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How exactly does the cooldown on the DC penalty work?

Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

The title, I know what each punishment for the DCs are, but how exactly does that go back down?

Best Answers


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    No one knows exactly how it works, because the devs have very intentionally not disclosed that information. All I can tell you is that it appears to reset completely around 24 hours after the end of your last lockout.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    I wouldn't worry about the times anyways, if you don't DC than you won't have issues with it. The first DC is 5 minutes, but that's all I can say.

    I don't know the other times anyways, and even if I did, I wouldn't say it publicly for obvious reasons.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    I know what the times are already, but my goal is not to DC at all. Unfortunately there’s always 1 match that ######### that up due to a number of different factors that make a match super unfun. I could play a whole day (12 hrs) of matches, DC once and I’d still get the next penalty. It appears I have just been unlucky and been DCing too soon before the 24 hour mark.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The idea is to prevent DCing at all, as you said yourself.

    The DC penalty system is made to deter DCing all together, despite the match not being fun for a Survivor or Killer, since if they DC they'll be given a penalty to reflect an early leave of the match.

    I understand that not every match is fun to face with Killers using Ebony Mori's or OP add-ons, but DCing from the issue is why the Penalty system was created, it's to prevent MASS DCing from an issue that Survivors refuse to face.

    Again, it's not really fun to face these things but it's not ok either to just DC from them, so it's a bit of a back and forth here.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,936

    it decays over time - we have not released any more information than that, nor will we I believe as it is too easy to abuse then.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    Ok, have just tested it and this is not the case, I waited a whole 24 (and a few more) hours before DCing again, and I still got the 15 minute penalty. Based on what other people have said I believe that you go down one level every 12 hours, not completely reset every 24

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    I mean, "Decays overtime" as Mandy said doesn't mean it resets at 24 hours.

    But that's all i'm willing to go with this conversation, i'd suggest not prodding at it any further, it's not really something you should experiment with.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,936

    @Luigifan64 as I said, we are not saying how long the decay over time is - it's working correctly though.

  • KJay
    KJay Member Posts: 31

    One time where the game decided to kick me out to the server connection screen... I hadn't DC'ed at all during the system is enabled. But insted of just the 5 minute penalty, it gave me 10? Maybe the system should be changed so that it doesn't counts if game kicks you out like that. My internet was completely fine, no lag at all. So maybe look into that? Shouldn't have to suffer penalty because of the game kicking you out for no apparent reason.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    That's the number one question people have about the system, at least the players that abruptly crash every now and then.

    I honestly hope this can get sorted out, but it's not really possible to determine if a crash was intentional or not, so they'd have to make it so every crash is negated by the system.

  • KJay
    KJay Member Posts: 31

    Yea that's basically what I'm saying and I know that it would have to be a rework of the system but still unfair to me and the other people that have that issue. Like right now the game kicked me out when i wasn't even lagging nor did my internet go out. So got my 5 minute penalty because of it

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I totally understand, I used to have terrible internet that would crash and drop me constantly, I was lucky enough to upgrade that internet to a better provider BUT other players are not as fortunate as I was.

    I would like to see something happen with this to help out the players with worse internet, or periodically crash, but because of the potential abuse players could do with intentional crashing... it's hard to say if this will be changed. I don't personally know, but I do hope something happens to help these players.

  • FunnyBunny
    FunnyBunny Member Posts: 2

    I have only been getting dc'd because of issues with the game itself, and accumulated an over 20 minute timer. This has been accumulated since launch, and I didn't care much for the 15 minute timer - thinking it was going to reset soon because I didn't dc from games, but now it's over 20 minutes and has me worried.

    This is deffiently information you shouldn't keep from the public, because then it's just an ignored issue making the game worse for players.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It's information they keep to prevent it from being abused, which it will if it was public knowledge for all to see.

    I know how you feel, it's not fun to suddenly crash and than get penalized for it, but at the moment this is how the system is and hopefully a compromise will be met for players that suffer from frequent crashes from the game, their PC, or their internet.

  • KJay
    KJay Member Posts: 31

    I get people with bad internet but I know me and a few friends that just get kicked out for no reason. Even in steam maintenance I get penalized. Quite frankly I don't entirely agree with the penalty system as is. I also hope that they have it so that there is a "compromise". Because again, I'm here just doing a generator, talking in discord and I get penalized due to their bugs.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited February 2020

    I suppose that's one way to look at it.

    All in all, a fair bit of people have been talking about this issue as of late, so it's not just the OP or you that's suffering from this, even if your internet isn't to blame. But like I said, we'll have to see what happens after the feedback concludes.