Is Deranking bannable

So heres the deal I'm currently a high rank player but I'm not having any fun playing right now and was wondering if I could just kill myself to get back into purple or green ranks without any consequences. I really want to try out new builds that just aren't viable at high rank matches so it's not as if I'm going back to troll newer players I'm doing it for my enjoyment and the builds I'm going to use aren't the one I'm skilled with so killer has a chance.
I am also not the best looper in the world so by doing this it won't break anything fairness wise I would just be where I belong instead of being pushed into a rank I can't play with.
Yeah. Definitely no fun as red rank killer. At one point they said we'd be getting rewarded for it at least. But I guess they thought it was too difficult to program rank rewards.
I haven't de-pipped, but I've definitely thought about it.
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Yea survivors just as bad can't even make a bad play without your team descending on you with a bunch of hate like it's not my fault I was put in this rank based on how often I play not my actual skill 😂
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I think when you throw the game every match and gets always reported, you could get banned. Im talking about obvious behaviour like suiciding or being afk.
And you should be aware that for every rank you depip this way you ruin the fun of 20 people. So roughly 100 people will have a bad time til you reach green rank.
You could just always not escape at the end of the match and you wouldnt get banned. But i dont know whether you get many depips that way.
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If im feeling burnt out I just take monthly breaks. Come back a week after rank reset.
Sometimes if I'm playing killer I'll just farm for dailes and challenges once in a awhile usually allowing everyone to escape.
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No as a survivor all I have to do is spawn in and touch a gen then save someone and I safety pip I've tried not ruining the fun of others but just leads to safety pip
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Suicide on hook is banable? This is the first time I'm hearing this.
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As long as you're not sandbagging, staying afk or working with the killer it's not bannable, but it would suck for the other survivor in your match
Why don't you try playing normally at high ranks with the builds you want to try? That way you can both try the new build (even if it's sometimes against sweaty killers) and probably depip in the process, while not completely throwing the matches for the other survivors
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It is so hard to depip and you rank back up so fast because of the safety pip and reduced requirements.
They need to remove the safety pip to help spread the ranks around where people belong.
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Kindoff if you throw the match by playing terrible on purpose or farming, you will never be punished, if you throw the match by being afk, apparently you can eventually get banned if you do it too much.
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It's not bannable, people just don't like it and want it to be.
To answer OP Right now with rank being used for matchmaking taking a break for rank reset to bump you back is easiest way. However, with new MMR coming in they have not said what the criteria is that will determine your matchmaking because they don't want players to play certain way to get easier matches - like trying to depip on purpose.
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I thought the same argumentation for being repeatedly afk would apply to repeatedly instant dying to lose your rank. Op wants to die without playing the game. But maybe @mandytalk can say more.
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OK that's fine as atm I'm just using OoO to get killers attention then just keeping them chasing for as long as I can then killing myself when caught so I'm not throwing match too much
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Run super hard builds and 'try'- you can't get banned if you play the game but make it harder for yourself. Personally I like running Mettle of Man, Object of Obsession, No Mither and Up the Ante. Ante lets you justify self-unhook attempts, OoO plus No Mither ensures a tunnel and MoM is to screw around.
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Depip is a 1hr ban
Black pip gives a warning
1 pip and 2 pip you can queue up.
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Considering how #@$%ed up MM is, I don't think deranking will change a thing.
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Not that I have seen. Have had several swf give themselves to death after trolling all match.
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Ah yes the gold ol 1 2 green ranks just to have worse teamates and red rank killers