Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback On Killers Camping

I think it would be amazing if there could be some form of penalty for killers who hook survivors and just camp by the hook. I can't count how many rounds have been ruined for me by a killer just hanging out in front of the hook and hitting anyone who tries to make the save. Takes all the fun out of the game and the chase involved. Whether it be points taken away, taking away their ability to hit for a few seconds, anything to deter them from just standing there and purposely taking the fun out of the round.

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  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    New user first post about camping the classic

    Anyway camping isn't a problem and there is honestly no solution, killers who camp are already losing emblem points not that it matters.

    The reason they are not a problem is because survivors have swf and perks to help against camping as well as the fact that if survivors play optimally they can get over half the gens done before or a little after the survivor reaches the next stage of the hook so unless it is a killer that can't easily stop saves you should just be doing gens. Killers should also be allowed to decide that to risk the match to get rid of one survivor and against todays meta and skilled survivors that rarely works out so it's more of an issue with new players.

    Another issue is that killers are forced to camp at times as survivors can hook rush you or it can be after all the gens are powered and the killer has little to no reason to leave the hook or chase survivors since body blocking, an exit option, as well as pallets and vaults will get in your way if not just make you get no kills at all if you leave the hook.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I've been playing this game since it first came out, so while this is my first post in this forum, I am far from a new user. Countless times I've had a killer camp so I went on to do generators, and either the person on the hook tried to get off, speeding up their end of life progression, or I was simply unable to get to them in time. Then comes a "terrible teammate" or "worst teammate ever" message. Camping in certain maps isn't a horrible issue, but in the Lery Memorial Institute map for example, there are hooks in corners making it next to impossible to get the person off the hook even if everyone rushes the hook at the same time. While it may not affect my game and I still get points doing generators, totems, etc, it completely ruins it for the person who gets hooked, and makes for what is typically a much shorter, less enjoyable round. Even if the killer stays in the immediate area to attempt to find survivors it's better than just standing there, staring at the hook. Surely standing there doing nothing can't be very entertaining either 🤷

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Survivors will gen rush and killers will kill. It's the rules of the game play to win or for fun. You can't punish people for playing how they want to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Well all i can say is that it's the survivors fault and honestly most new players complain about camping so you gave me that impression.

    survivors can reliably get 3 gens done then be halfway through the rest before the survivor dies, at most the killer gets two kills and if they get more survivors were just not being optimal or they played into the killers hands.

    It's kinda why solo que sucks too as this happens there but we can't balance around solo que THAT much because swf is a thing.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Camping, while it does suck to be on the receiving end of it, is a legit strategy and sometimes the only one that makes good strategic and logical sense depending on the situation, and this applies to tunneling and slugging as well. Against a skilled SWF at higher ranks, it's going to be very difficult to not camp, tunnel or slug at all in any form, and also secure a 4k.

    At the end of the day, the Killer's job is to kill, and yours is to avoid detection, and win the chase if you are found. The Killer did their job, and you failed at yours. Accept it, learn from it, move on and do better next time.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I get that it's frustrating as a survivor, but it's equally frustrating for a killer to do all that work just to have a survivor hiding nearby undo all that. There's camping on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 5

    See, I would tend to disagree with that. If you're an avid fan of horror movies/the horror genre in general, killers have always stalked their prey and left them to die. They don't just hang out there, staring at you and continuously hit your body. Often times I'm playing the game to complete challenges, I don't even care if I escape. The game is far less enjoyable when the killers camp and usually makes for a short game that could have been stretched out further. It has nothing to do with "doing better". If that were the case the killers would "do better" and go around killing people and damaging gens rather than standing around like a spare prick at a wedding.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I could understand that as well, I don't camp as a survivor. I'm playing to enjoy and extent the game, not be a dick to everybody.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Your goal may not be to escape, but you do indeed have a goal, which will be disrupted if you're caught by the killer and camped/tunneled/slugged/etc. So yeah, "doing better" to not get caught next time still applies. I know I'm oversimplifying here because not getting caught depends on so many things beyond you, like the killer you're facing, their power, their perks, etc. That's all stuff you can't control and sometimes can't fight against (very well) if you're not already running an ideal setup for that killer, that map, for some specific encounter... But, that too is just something you have to accept and move on from. Rotate your camera more, leave that gen sooner when you hear heartbeats, don't sprint everywhere leaving your scratchmarks, etc...that's all stuff you can control and aim to improve at to avoid getting caught the next time.

    You are right that killers could also "do better" (which, in this case means playing a certain way that you want them to play) but you have to remember that killers have their own goals too, and their strategies and behavior in-game may be the result of them trying to achieve or complete a certain goal. Just because this is a horror-style game doesn't mean we all have to roleplay our characters to mirror how they behave in movies. If that's really what you want, then I can come up with plenty of survivor-side strategies and behaviors that need to change to be more accurate as well.

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