Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Death Slinger Needs Work

Member Posts: 67

I was excited for this character. I thought, "Finally. A guy with ranged attacks."

It made sense to me to make it where pinpoint accuracy was a must or else the character would be OP.

The problem???? THE RANGE. What kind of a ranged weapon has no range?

I shouldn't have to rely on add-ons to make this character decent. His attack doesn't necessarily damage survivors. Give him range.

In my opinion, he offers no advantage and only disadvantage. He might be useful during the end game, but that's if the survivor is already injured or you have NoED.

He needs work. Am I crazy?

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 2,184
    edited February 2021

    He's uh... in weird place. I feel like he's fine, because he averages out to be good to a bit above that. His attack is not reasonably dodged but there is so much built in time wasting (as well as the range/ and not every shot landed has value like a Huntress hatchet) that in respects to the whole match, he's not overpowered. Just obnoxious to go against.

  • Member Posts: 801

    I think they should just add addons that increase his range

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Problem with more range is you cannot consistently hit m1s then

  • Member Posts: 67

    I'm not going to pretend that I'm smart enough to know what this means.

  • Member Posts: 67

    😝 I mean there are ups and downs to every strategy and playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    You cannot consistently hit them with your attack after reeling them in since it is designed to reel in 18m

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Yes....that is the joke.

    OP is complaining about him only being able to hit you at 18m....

  • Hehe, you're a good sport so I'll happily actually discuss this with you.

    Overall deathslinger has the ability to shut down a lot of loops in the game immediately, his range is plenty enough for what it does if you aim well enough and quick enough; so much so that it frustrates many survivors because a good slinger can shut you down hard, like many killers that have an ability that is more their strength than the normal m1 game sense is.

    So his lack of range and overall map pressure is, by design, meant to hold him back to keep him balanced in return for the ability to shut down a chase incredibly quick.

    Also if his chain was longer, honestly a survivor would come in and break it almost any time anyways and it's not really going to be fun for anyone sitting there stuck and reeling for what feels like an eternity; also the break meter would have to be adjusted to a point that in it's current use it would basically never break shutting down all the actual viable counterplay when you need it, in exchange for counterplay that exists only to an suboptimal situation instead.

  • Member Posts: 67
    edited February 2021

    I guess that makes sense. My feeling on it was that it's so hard to operate it's hard to imagine a good slinger. BUT, I wouldn't be surprised. Like I mentioned, you need pinpoint accuracy and it's difficult to navigate.

    I hadn't really considered the intended purpose. Sure, a lot of things would have to change, but I don't see a real difference if we're talking about a group of survivors running together nearby or a couple of survivors in sight of eachother from a distance.

  • Some of them are darn scary not gonna lie, it's a skill you can pick up outside of DBD unlike most killers.

    If one is good it already feels nearly impossible to dodge them; let alone if they could do that from even farther away.

    There are also game mechanics as well you can't ignore, like being able to run away quickly for 3 seconds or so anytime you wiggle free, or DS, or are flashlight saved or take a hit and such- negating all that even further by just being able to shoot them immediately after, would be a problem.

    Currently he is balanced around not being able to shoot someone at that point unless they do something that keeps them in range.

  • Also what perks do you run on Deathslinger generally? Do you have STBFL? Because with stacks you can already hit someone, and then often shoot them before they get away once you have enough stacks it's a bit ridiculous as is; so without perks and that being base kit, you would never be able to escape him if he had STBFL you would auto win any chase.

  • Member Posts: 67
    edited February 2021

    Also what perks do you run on Deathslinger generally? Do you have STBFL? Because with stacks you can already hit someone, and then often shoot them before they get away once you have enough stacks it's a bit ridiculous as is; so without perks and that being base kit, you would never be able to escape him if he had STBFL you would auto win any chase.

    Nah, I don't I honestly dont level this character much because I hate the mechanics behind his ability. I personally think it's hard to operate.

    Move to the left slightly and you've successfully dodged this attack.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Deathslinger is, at least in my opinion, in a very good spot right now.

    He excells at chases, yet he is lacking in the other aspects, making his power feel very powerful when using it, while also leaving a lot of room to beat him for survivors (if they know how).

    regarding his range, i thik the 18m are more than enough. dont forget that you also need to reel in a survivor after you land a shot, which is extremely hard already uppon hitting a shot from further than 15m away, so having his range be even longer would just mean that the survivors would get more time and chances to break the chain anyway.

    on top of that, the durability of the chain is balanced around him reeling in people from no further than 18m, so in order to increase his range you'd also have to increase the durability of the chain, which would end up making it basically impossible to escape a hit within the 15m window.

    and anything over 18m would be easily dodgeable by any survivor that has eyes and ears that hears your gunshot and then sees the harpoon flying at them (shots over the 15m range are definitely dodgeable by survivors, according to my experience).

    if you're looking to get better at Slinger, here are a few tips on how to generally improve with him:

    • pre-aim to a chokepoint you know the survivor will run through without Aiming down Sights. then quickscope the survivor when they do enter said chokepoint (e.g. a doorway, pallet or window)
    • learn when to use which reeling technique. its true that walking backwards while reeling makes it harder for them to spin around on the chain (so it lowers their chance to find objects to hide behind), but you also limit your own ability to affect the chain turning aswell. if you want to manneuvre a survivor through a lot of objects, sometimes you'll have to stop walking backwards and move sideways to readjust the chain.
    • if you feel insecure about playing Deathslinger, go for faster reload speed and faster reeling speed Add Ons. those are definitely his best.
    • Monitor & Abuse is an amazing perk on him. combined with A Nurses Calling you can get a lot of great ambushes on unsuspecting, vulnerable survivors.
    • remember that any object you can see a survivor through / over you can also shoot through, excluding a few badly designed spots on Backwater Swamp.
    • dont loop with him as you would with other killers. your main goal is NOT to get a hit on them, but to force them to outposition themselves so you can shoot them. Windows especially are your friend here, as all you need to do to get a hit is to make the survivor walk past the window while you are on the other side (and then hit your shot ofc).
    • remember that your gun is not a hitscan weapon. it fires a projectile that needs to connect with your target in order for you to land a hit, so dont aim directly at the survivor, but a little in front of them on longer ranges.
    • and, most importantly: train, train, train. the more you play him, the easier it will be for you to consistantly land your shots.
  • Member Posts: 317

    Slinger is perfectly fine right now. He isn't the strongest.

  • Member Posts: 100
    edited February 2021

    Slinger is fine and he is in a good spot.. he has a speargun not a sniper rifle..

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    No, his base range needs to be increased. I hate the add-on idea because if you're not running it, it's like you're missing out on something major. That was my problem with Leatherface/Hillbilly's old "increases the reach of the chainsaw" add-on.

  • Member Posts: 315

    on the Addons topic, I really don’t like iridescent coin. I think they should change the 15 m to like 12 or 11 m. I tried iridescent coin and no survivor went 15 m. I think maybe it should be changed IMO.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited February 2021

    Deathslinger is ridiculously uncounterable. They need to address that before trying to buff him, or else we're going to end up with another Nurse situation. DbD doesn't need uncounterable killers, that's not fair on the survivors, just like it doesn't need maps like The Game or Haddonfield.

    And requiring pinpoint accuracy doesn't remove the "OP" part, not at all. If something is uncounterable, it's uncounterable, simple as that. And he walks around at 110 speed with a fully wound hatchet that travels in a straight line and is small enough to hit you through tiles?

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    My shots literally go through their bodies sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 67

    😀. I could be a real douche and point out that she isn't a guy. I could.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I really don't get this idea of uncountable. Maybe I just haven't leveled him up much, but he seems ridiculously easy to dodge.

  • Member Posts: 945

    the issue is not deathsingers power but its map size a deathslinger on wreckers yard is terrifying but a deathslinger on mothers dwelling is a joke

  • Member Posts: 67

    That's a good point. I'm happy to disagree with a lot of people, but apparently, a lot of people see him as either balanced or too strong as is.

    Another weird argument to me is that it would make for complicated game mechanics.

    I just want the ability to shoot a little further if I want to 😂 Maybe then I'd actually use this character more. Otherwise, it has no appeal to me. His movements and scope are just funky and awkward to me.

    I feel like I'm gonna leave this one be. I've run this into the ground, and I see not a lot of agreement.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I was a Slinger main for most of last year. No, he isn't easy to dodge. It's actually mathematically impossible thanks to human reaction time, projectile speed, and physical limitations of in-game movement to dodge a shot from The Redeemer unless you are close to maximum range. Which to be perfectly honest, is the reason that good Deathslingers don't take max-range shots unless they are showing off.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    It's mostly moments like this


    he can shoot you over a lot of loops and slowly make his away around. Or you attempt to dodge and he walks up to you and downs you.

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