Whats wrong with teabagging ?

... if you played it like a sweaty tryhard, you deserved it. Point. ๐
So somebody wanting to win the match means you need to insult them? Uh huh. . .
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Nothing wrong with it. Just like theres nothing wrong with playing to win. Or nodding at a survivor after hooking them.
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Absolutely nothing. Just snowflakes get triggered by it.
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iโm a survivor main and this is how i look at it.
i donโt teabag but if killers are toxic or play like an ass for no reason (tunnel at 5 gens, hit on hook ect) then iโll teabag them at every pallet but if they play normally then i wonโt.
when im killer i donโt mind when survivor teabag, i just look at it like them having a little fun and messing around, in the end it doesnโt hurt anyone.
same with flash spamming
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i only teabag if the survivors are being toxic and are teabagging me
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If you gonna drop the killer with some hot n stinky t-bags, make sure you don't suck. Or you will suck, if ya know what I mean.
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the reason i main ghostface is to teabag those toxic survivors. its my duty
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nothing at all.
as long as you dont complain about how they react to it, there is nothing wrong with it.
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0/10 Bait post.
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Survivors: "There's nothing wrong with teabagging."
Also Survivors: "Why do Killers have to tunnel and camp!?"
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I teabag with them if I'm Ghostface lmao
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I'm not sure that all teabagging survivors realize this may be perceived as something offending. They just saw someone else doing it and then repeat without any thought.
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If you are playing this game just to annoy the other side, then you shouldn't be playing. Teabagging is toxic, always was and always will be.
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As long as you don't get mad when the killer slaps you while you are on the hook, them it's fine! But if you have double standards like if the killer dances on you or let's you bleed out on the ground and you get mad at them then maybe you are the toxic sweaty one?
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A better question would be, what's right with teabagging? it offers you no benefit so why do you need to do it? other than trying to annoy someone else.
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I bet you're one of those survivors that cry in real life if a killer presses M1 on you while on the hook
Post edited by En3ermost on4 -
Yeah, what's wrong with being an arsehole? All I'm trying to do is insult them in the only way I can, what's wrong with that?
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"Haha! Take THAT you unwashed peasant! Gaze upon my bouncing loins upon the holy ground that I walk upon while you wipe the tears of failure from your dirty killer face! Your small, simple mind cannot fathom the amount of skill and wits it takes to undergo the colossal task of looping an object 3 times, masterfully clicking my mouse button on the pallet, and watching it crush your spirit! Let my luscious and firm buttocks bounces remind you that I am superior to you in every way!"
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It's so funny when people get triggered by a head motion, lol
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Decent bait
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Is this a serious statement? Do you really think that a Survivor out there that teabags me three times after hitting me in the head with a pallet is saying "thank you"?
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You my good man have made me laugh and deserve praise. May your games be successful and your opponents losing in the most entertaining of ways.
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I don't t-bag for no valid reason as I'm not a doucebag.
However, If your being an obnoxious a-hole etc etc, then I might
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I donโt know what they wanted to tell you. My point is that survivors sometimes donโt actually think much when they teabag.
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Any video game that includes a crouch feature/button, by law, must be used to assert dominance over other players by repeatedly using said crouch while standing in place, thus showing that you are the Alpha.
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i suppose there is nothing inherently wrong with it but like almost anything it does get used to "insult" the killer just like "nodding" at hooked survivors. That's part of the problem though isn't it, because some use it to be "toxic" then it assumed by the killer that everyone who does it is trying to insult or be toxic.
I only "teabag" to say thank you as sometimes the killer lets you go or if you get stuck in corner etc and I do like a slow dip, dip not the really fast one that I've seen lots of survivors do.
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If a Survivor teabags me, they better be able to back it up.
If a Survivor teabags another Survivor that I downed, they just got a free escape.
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Let's be honest though. We all do stuff like this only because we are protected by the anonymity of the internet.
Irl most know dang well they aren't acting like hot ######### to random strangers they don't know. But go off!
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T-bagging is a necessary mechanic in all games. It is an exercise of charity really to T-bag someone. Helps them to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Which really is the only way they remember to breathe. So make sure to T-bag everyone you meet in DBD, because you never know which ones are about to pass out from being oxygen deprived.
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Killers: Trying to win
survivors: OmG sO sWeAtY
also survivors: *proceed to play sweaty themselves*
gotta love the double standards
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Per the Survivor Rulebook, Survivors cannot, ever, play sweaty. They just "play."
Only Killers play sweaty, for instance whenever they hit them with a weapon or put them on a hook. ๐คฃ
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Lmao yesss
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I mean, context is key tbh.
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Survivors: Trying to win
Killers: Omg so toxic that they aren't being free kills for me facecamps
Survivors: *after working together to counter facecamping* gg ez bb killer
(legit, come across so many killers facecamp my teammates because I outplayed them...)
Way too easy to blame everything on one side. :)
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Killers are so fragile. It's hilarious.
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These "fragile" Killers are the reason you have a game. But by all means, keep calling them fragile and raise your queue times.
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I would be very happy if all the fragile killers left the game, yes. Please see yourselves out. Thank you!
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How does this benefit the game AT ALL?
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Fewer fragile killers.
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1.) What is wrong with being a "fragile" killer?
2.) How does that affect your gameplay?
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If a person doesn't like T-Bagging, they can just get better, learn to let it roll of their backs, or quit multiplayer gaming entirely.
Only the weak let such basic psychological warfare go to their head.
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And snowflakes are the ones doing it
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I have nothing against it, sometimes it can even work as a strategy to piss the killer off to make them go for you, but I can see where people are coming from when they see it as annoying or disrespectful. It is how it is though.
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"What's wrong with showing disrespect to the other side?"
I think everyone can answer that question for themselves.
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At red rank against sweaty SWF I need to play sweaty tryhard. Point. ๐
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Tbagging is a provocation. If I have survivors tbagging me I'll make sure to try my best to let them have a bad time (as survivor and as killer). If I see a survivor tbagging a killer for no reason I don't unhook them or heal them. I used to try and sandbag them but the killers often didn't realize. If I see a killer proxycamping and scaring everyone trying to save away without going for the chase I point at the hook to figure out if they have done something to the killer, if the killer nods I'll just leave.
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It is an insult when used in certain way and situation. Not bannable but lack of manners. Especially if the person didn't bm. "Sweaty" doesn't mean toxic. Nor tunneling nor camping nor looping nor slugging nor gen rush etc etc etc. You can do these things without insulting gestures.