Is this fair?

So playing killer 3 gens done couldn't down anyone was getting looped like crazy just dced and saw they were a swf all rank one while I am rank 11 got named called just ignored...if matchmaking is broken y should I stock around played another matche after all same rank much better
Fair? No. Yet it's something you have to accept. Devs just aren't interested in fixing this issue in a timely manner. So, until they do, you could just go in with meme builds and not take it seriously.
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Fair? Eh?
Balanced? No.
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Just saying name calling and y did you DC when I wasn't having fun like that is going to keep me playing killer instead of playing something else haha...just hit a breaking point this and having 2 run whispers as a mandatory as 3 gen strategy vs waiting for a 20 minute game when gens aren't being done is ridiculous
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They deserve high queue times
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I am hanging in there but man is it just bad now 5 friends gave up after I introduced them to this game they tried playing killer made the mistake of playing in the evening went on to play other games...thought it was supposed to be based on the highest rank survivor tonmatch up against the killer?
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Avoid SWF groups if it's obvious what they are. It's not worth it really
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It isn't fair, but there is nothing you can do. Other than lobby dodge, of course.
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The players choose to abuse bs and use meta the game doesn't force that.
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Yeah killer doesnt use meta perks... right, haha.
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Have honor and confidence in your own abilities??? Players who always seek easy route disgust me in every game, too many games hold hand and this one is no different when really it should be trial by fire too many people getting wins handed to them on platter.
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Short of lobby dodging not much else you can do
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There's only one thing you can do, play a top-tier killer. The game being balanced around trash survivors and A-tier killers is ass but guess that's how they want to keep it
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Which is sad in reality cant play any lower tier because of swf
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Which is y there should be a mode for just swf away from the normal game
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If you encounter a bully squad the best thing you can do is not play the game and just AFK:
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Pretty much the entire killer meta is perks based around keeping the game from being over in three minutes with one chase due to absurd gen speeds, like corrupt or ruin, with a couple of one hit or tracking perks like MYC and BBQ, with a couple outliers like Bamboozle.
Pretty much the entire survivor meta is perks that make up for low skill, like DH if you failed to keep your distance somehow (because, let's be honest, you don't use it to actually dodge all that often, do you?), DS if you fail at least three chases in a short time frame, and BT if you have no ability to tell if its a good idea or not to unhook your friend in the killer's terror radius. Pretty much every other survivor perk that isn't also a second chance or a crutch perk are based on things the survivors are supposed to be doing, ie the objective and escaping chases.
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Yeah not my queue times that are getting longer haha
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It's a good thing literally the entire survivor playerbase is rank 1 meta gamers or that would be a really dumb statement.
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And no signs of changing sadly
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My heart man tough stuff but that's how this game is for rn just dont take games to seriously
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There are times when uninstalling looks very tempting it is 30 gig I can use for something else I mean Friday the 13th only takes up like a third of that
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True Im not innocent either tbh I've done uninstalled the game afew times in a rage 😂 just taught myself it's just a game lol
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Agree with this. The game is...bluntly, not good. Sorry you wasted your money, @latinfla4 . :(
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Lost all right to complain the moment you DC'd.
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When someone is better than you shouldn't you take the time to figure out how to beat them so that you can become a better player yourself? This post is essentially if it isn't an easy game then I don't want to play. I think this is one of the biggest problems with this game is when people go up against a challenge and fall short they look for excuses rather than taking the loss learning from it and moving on. You're not gonna win every single game no matter what you do.
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You're acting as if every survivor is a DS, DH, Unbreakable, BT swf player...