So what does this chapter have to do with LGBTQ?

The forum has written a lot about this in recent days. Maybe I misread the character stories and missed something?
You didn't miss anything. This chapter has nothing to do with LGBTQ.
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Nothing. That was 100% speculative.
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Nothing according to the lore.
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Nothing, apparently.
People got Hyped/Upset over nothing. Again.
As per usual for this community.
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As usual, people wanting something so bad that they have no control over. I wish people would just drop it.
If we get a character like that we do, if we don't we don't.
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Nothing confirmed. People got hyped and upset over nothing.
We did get a super flamboyant male killer which is something fun and new. Who he bangs on his down time isn't told though.
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That was complete speculation based on a simple color scheme.
Plus, as has been detailed in the past, creating a LGBT character is a risky catch-22, since if they are just a normal character who happens to be gay, you get accused of recruiting a diversity hire. If they are “recognizably” gay, you eat accused of stereotyping.
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As usual, people wanting something so bad that they have no control over. I wish people would just drop it.
If we get a character like that we do, if we don't we don't.
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Not to mention that, from what I've heard, Chinese companies own quite a bit of BHVR iirc and China does not allow LGBT characters.
For example, Soldier 76 from Overwatch is LGBT here, but straight in China. BHVR was probably paying lip service to get your support.
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Well, speculation about ownership is just speculative.
I think that BHVR learned from the lessons of Soldier 76, being the vitriol over “forced” diversity (which I can’t say isn’t true). The reality is that the majority of the player base of this game is a bunch of edgy reactionary pseudointellectuals, which won’t take very kindly to apparent diversity hires.
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Ironically, nothing related to LGBT was ever introduced
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Not really, one can check a company's shareholders via sites on the Internet. It's more public than you think.
And the evidence against your "majority" is literally the amount of people mentioning the homophobes, plus how a majority of the DBD community is apparently LGBT(?). So.
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Good point, I can just imagine Xi Jing ping (Chinese President/leader) saying "if you dare add a LGBT character then I'm uninstalling" sounds like a joke but cultural differences probably do play quite a large part.
Exactly why only the US and Europe branches of international businesses only take part in promoting equality and stuff like that.
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CCP is known for their treatment towards others and how they handle their own citizens, so I think they're just straight up evil.
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There are lots of evil people but talking about them in these forums probably isn't the best idea.
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Yup. You're right.
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A certain leak site baited everyone with the LGBT to get clicks on their crappy site
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Speculation is exactly that. The leaksbydaylight website explored the possibility but never ever confirmed anything at all.
Putting trust in something that leaks were actually for is an error on the individual person's part.
It wasn't for clicks, it was just engaging with supporters.
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It wasn't speculation,they were stating it as a fact in their article
Trusting leaks is not an error when 95% of the leaks are true
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Yeah, the people in the good leaks that doesn't do that stuff and actually just posts it on twitter and reddit and not on a malware littered website
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If living in the US has taught me anything, it's that the minority is always louder. There's never really been a solid statistical review of the player base, but if the toxicity is any indicator, I wouldn't be surprised to see little Ben Shapiritos running through the forums.
One thing to take note of is that BHVR is a private company. I'm not sure how securities laws function in Canada, but neither the CFPB nor the SEC require private companies to disclose ownership of their company. In most cases, most of the equity in private companies is held directly by the founders, who, as you may note, are not Chinese nationals.
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Nothing. Just a bunch of people assuming that the leaked shot of the new survivor was a transvestite.
There were some weird people here with really messed up imaginations who thought the shadow under the chin on the picture was a beard. combined with he outlandish girly costume they thought it was some flaming gay out in drag.
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It's not just the US and Europe, most other liberal countries (Taiwan even) will be promoting equity for the purpose of boosting sales (Note that relatively conservative Eastern European countries don't have LGBTQ characters). Remember that game developers are businesses, and whatever helps them boost sales is what they will put in.
That being said, I really can imagine Winnie the Pooh raging at the Xbox after his favorite gamer girl survivor turns out to be a lesbian. 10/10 imagery, my English teacher would be proud.
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Nothing. It was just speculation.
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Nothing. People were convinced it was lgbt for some reason.
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There is literally nothing. I saw one post get made speculating about it, and suddenly EVERYONE seemed to jump on the bandwagon on both sides.
It seriously reminded me of all the FNAF posts that we got after Silent Hill was brought in. One got made, and everyone decided to make posts about it for no reason.