it's a bless that we even get a minimal representation in the things we love.

    So yeah, even if there's extremists within the LGBT, which happens, they're not important, most of us I can tell just want a bit of peace and acceptance, not to force ######### on people.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,892

    Well, better late than never:

    thank you for the kind words!

    *hugs back*

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493
    edited February 2021

    People are literally so pathetic that they can’t handle the idea, of a possible LGBT character in a video game. It’s not even confirmed.

    I don’t understand how there are SO many posts saying it’s bad for the game?

    ”It’ll be forced” Well. If they’re the only lgbt character you’re most likely gonna make that a part of their story.

    Would the people who say that’s forced say that the heterosexuality of nurse is forced. I mean she has a charm with her husband. So in that case how is that not forcing it but a gay character talking about being gay is?

    People ALSO need to relalise the game we’re playing. The entity feeds on strong emotions. And a LGBT person is likely to get bullied more.

    Also why would the entity suddenly decide not to take someone cause they’re not straight?

    The lore is roughly based on emotions or emotional topics.

    Dwight - He felt average and hated

    Meg - Caring of her dying mother

    Claudette - Anxiety and growing her confidence.

    Jake - Family issues.

    Wraith - Guilt

    Billy - Repression

    Pretty much all the characters have a central theme that conveys an emotion. So... what if the lgbt’s character was love, or loss.

    There isn’t an argument against it.

    ”Representation is forced” Not really. Look at all our POC characters. Claudettes story is not defined by race. It’s defined by HER.

    So to all the homophobes saying it doesn’t fit.


    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
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