Gen speeds

As a solo, I don't know why killers constantly complain about gen speeds, 80 seconds is along time. I forgot, killers don't like efficiency. 80 seconds is a balanced time, why not simply reduce the efficiency, let me explain. When there are 2 survivors on a gen it goes quicker, why not simply reduce that. Make it so where it goes 7% quicker per survivor. if 4 people are on a gen, the gen takes 57.6 seconds (from 80 seconds)
Prove thyself - A Nerf from 15% to 5% per survivor
7% + 5% = 11%
1 survivor / 11% of 80 seconds is 8.8 seconds ( 80 seconds - 8.8 seconds = 71.2 seconds)
2 survivor / 22% of 80 seconds is 17.6 seconds ( 80 seconds - 17.6 seconds = 62.4 seconds)
3 survivor / 33% of 80 seconds is 24.6 seconds ( 80 seconds - 24.6 seconds = 55.4 seconds)
4 survivor / 44% of 80 seconds is 35.2 seconds ( 80 seconds - 35.2 seconds = 44.8 seconds)
How about that for a nerf killer and survivor mains, it is still 80 seconds but the efficiency of survivors is nerfed.
- This will hopefully reduce killers who play unfair
- This keeps solo's the same
- This is a healthy change
Your opinions on this change?
I can't find any problems with it 🤔. From a precursory glance it looks good.
I think when killers are complaining about this they're thinking about the difference in map size. Some maps it's pretty hard to monitor all gens. I know that's the point, but if you have 2 groups of people working on gens on opposite sides of the map, could you make it to both gens in time on the largest maps? Certainly not with chases factored in.
If you abandon chase for the gen on the opposite map without a killer that teleports, what's the point? The survivors just come right back and finish the gen as soon as you leave. I'll leave it to the math people.