Guaranteed Safety Pip For Being Facecamped/Not Saved

I'm sure every survivor has been in a situation a couple times where either your team mates never save you or the killer facecamps you and you depip for something that is essentially entirely out of your control.

After rank reset I get teamed with a lot of survivors that will either be too scared to save and just let me die on first hook or will try and save but do it so badly they just get grabbed/down before they can. At the same time, there are some killers who will just face camp you. There is NO counterplay to face camping if the killer knows how to grab survivors that are unhooking. Not even BT will save you against facecamping.

In both of these situations you depip, despite the game having a system to detect facecamping and not saving. Why is it that the emblem system can penalise a killer for facecamping but will not compensate the survivor that is facecamped? Why can the emblem system detect if a survivor isn't saved from the hook (read the benevolent emblem) but still penalises a survivor merely for being part of a bad team?


  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587
    edited February 2021

    I do actually agree a "dead on 1st hook" situation should result in a safety, and probably extra Bloodpoints too, to incentivise people staying instead of suiciding and to ensure that if your team really is refusing to save you/you're victim to a basement bubba, the game doesn't throw you under the bus for it.

    Though, and I don't mean to make this a whataboutism, I'd also like it if getting a 4K too early didn't result in ENTITY DISPLEASED either.

  • Floofzy_Kitten
    Floofzy_Kitten Member Posts: 68

    I think it's important to talk about things the good idea of the emblem system could achieve that it currently doesn't. I think the last bit of your comment would take some more creative thinking to resolve. However for my idea, the game already has a system in place that punishes camping and not saving so it would be extending from the idea of "these players should be punished" to "the victim of these players also shouldn't be punished".

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    yea i like the idea, right now players dc/suicide giving the killer a free 4k and when i play killer depending on where i hooked the survivor i have to come back to the hook to go another gen and survivors suicide thinking I was going to camp.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I dunno. I mean as a solo surv I know how it is sometimes but not every game will end that way. Piping is not hard at all if you play enough. I don't think pip is a right approach to this situation.

    Personally I don't have much of a problem with it since it doesn't happen in every game and there are ways to avoid it.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Tbh, I like what you said, and I don't like.

    If you safety pip when dead on first hook, you can get out of a game you don't like perfectly safely, without be punished for letting your team mates. For example : it's a spirit. You don't like spirit, you go on a chase, she downs and hook you, and you suicide, safety pip, search a match.

    I'm pretty sure it's better to make a player safety pip if he's dead on first hook AND struggle to the end of the timer, without trying to self unhook (Or allowing only one try). If you did that, it means you don't ######### on hook, avoiding the game, or letting Facecamp Bubba taking advantage of facecamping (the better and only counter to that is to waste his time and others have to do gen, there is no tactic that can counter Facecamp Bubba). You tried to survive, but your teammates didn't come or couldn't save you.

  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    Struggling to the end of the hook and refusing to suicide is actually what I had in mind, I should've been more specific. I definitely agree that the safety pip should not be automatically rewarded if you suicided, solely if you died on 1st hook and struggled to the end.