Trickster... the only ones who were tricked were the community!!!

Tricked us into believing for one minute that we might actually get a useful new killer along with some useable perks after that horrendous release of the twins and elodie.
Let’s just hope and pray to the entity that BHVR doesn’t find out that it has a small following in Saudi Arabia, god only knows what killer and survivor the design team would conjure up.
Certainly beats the pants off the twins.
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I think he's fine. If you don't like him you can wait for the 2-3 other killers we'll be getting during the rest of the year.
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Yay 3 months to wait
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Tricked you maybe. I didn't believe for one second we would get a strong killer. Haven't believed that for 4 years.
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Another thread being overdramatic and making some childish remark about the new Killer? What's new?
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The window perk is terrific. Wdym
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Yup. Twins was probably the worst chapter ever.
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I don't know about that one. I don't play twins anymore, but they are incredibly strong. Yea their power is only useful to slug and camp, but the new killers is missing so much right now, that he is just overall a weak killer.
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I would actually love a killer and survivor from an Arabian or muslim background. A jinn would be absolutely mental
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I actually really like this killer. From his look to his power. I have been wanting a knife throwing killer for a while and having it be a crazy pop star that's flamboyant works just fine. I don't get all the hate for him other then the normal "It's a new killer there for we hate it."
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Time flies. It feels like the Twins were released like last month.
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His trick will be making the community disappear!!
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I have a feeling this killer will be one of those that a certain selection of people will slate until a Youtuber like not_Otzdarva or Scott Jund release one video showing how good he can be, by which time he'll suddenly become flavour of the month.
The guy has some decent perks, a unique look and a different style of play. Give them some time to actually learn him, rather than judge him for wearing a yellow coat, or something just as fickle).
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This one mentioned Saudi Arabia.
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The teasers had absolutely nothing to do with the trickster. People assumed the glitchy logo was the ring, then assumed the computer monitors was FNAF or a technology themed killer, then the music with the rewind people assumed that he was able to rewind time. End product, he throws knives and is the Korean joker 🤣
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Slinger? Blight?
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There are always the old ones btw and some of them are ok to bring home 2/3k average. I don't get bored by the old ones if they work for me. The new killer seems very weak. A TL wall tile is sufficient to keep him busy for long time without getting a single hit. XD BHVR is doing a very bad job in game design. I wonder if they actually play their game. If they would, they would understand how it feels playing it, and what their communty need to have serious fun.
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CHAPTER IX: Shattered Bloodline
Release Date: 18 September 2018 (Tuesday)
This DLC features:
- A new Killer (The Spirit)
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He’s fine
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This killer's design makes deathslinger look like the healthiest killer design there is. You can't get more braindead than this killer. Mind you that's what i said about some of the last few killers...
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Slinger isn't strong. People just suck at dodging his shots. He can be gen rushed really bad.
Blight is in the viable range but not strong.
Oni is almost strong but he needs a warm up time.
Spirit is strong "now" but when she first got here she wasn't strong. They had to tweak her a bit to be where she is now.
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So if we count ptb spirit can I count ptb oni and his brokenness? Surely that means we’ve had an overpowered killer.
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I said nothing about PTB. I'm talking about the final product. Even if we include PTB the trickster is looking weak.
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Yeah he looks kinda bad but with a fe tweaks he could definitely be decent
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Some of these perks on both sides sound amazing... This character is a sell just for that alone tbh, I can't wait for the window block one, that is almost to Jank
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True. My definition of strong is a killer that has counterability but can stand a decent chance against a swf.
If he catches you in the open I can picture him being good but he just looks like huntress with extra steps. Just allows more room for error. I predict the way to play him is get close to someone, spam knives to injure them then follow up with a M1.
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I personally don't understand your problem with the new killer. I think his appearance is refreshing and fun. It's nice to have a killer that stands out and looks more human-like. Also his power does not seem bad at all. After watching others play as him (as I have not played as him yet), he actually seems like he could be quite strong, it may just take a bit of practice.
Overall, I think BHVR did a very good job with this new chapter. The only thing I would have liked, that we did not get, is a new map. I think it would be very cool to have a modern, city-like map but I understand why we did not get one.
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Bruh Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, and Oni??
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People just suck at dodging his shots
Ah yes, combine server latency with something that you need literally the best recorded reflexes in the world to dodge, but no people are just bad at dodging.
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Not only those. Aside from maybe Twins we had Killers who were at least decent for more than 2 years (Ghostface, Demo, Oni (really strong), Deathslinger, Pyramid Head (really strong), Blight (really strong))...
Trickster does not look like a bad Killer at all. He certainly will not rival Killers like Oni, Pyramid Head or Blight, but he is far away from being the worst Killer.
His Perks are also quite nice, Hex: Crowd Control is really strong and therefore worthy of being a Hex and No way out is a decently designed Endgame Perk (even tho, it can get some Buffs IMO, a full minute on Tier 3 will be fine as well).
The Survivor-Perks are mediocre, but most of the time you cannot expect them to be good anyway. But aside from the Perk which hides the Scratchmarks, they are also not horribly bad.
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I explained those killer's further in the thread.
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While I see where you're coming from, you do realize this game isn't only about SWF, right?
Oni, PH, Blight, and Slinger are all very strong in solo q, which is where a lot of the survivor player base is.