Been using Noed lately

Had no ruin, no pop, not even corrupt or oppression just nothing to slow a game down on a level 50 killer I have yet to prestige but I did have Noed.

Been running it lately without any game slow down perks and honestly matches have felt incredibly fair and no survivors have really had too much issue with it that I talked to; they felt it was a good game and complimented the plays that lead up to the end understanding that I had no slow down perks.

Same when I used devour hope instead or sometimes in addition to.

The amount of time they have without slow down perks to break totems in preparation is far less what actual gen control perks would give me so I mean there is literally no reason not to break all my totems unless I play well enough they can't break them which honestly takes a lot of work I feel (granted playing a mediocre killer)

I dunno, normally I dislike running noed but this feels actually a bit weaker than just a proper build, but it's been fairly good so far. Also I mean even if everyone gets out, noed can usually get me a couple extra hooks and more points for survivors as they do their usual hook trades and use DS, BT, unbreakable, etc etc...

I quite like this.
