Can we have a serious talk about dead hard for a minute?



  • fray1919
    fray1919 Member Posts: 199

    You can be rude if you'd like, all I ask is a good faith argument.

    I'm afraid that you haven't explained why, let's say, dodging a chainsaw from Billy is not free, while Dead Hard is free. It seems to me that dodging a chainsaw is more free because doing so doesn't take a perk slot and doesn't cause exhaustion. But perhaps you're wiser than I am.

    Now I think (but please tell me if this is not what you're saying) that your big problem is that Dead Hard lets you "gain distance," or you could say move faster. Is it worse than Sprint Burst?

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    We can have a serious talk about it, fix it so it works. A killer shouldn't hit you during the animation. It is supposed to give you invulnerability status and it doesn't because of dedicated servers.

    The perk doesn't work and needs to be fixed.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    I don't think you understand what I said at all I mean free escape as in it doesn't take skill to do and feels unfair not how much it cost. Using a deadhard for distance is when you use the speed burst mid sprint to get to a pallet and be safe which you can't do with sprint burst.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Same. DS is strong, don't get me wrong, but I'd rather play a 4 DS squad than. 4 DH squad. Of course often times really you see plenty that run both. But DH is a bear when multiple people are running it.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    True, it is also crippling against weaker killers such as clown, wraith, trapper, and pig.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    I honestly just don't understand how people have such a hard time with dead hard. Learn how to out position survivors and how to direct them into a position where DH won't be a big deal. People make it seem like if someone uses DH they instantly teleport across the map. There's so many anti-loop killers and tactics DH is only an issue if someone is at killer shack or a strong loop and they actually know how to loop it correctly, which you should be able to identify pretty quickly and the smart move would be to break off that chase and put your pressure somewhere else. I feel like half these nerf discussions are people who just get outplayed and need an excuse for why they got outplayed instead of looking back and see what they could have done better in these situations.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    If we care about the game's health so much, why is NOED or OoO still in the game? LOL

  • neikod
    neikod Member Posts: 1

    The glaring issue with DBD that will remain constant is this very subject of “perks” and how survivors use them. The game is already unbalanced because survivors rely on circumstances and situational advantages to win. Killers rely direct/indirect impact and with addition to perks that give them circumstantial advantages along with the system’s bloodlust. If we start asking BHVR to nerf every single survivor perk that gives them an edge... that only reflects to me how unbalanced the killer community is. You don't want equality in a game or equity you want to advantages. There are 5 perks that survivors use as and advantage and 9/10 only one perk is placed in the slot. On the other hand... there are 13 killer perks that give an edge on top of add ons to give you ultimate insta-downs.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Dead hard just needs to be changed to a 3-token perk. It's just the strongest survivor perk. DS was a silly one time use perk. DH should be changed for real.

  • I'm not gunna jump into the firey pit that is 'nerf this perk' because that's a whole can of worms I don't wunna rummage around in.

    Personally I don't consider DH that horrible, yes it can extend a chase and for a survivor get them out of situations that would be game over for them. But it's not uncounterable or has no work around.

    The biggest issue with any powerful perk. Is the groups and individuals that use them so religiously.

    Firstly, how would you even nerf dead hard to the point it doesn't bother you? Add a special condition? Remove the distance boost? Increase exhaustion amount?

    Adding a special condition like can only be used after 1st gen etc would in my opinion. Do little to nothing. In a game team like some of you experience, the first gen will e done before you hen your second hit so that's out.

    Remove distance? For some players this would either help when doing tight turns or would make no difference as the invun would still protect them long enough to get them there.

    And increasing exhaustion wouldn't change the actually ability. It'd just make it less frequent but still decisive.

    Dont blame the perks for the way people use them. Blame the people. (it's like blaming the guns for peoples deaths when there in the hands of criminals) but I understand your frustration. Its not like you can nerf individual players so the perks are the next best option.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Here's an idea for a quick fix for Dead Hard:

    Dead Hard

    uncommon/rare/very rare David King perk

    You can take a beating. When injured and within 2.5/3/3.5 meters of the killer, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage.

    • Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.
    • During the dash, you avoid damage.
    • Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
    • You do not recover from the Exhausted status effect while running.

    "I am absolutely not willing to type out a stupid story about dodging beer bottles just to make this look slightly more 'authentic' or whatever." - Beelzeboop

    The numbers may need tweaking.

  • Abbatoir_Blues
    Abbatoir_Blues Member Posts: 47

    So, DH is the perk du jour to be inserted into the same conversation that takes place on the forums over and over and over. You're sick of DH and think it's op. Gee, I bet there are no survivors who think the same about plenty of killer perks, and who cares about "they're going to be" rumors about nerfing this or that? The game we have today is the game we have to play, if you CHOOSE to play the game. I've watched countless hours of major youtubers going against top-tier swf's and their most common response to an attempted DH is an amused, sarcastic "Sick dead hard, dude!" The extremely rare instance is when someone uses it effectively, at just the right moment, to make any difference whatsoever in the outcome of a chase, and when someone does, the response is an admiring (and possibly surprised) "Wow, that was a really good dead hard," usually followed by the streamer breaking chase or still getting the down. When I play survivor, I never use DH. It has not even activated enough times for me to consider it uselessly unreliable. As usual, in my opinion, the elephant in the room which is making no attempt to hide itself is whether you are up against an effective SWF all of whom are running DH, or are you against a random team. EVERY decent perk is a nightmare against a good swf and NO perk is going to save a quartet of solo's; therefore, this, like every other post complaining about every other survivor perk, is less about the perk and more about facing swf's versus solo squads.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    If you're getting to the point where you rely on bloodlust every chase you get in you should quit the game.

  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27

    Survivors can't win without their sprint burst, dead hard, DS. All their exhaustion perks.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    I hear you honestly I do I'm survivor main however and honestly it's getting to the point where both sides equally suck to play killers get gen rushed by swf and survivors need swf because solo sucks and then throw on top the nerfing perks left right and centre it kinda feels like killers hate swf but it's at that point where survival depends on swf because all our perks are no longer helpful in solo. You'll notice the constant loop I'm going in this is how it feels in game it's a giant loop find a perk you can use and are good with it gets nerfed because some survivors looking at you sweat heads abused it that is what ruins this game sweat heads that don't have a challenge or competitive mode.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    If they remove bloodlust there needs to be more mindgameable pallets per map. Many pallets in The Game, Temple of Purgation and Haddonfield, with 2 long sides and a pallet in the middle, are a perfect example of what not to do with pallets. There's just no mindgame, even with Bloodlust I.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    I feel so safe with Dead Hard, even while injured. I can't waste it like Sprint Burst, I don't need a window or a fall to activate it. It's the perfect exhaustion perk. It's OP. It's a third health state.

  • claudetteispeng
    claudetteispeng Member Posts: 31

    Dead hard is really easy to counter? If the survivors doesn't time it correctly they will go down. If you know a survivor has dead hard you can easily bait them and then kill them if they waste it to get to a pallet you can bet that they are going to pull the pallet down and then pallet destroyed. Survivors also have a hard time as well y'know? Survivors have to face constant camping and tunneling yet its the killers that get all the buffs and Survivors get nerfs plus Dead Hard is an exhaustion perk so it takes a long time for it to fill.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2021

    i think dead hard is fine as it is.. even a mediocore killer can wait for the survivor to DH and then hit.. DH can help reach pallet/window in like 1/10 time

  • corrupted1
    corrupted1 Member Posts: 5

    I'm sorry but I disagree because not only do you have to be in an injured state to use dead hard you also have to be running at the time of using dead hard. Also, dead hard only works 50-75% of the time you use it because of lag or connectivity issues. So I personally believe people should just stop complaining about perks both killer and survivor being broken because nobody likes nerfs. if the devs are just going to continue to nerf perks every time somebody complains enough about a perk the game's just going to destroy itself and be unplayable more so than it already is.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    Dead Hard

    You can take a beating. When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly.

    • Press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward.
    • During the dash if you suffer from the Broken Status Effect, you avoid damage.

    Causes the Exhausted

     Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.

    You do not recover from Exhaustion while running..

    This would add a layer of comboing with other perks to get a full value out of it. The powerful usage of the perk is still there as DH for distance but it is countered by more of the cast of Killers (POTD, Slingers, Shred, etc) )and most importantly you couldn't easily DH over traps!


  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    You realize that half of killer is hoping that the survivor makes a mistake right? You ever try rank one pc swfs as a console player trying to loop you for ages while the other three genrush, ngl those types of games are just stressful, the least they could do help me move slightly faster to get one down because that first hook is vital, without it, you pretty much lose since people go back to gens after you leave for 0.5 seconds. I'm a good killer, but I'm not amazing, we can't all be pros, all it takes is one great looper and they get a easy win.

  • panernaners
    panernaners Member Posts: 243

    It can still be countered by anti loop killers but that's not why the perk is problematic if every killer had anti loop DH wouldn't even be an issue for anyone except nurse. Its like OoO if every killer was hillbilly or blight the perk would be totally fine but that's not the case and it can make some killers power completely useless. Honestly this just seems like it would encourage more people to run for the people or deliverance.

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    You obviously didn't really read what I said, I said bloodlust is important for those times you face a god looper, other times not so much, also why are you being toxic for? Maybe if you actually pay attention to what I'm saying you wouldn't being saying stupid ######### like that, damn this game really does have a ######### community.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    But most survivors aren't good loopers in the first place. And even then if you're facing a good looper, you should at least try and find ways to mind game them and throw them off. Or you can chase other survivors who aren't as good at looping.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    I don’t believe you are a good killer lol.

    The vast majority of survivors have zero idea how to effectively loop and can usually be shut down/caught easily.

    The way I see it, if a survivor is better than you and you are over committing you deserve to be punished for it and not rewarded with a cheap built in mechanic.

  • Thicc_Boi_Myers
    Thicc_Boi_Myers Member Posts: 52

    i have stated my changes for it many times either remove the I frames from it so it is just a dash or reduce the distance

    I frames don't belong in this kind of game