The shapes stalk ability

The shape stalk abilty has a huge problem as to the survivor can lose the killer and the killers stalk stays at the same level he should lose stalk if he gets stunned or blinded or if he loses the survivor over specific amount of time
No. Firstly his power goes up from multiple survivors, so that wouldn't make sense. Second, he's mid tier, he's fine.
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Not mid, he's arguably the weakest killer in the game.
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You'd have to buff him first so that he can get unlimited stalk from survivors, which would suck more (for us survivors).
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Without addons maybe. With them he's not bad.
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I have to agree with this. If Myers should lose his stalk meter, then it couldn't be capped as it is now, otherwise his power just wouldn't be viable. I don't really have a problem with how it is now.
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He's one of the weakest killers in the game. No.
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Which is a damned shame. The only reason I originally purchased DbD was to play as Myers. Otherwise, I honestly don't care about asymmetrical PvP.
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Joined yesterday, made 4 posts, 3 of which are new threads...
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You haven't played this game enough man, come back when you actually know what you're talking about.
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Here's an accurate way to determine whether or not a killer is high tier:
- Can this killer counter tiles?
If the answer is yes, without meeting other conditions or minor ones — they are top tier (think Spirit and Nurse; I.E they can counter all tiles, as long as their power is ready).
If the answer is yes, but they need to meet some conditions or sometimes demanding ones — they are mid tier (think Trapper and Demo; I.E they can counter some tiles or need to have some stars to align up for them to do so).
If the answer is no due to the fact they have no utility against titles or have extremely specific demands — they are low tier (think Legion and clown; they have to brute force their way through tiles by using mindgames or their power in extreme circumstances help them against titles).
Myers would be a mid tier killer because his power can help him get some sneaky hits in with his undetectable status effect, but otherwise — he's relying on mindgames to cut down chases. His tier 3 makes him have to do less mindgames as one correct guess ends the chase immediately.
Keep in mind, mid tier killers aren't reliable and shouldn't be the balancing point, personally. I believe they should be low high tier, but if you were to use a specific perk load out and some decent add-ons Myers could be low high tier. 😁
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No killer should be add-on dependent, what is even the point of playing him if you must use add-ons?
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I never said he should be.
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Myers is the weakest killer in the game, I'm honestly starting to understand why the devs rarely respond to these because of pepega posts like this.
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I do play alot what is you talking about