Can we have a new killer that uses some thing to look like a surviver

Can we have a killer called shape shifter his power would be to turn into a surviver and it takes 7 seconds for him to turn back into a killer that would be fair so they don't instantly don't get out of the from and get the person they are trying to get.
I made some spelling errors and words that will not really make sense
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It would be an interesting power however even though it sounds easy to do there would have to be alot work put into it to make sure it's balanced.
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Dev have said in the past the wouldn't do these kind of killers, not to mention SWF can easily shut down this mechanic.
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What the point of it? How is it better than other stealth killers we already have?
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I suggested chucky and a body switch mechanism. I think survivors should be able to kick him away.
I'm low-key hoping this idea gains traction.