A response to those against adding LGBTQIA+



  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I know what you're trying to say but looking at the world how it is now... Well, let's say I get a bit defensive about it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    It’s completely okay to have second thoughts on the devs decision and question their implementation of it.

    but we shouldn’t damn them for something we think they might be doing wrongly.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Which thread is asking for an openly gay character? Haven’t seen one but I might just not remember, since those threads tend to go off topic pretty quickly

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited March 2021

    That’s one. And judging by the first answers didn’t get too much approval.

    i already said almost no one.

    Edit: I am off to bed, I assume you are searching for those many threads that are demanding an openly gay char (btw not even what that thread was about? Generally LGBT+ was requested). I will respond again tomorrow when I find time for it.

    here the link


  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/205496/the-promised-lgbt-characters/p1 another. Second paragraph or so she said it’s not even debatable that one is needed

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    Don’t bother responding. I just posted another, but I’m guessing you will always want 1 more. Plus, the title of the first one directly contradicts what you are saying.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Okay one last answer from me today:

    they didn’t say it was needed per se, but that the devs should hold their words. And again they didn’t ask for an openly gay character but only for exactly what was promised by the devs.

    i wish everyone a good night <3

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I said that your first thread was a valid example. But that it didn’t get much approval from other community members.

    and yes, you were saying there is many threads like this. One or two aren’t many. At all.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I'm afraid I don't understand your point? Are you implying that I would not respect the views of a minority group if I didn't identify with them? If so, you're wrong and have made an incorrect assumption. As a member of a minority group I know what it feels like so I have empathy and would not behave in a way I know to be damaging.

  • ricenorim
    ricenorim Member Posts: 31
    edited March 2021

    Buddy, the only people who ######### for weeks straight would be those if there’s an LGBT character in the game. lol ... not quite sure why you’re basically saying only the lgbt community bitches. If anything, it’s the republicans and Heteros that ######### about everything. WAR ON THE HOLIDAYS, THEYRE TAKING OUR JOBS! THEYRE FORCING OUR CHILDREN TO BE GAY!!

    if anyone will be bitching for weeks, it’s the straight people who want everything to revert back to 1980. Ew.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Don’t worry about that person. They made wrong assumptions and accusations in almost every post on this thread. And they are unable to admit mistakes whatsoever.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I understand the point you're making, in that 'bad' representation could be worse than no representation - and there has long been a trope in horror of the queer killer or victim, which does make it a bit of a grey area.

    But to have true equality and equal representation, I feel like queer characters of all kinds, regardless of whether they are evil or not, should have a seat at the table. If you're saying that there are certain genres of media that have to exclude them entirely simply because there are negative associations, that ends up having the exact opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    What an immature response. Once again, I can only come to the conclusion that since I disagree with you, you have to try to dismiss my opinion. But then again, you don’t know the definition of wild card so my bar was set pretty low.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    As one who's in the LGBT I do have to say something about this topic everyone is obsessed about.

    Do I want LGBT Characters Lorewise in the game?

    No, I do not want ANY character's Sexuality to be expressed in their lore. The reason is not what you may wanna hear.

    When I play video games Like Overwatch for example, there's 3 ways to add sexual identity. Adding a New Character with that said sexuality. Forcing sexuality into the lore of an already established character. OR letting the community decide on their own accord how they feel that character should be represented.

    What do I mean by forced Sexuality?

    Forced Sexuality is forcing New Sexuality lore into a character's lore for "Selling more Copies" than explaining the Character. An example of this is the Soldier 76 (From Overwatch) is gay controversy. Most of the OW community felt like Blizzard forced Gayness into the lore to make more sales. Due to the fact sales were getting low then when the news broke out they saw a more increase in sales though Soldier's lore was already established.

    What do i mean by Community picked Sexuality?

    For this look at Cyberpunk 2077, GTA V or ANYYYYY RPG game that has thousands of fans. Think of it as creating your own lore for the already established character. For example I relate to Claudette due to her Empathy for others and that personal connection allowed me to amend parts of her lore into so she is either: Lesbian or Bisexual, Not Straight or pan etc. (Not that im not against being those) But it allowed me to relate even more to the character by building my own lore for her because it was left open. SO technically you could have made All the men/woman characters Gay, Straight Bi, Pan, Trans etc. to fit how you relate to them.

    So how does this relate to why I dont want LGBT or Straight to be defined?

    This relates because I want Lore not to be forced or feel forced to produce more sales in either DLC or the game. This also relates because I want everyone to feel included in the game by making their own lore that the devs allowed for interpretation. So telling people OH YOU DONT LIKE HOW HER/HIS LORE SAYS SHES/HES GAYYYYYY!?!? It could be due to homophobia or it could just be the fact we dont need sexuality to be explained in lore. We should make OUR OWN lore based on how we feel that the character might be due to the fact we might relate to the character.

    Ending Statement

    So Please please don't hate on me for this but IMO Sexuality should be interpreted by the Users not the Developers/Writers.


  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    Imagine suffering through life with the constant desire to be validated by everything and everyone around you.

    I don't even care if a character is gay or anything else but, the constant demand for representation is sad and pathetic.

    You dont need a video game character or a movie star to be confident in yourself, grow up.

  • balenciaga
    balenciaga Member Posts: 21

    omg why is this even such a big deal for people in the first place? this community is one of the only ones that feel so against LGBTQ representation because “iT fEeLs FoRcEd” even though it more than likely won’t have any affect on how they play the game 😍 anyways chile-

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    I never have thought about the sexual orientations of the characters before.. it just doesnt cross my mind in this game. But why should it when i have the real world?

    In real life with real people, of course i think about and experience this positively. Do many people here have much going on in their real life I wonder?

    Regarding representation, the characters have traits which represent all of us in some way. I see some of myself in Nea, Adam and Felix.

    Anyway, have fun with this video game and go out in real life and do things


  • balenciaga
    balenciaga Member Posts: 21

    this conversation really isn’t for you if this is all you have to bring to the table. clearly you don’t understand nor can you relate to why representation of minority groups is important in our media if all you can say is how people need to “grow up” by simply asking for more diversity? lmaooo

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    It definitely would be nice to have some LGBTQIA+ characters and maybe some significance in the game. However what I do not and i'm sure many don't want to see is for it to be done just to make a political statement, and not actually crafting it into a good storyline or something.

    But then there's also debates about whether it should just be a light touch or the main embodiment of a character, which is a tricky debate to get into. Bottom line is last thing you want is somethign like this to be rushed.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    the discussion is literally in this thread, isn’t it?

    you almost never answered any direct question, maybe picked one question to answer but ignored the rest. You never admitted that you were not right, even though you were proven to be wrong.

    i don’t have any problem with when someone doesn’t agree with me - again an accusation from your side without any grounds.

    and I know the definition of a wild card, but we don’t have a wild card in this case. It is not a wildcard just because we don’t know who it is. It’s only seems to be a wildcard from our perspective. But the devs have confirmed it’s not any character, it’s a specific character.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    There is just one tiny problem: there is already multiple confirmed heterosexual relationships mentioned in lore. And the devs have the freedom to create the characters with backstories and traits as they please. They said this topic is important for them and they want to be inclusive. And they apologized for being unintentionally exclusive before.

    Btw no one asks for every characters sexual orientation/identity/gender to be revealed or explicitly stated. People are just asking for equal treatment. So if the heterosexual relationships were not forced, why would the casual mentioning of a boyfriend in case of a male char be forced?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    No one here suffered because there are no LGBTQ+ chars, or said they absolutely need it. (Well, almost no one).

    it feels like the ones that want explicit exclusion of anything LGBTQ+ but that are okay with the heterosexuality already in game are the ones that will suffer with the inclusion.

    representation doesn’t hurt anyone, really. But it can help many people to see that it is completely normal, that it in fact doesn’t solely define a person etc.

  • Nevrion
    Nevrion Member Posts: 15

    I don't understand what's the point of this discussion. So people are offended because some character hasn't a background story that reveals that he or she is gay? What's the point? Does it make Yui more sympatric if she would be a lesbian? Are you more comfortable to play the Trapper if you would know he is gay? Why do you need to know the sexual preference of a character of the game to play it?

    What's the goal of this demand?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Equal treatment of LGBTQ+ compared to heterosexuality is the goal.

    and the devs have already stated they are for inclusion.

    the discussion here is directed for those against inclusion as the title said. But no one has brought up a valid reason why LGBTQ+ should be excluded when there are already multiple confirmed heterosexual relationships present..

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Please stop calling people who don't agree with you a homophobes

  • Nevrion
    Nevrion Member Posts: 15

    At which point a gay man isn't treated equal to a hetero man? And what has that do to with the game? Is this really a necessary plattform for a political statement? Currently the lore of the game doesn't care about sexuality. Why should it be focussed when it never was a topic? Right now every character can be attracted to every gender for the player, because it's not defined the other way. Is this isn't equal enough?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    (Well, almost no one)

    Yeah sorry bout that one, I got a bit too deep haha

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    Is this really a necessary paltform for a political statement

    The existence of LGBTQ+ people in real life isn't a political statement. We don't wake up and choose to be gay, we're born this way. Us existing isn't politics.

    At which point a gay man isn't treated equal to a hetero man?

    Now you could be saying 2 things here so I'll cover both bases.

    1) With represention they're not being treated equally

    As we already have confirmed heterosexual relationships in the game, they would be treated equally instead of being excluded.

    2) When are people not treated equally?

    In which case

    Here's a map of the world where being LGBTQ+ is illegal. This isn't taking into consideration countries like Russia where they're heavily discriminated against.

    Currently the lore of the game doesn't care about sexuality. Why should it be focused when it never was a topic?

    Allow me to point you in the direction of Nurse, Felix, David, Frank, and Julie.

    Right now every character can be attracted to every gender for the player, because it's not defined the other way. Is this isn't equal enough?

    See above.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Directly stated in lore:

    • Nurse
    • David
    • Felix
    • Frank and Julie

    Heavily hinted at or in Cosmetic descriptions:

    • Wraith
    • Ace
    • Oni

    other lore characters:

    • Claudettes parents
    • That pig lady from tome 1
    • Other parents, but i guess you can argue it’s mostly talked about only one parent and we don’t know more about that

    And I am probably forgetting stuff

    Asking for explicit exclusion of anything LGBTQ+ is asking for non-equal treatment and is actually more of a political statement than just treating LGBTQ+ topics the same way as heterosexual relationships and other mentions of heterosexuality

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    What reasons are there for disagreeing when the genre is heavily influenced by sexuality and several characters lore makes direct references to heterosexual relationships?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    i didn’t even mean you but that one thread from months ago. You are fine, your statement was also fine :)

    they are saying we bash them for opinions but apparently we can’t have individual opinions on our own

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    They are not calling people who disagree with them homophobes but those that are explicitly making homophobic statements. Saying LGBTQ+ doesn’t fit while being perfectly fine with anything heterosexual is in fact something homophobic (or LGBTQ+phobic, not sure about the actual namings of those)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited March 2021

    Neither am I, and I feel like that's something I should know...

    Edit: eh, point gets across either way.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I mean, I already have a problem with calling it a phobia when it is just hatred..

    but that’s Off-Topic i guess :)

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    Yeah I also don't know about the specific name, so I just resort to homophobic haha. LGBTQ+phobic sounds better than 'homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, etc' imo tho

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    This is almost comical. Why would I admit to being wrong when I’m not wrong? I can’t emphasize enough that you don’t understand what a wild card is. No disrespect, maybe it’s simply a language barrier or something like that. The only other alternative is you are just trying to mess with me.

    You refuse to acknowledge when you are wrong, like when I gave you multiple threads and you said it’s not enough. Quit moving the goal posts.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Genuinely curious, what is it about DBD that has made the game especially popular with the LGBT community? Given that the existing characters are not explicitly stated as part of the LGBT community, what makes DBD different from other games to attract LGBT players?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    in the end it doesn’t matter. Even if there was a wild card LGBTQ+ char. What then? LGBTQ+ would still be completely absent from the game and we would still have many confirmed heterosexual relationships present. But you didn’t even admit that you were wrong about those.

    or what about those multiple threads and demands in the forums that were explicitly asking for an openly gay character. You could only provide one example for your claim and that was one person that asked for it in November. You still tried to make me look like the one in the wrong here.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    As it turns out this is a pretty contentious topic lmao

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Most LGBT people are not explicitly searching for games (or media) that have LGBT representation.

    I have read an article about DbD and its popularity with the LGBT community and it stated that the slasher and horror genre on their own were already very popular for the community for different reasons.

    adding to this, the current character cast is pretty diverse in many other aspects other than sexuality/sexual identity/gender. and it’s true That in many cases the chars are not confirmed to be either straight nor LGBT, which is not a bad thing at all (and no one asks to change that).

  • Nevrion
    Nevrion Member Posts: 15

    Actually we are not born this way, but we develope this way. We are born asexual and usually with puberty we develope these feelings.

    To focus people with that kind of sexuality in Dead by Daylight makes it to a political statement, because at this point nobody cared about their sexuality and you want to highlight that. Do normal people walk around and tell everybody they meet that they are gay just to get sure that everyone knows gay people exist? Nobodys cares and nobody needs this kind of representation.

    Only the fact, that hetero sexuality is mentioned in the lore doesn't mean homosexuality doesn't exist or is excluded.

    If you want to push a kind of rate for characters that have a non hetero alignment, you would have to rate every thing of the world to represent the world you live in properly. Do you see any children in the game? Does the game denies that childs exists with that? No. Do you see any disabled people in the game? Do the game denies that these kind of people exist? No.

    I would prefer it, the creators concentrate to make interesting characters and if they are gay, I am fine with it. Put creating a character for the only purpose to have a gay character in it, is stupid.

    And of course there are a lot of countries, that treat homosexuality as a crime or something similar, but Dead by Daylight is not responsible for that and having a gay character appearing in the game wouldn't change anything for people in these countries. In modern countries a gay man can marry another man, even adopt a child, have the same job and visit any place he want. And the people who play Dead by Daylight and who are create Dead by Daylight are living in these countries. Nobody would even think, that Dead by Daylight would exclude peope of any color, religion, gender or sexual preference, except those people who want to force their own agenda into everything.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710
    edited March 2021

    There are children in the lore of the game and there actually are some disabled people as well (also playable).

    also the devs want to be inclusive and they think they have unintentionally excluded LGBTQ+.

    no one is asking them to create a token LGBTQ+ character (almost no one), but to just treat it the same

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    Thanks for the reply. I that makes me more curious as to why the slasher and horror genres in general are popular with LGBT individuals.

This discussion has been closed.