Why are red ranks slugging so hard right now

The last 3 days almost every match killers have been slugging as a first resort. Is everyone doing a challenge now or something?
Could be early game pressure if they don't have corrupt intervention or ruin. If you've noticed an influx of it, bring unbreakable, soul guard, or tenacity.
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Because survivors want to hold m1 a lot recently. So gens been flying.
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Why are survivors splitting up and holding m1?
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All 5 gens can pop in around 3 minutes even in solo queue and even without toolboxes.
Therefore killers slug whenever they see a chance to keep up with the pace of the game.
It's that simple really. If you get slugged consistently just bring Unbreakable.
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Personally, I think if you're just left on the ground for 2-3 minutes, you should just be able to finish recovering yourself. Slugging is fine for a quick tactic of trying to get the person two feet away from the survivor you just downed, or even trying to run out the DS clock, but just leaving people there instead of hooking them should be punished after enough time. 4 minute bleed-out timer, so after 3 mins, being able to pick yourself up would mean you can only do it once per match. If the killer can't bother trying to hook you, then they deserve you standing back up and going on your merry way. They said you're hitting m1. That's literally all survivors get to do. You want them to stop and break all your totems before they start that, because the argument will still be gen-rushing.
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It´s the killers desperate attempt to slowdown gens. As we don´t see any changes to the gen speed, i assume that slugging will also get a nerf in the near future. Then killers really won´t have anything to slowdown the match.
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They’ve already nerfed it twice, the first being the 95% recovery everybody knows about, the second being the WGLF buff. I’d argue that perk is damn op now it makes slugging redundant and I’d argue it’s far more powerful than BBQ as a perk.
I think the game is in such a state now where if you arent against a team of potatoes then if you don’t slug you dont win.
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its a natural result of nerfing the ruin/undying combo. Killers aren’t rewarded as much for taking multiple chases as there are only two “ruin” totems.
this was pointed out as a likely result many times in these forums prior to the nerf to undying.
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Because it’s the only consistently reliable strategy to deal with survivor BS that can be applied across all killers.
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Nah we have 1/4 regression speed
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Because against a competent survivor team with any killer that isn't Nurse or Spirit, you need to tunnel, camp, or slug to generate pressure and potentially secure a 4k.
If you go for 10-12 hooks; you'll lose, so killers like myself and others will resort to the three tactics above.
Tunnelling is something I do if there's no BT/DS, but those are common perks, whereas I find UB is used less used, hence slugging being more effective with the addition of it being seen as the lesser of these three evils.
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Which is meh...
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I was joking it might aswell be useless
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Oh... my bad.
Yeah, it´s kinda pointless. I often think if its worth kicking the gen, when survivors just stop the regression mid chase by tapping it.
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don't slug, don't camp, don't tunnel, don't do fking ######### hahaahah
I slug when I want to ds run out.
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Because with the event gen speeds have been ridiculous. Take away ruin undying and you're left with desperate times desperate measures. I try not to slug but if something silly like 3 gens go in 2 minutes I will
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Meh they played the exact same way before ruin undying was nerfed. Just slugging and trying to end the game super quickly. There hasn’t been a real difference in killer play styles either way.