Let's talk about Blight's J-Flick - Exploit or Tech? It can turn more than 180* + Macro

If you don't know what the J Flick / Blight Flick is, here's a video for you.
I chose it because it shows it in the first few seconds and it's done very well.
The Video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SexJxhfvIo&ab_channel=Ravtek - Just watch the first few seconds.
After further analyzing the video, if you go to 2:45 and watch it in the slowest speed, you can see that he did a 270* degree turn. Would you like to play against something like this?
I've looked trough the patch notes and didn't notice blight getting any changes so I still think this is possible
Alright let's talk:
- Is this a Tech or an Exploit ?
- Should it stay in the game ?
- Is it healthy for the game ?
- Should it be limited to at least 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees?
- Should you be banned for using a Macro for it?
- With Blight's upcoming FOV fix, he'll become even stronger. Would you like to play against something like this?
Macros are allowed as long as they don't play the game for you, as far as I know.
That's all I can think of right now
Right, my opinion:
Personally, I find it quite outrageous. This removes blight's biggest counter-play which is staying behind / around objects to avoid him rushing into you for a hit. I don't think this is a healthy mechanic for the game. If it should stay it should at least be limited to 50-90* degrees.
Why I find it outrages? Here look at this:
The fact that you can turn more than 180* degrees just blows my god damn mind. Can we disable overheat for Billy :D ?
I like going against Blight, but I don't like going against something like this. It's gonna become Spirit 2.0.
You want to be a good Spirit ? Get a gaming headset + disable spatial sound in Windows
You want to be a good Blight? Get a gaming mouse + increase your DPI to max / USE A MACRO
Looking to see what people think.
Edit: Typo
Here is a clip from McLean (The game developer) where he's talking about it:
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Ive been pretty vocal about this, as a console player on the series x it’s pretty miserable going against a PC huntress, nurse and blight with a brain. I feel like there should be a DPI detection cap on those specific killers. Getting pretty tired of getting beamed by a PC huntress on 1800 dpi..
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Bless. Didn't even knew this existed
He says it's not intentional turning more than a certain degree.
Should I understand that something like this is going to be fixed / limited ?
Billy / Oni sure as hell can not turn more than 180* degrees.
If one were to go to 2:45 and slow the video down, you can see him turning more than 180* doing almost a full 270* degree turn by going left, going behind and then ending up swinging to his right.
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Oni / Billy are harder to play IMO. They can't do a 270* degree turn, not even a 180*. Go to 2:45, slow it down and tell me what you think.
If you ask me, for now, people are not going to be vocal about it. But once people figure it out how to do it constantly and develop muscle memory it might be a problem, especially after Blight is going to get his FOV fixed and we're gonna see A LOT more Blight players. At least, this is my prediction.
Idk really. It seems a little too much for me. A good blight player can destroy but if he also knows this he'll be unstoppable.
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I still feel like it's pretty unfair towards console players that just don't have the ability to use this tech themself.
I wouldn't mind it if it's something with a small effect but being able to do 180s as Blight is HUGE.
Not giving everybody the possibility to make use of this tech is just unfair and bad game design.
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I like it. it brings skill to use blight and blight is already hard to use as it is. Just more of a "Lets nerf this killer next =D"
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There's also a major difference between Billy/Oni and Blight:
Billy/Oni are instant downs while Blight's isn't and can't be chained without waiting for an external cooldown(power charges).
It makes sense that the weaker damage wise ability with an external cooldown would have better mobility.
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Well to be honest, it adds another level of gameplay ceiling for the Blight, it's not accurate and sometimes you can miss the directions you go, you can make it more accurate by practicing, so in other teams, it's a skill ceiling higher for the Blight, which is a great thing.
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I wonder if the people saying this is a fun and exciting "tech" have ever played against a Blight using this. Really fun watching the entire team slugged in 2 mins when used with Alchemist Ring and Infectious. Please fix this broken exploit.
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I'm ok with it. As people have said there are several survivor techs that weren't intended that remain in the game to this day, so let killers have their techs too.
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I've found some guy doing 180 turns on Oni.
I never knew this was possible. I wonder what his sens is. It seems to be much harder to do than Blight, and 180 seems to be absolute max. This is a video from 1 month ago
Billy on the other side.... I've yet to find any RECENT video him turning 180. Billy is not what he used to be before a certain update that added an overheat mechanic..... Now his biggest enemy are the branches in the reworked maps which have a bigger hitbox than intended...
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I've been playing blight again recently and my mouse has a dpi button, don't tempt me with with this sinful information
I don't think this alone will make a good blight though. It's not just restricted turning that makes him a pain in the arse to learn
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To be honest I'm not sure why they go so hard in the paint calling stretched res an exploit but they don't dub this as an exploit.
Both stretched res (which is beneficial for both survivor and killer) and the dpi macro flick are exploits that give advantages in game but they seem to cherry pick which they call "cheating" and which ones they don't.
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I've unlocked Pandora's Box, haven't I ?
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I wish I could turn like this on console... blight would be more fun... :/
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As a Blight main, this is an exploit pure and simple. It removes the last shred of counterplay Blight has, requires you to change settings outside of DbD, can't be used by console, and is extremely easy to pull of as well. With nothing but a video clip I replicated it in 10 minutes.
High-skill tech? More like literally cheating to gain an unfair advantage that you use to eliminate the only counterplay to the otherwise-fairest killer in the game.
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Yes, lets make mouse DPI controversial and ignore the fact that spaghetti code exists which enables to do this.
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Same,i really wanna play Blight because his power is really fun but he's just straight up garbage on console compared to PC :(
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It's alright I'm getting to the point where I can actually use his power on lerys, so I'll behave and leave the dpi alone
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This is something that mainly applies to pc, but adjustments would affect everyone.
I remember when they adjusted oni for similar reasons. The changes had the intended affect for pc players but console players had to suffer as their turn rates are already lower then further restricted by the change.
Until devs can deliver a uniformed experience with frames and control response, I'd be wary of targeted control adjustments for maneuvers only some platforms can pull off.
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Replicating it is easy, but using it in a match and getting the right amount of turn needed to hit someone is a different beast altogether. It's easy to over or undershoot if you're not careful and having too high of a dpi.
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You ever heard of muscle memory?
or to spice things up, macros?
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If you're using a macro to do it, then it should be banable. If it's just increasing DPI and the player is the one in control I think it's fine. It's no different then rebinding keys to make certain actions less annoying or 360ing as a last resort.
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This is cheat almost equal to a hack because it gives unfair advantage that nobody can traditionally acquire.
Whats an interesting about these particular types of hacks/cheats is that they're form of rebellion against current authority. Its not exclusive to one side either. Survivors that use Stretch Res(1080x1080 resolution) which is non-native resolution do so because their objective is to expand their field of view so that killers have even less of a chance to mindgame at loops. Its same thing for people brighten the red glow.
In this case, Its the killer rebelling against their lunge angle and finding a cheat through hardware to increase it further. I remember a time where killers could hear survivors across walls with perfect volume within the game until Spirit came into the game and now all the volume in the chase is completely drowned out by the chase music. As for why people do this, Its like prohibition of alcohol in America in 1930's. Government make a law to prohibit alcohol, people break the law and go to jail, eventually everyone breaks the law and eventually the law dissolves itself. In games, you either fix the hack or you ban people for using it by putting some tracker where the server just disconnects+ban you or you change the base game such way it does not affect the game. For spirit, they lower the volume of survivors while in a chase so that music covers it up, but most spirit drop the chase on purpose so they can hear the survivors footsteps, grass movements, grunts of pain etc.
In the end, they might not do anything for Blight because say 100,000 people play blight worldwide, if only top 200 blight uses it, its small percentage of games. Killers are suppose to be threat in a chase and imposing strange regulations to limit their performance is an odd way to balance a killer. Its like imagine if Nurse could only lunge 90 degree's after performing a chain blink. Its just stupid. you could probably still escape a 270 degree turning blight but he'll be stronger in a chase than other blights.
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By "replicated" I meant "4-person slugged the entire team on pre-rework Gideon."
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If you need to tamper with another system to get the 180 flick then it's an exploit.
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I don't think macros work the way they think you do friend.
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Ok I guess it would be fair if it can be countered. How do you counter the flick?
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I have went against this. It's very annoying.
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woah my mouse button which increases DPI is now a ''system'' and an ''exploit'' lmao give me a break
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This whole discussion sparked from one match I've had against a Blight on Game Map who knew about this so called "tech".
I managed to avoid his second attack because I got hit ... AROUND A CORNER with the first one... and knew instantly what kind of blight I was going against.
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Why were you not camping a pallet while on the game then?
Also it's not just flicks alone that let blight get corner hits, it's the fact that his weapon can't collide with the environment. Only survivors.
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the one time something is unintended and they're not planning on fixing it????
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I went against a blight like this recently and I was playing with my friends on autohaven. Some of his turns was strange and should not be possible. I wanted to make a post on it but I thought maybe he was just the better player untill I saw this post. Thank you letting this issue be known.
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Loops exist for a reason.
I wasn't done determining his skill yet. Game is a small map so buying time was one my top priorities, especially against a blight who is a top tier killer and has the movement to traverse and maneuver around it quite easily.
Also yeah, that's a good point you brought in the end that his weapon doesn't collide with the environment.
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There needs to be a majority of people vocal about it.
Usually how it works.
Unless you're a checkmark on Twitter.
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i'll start being vocal about it then because that's actual horse #########.
the community was vocal about liking when the spirit was bugged and had directional phasing sounds that gave her a little bit of counter play and they patched that out real fast.
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Spatial sound in win 10.
If you enable it. You can hear survivors better and lowers chase music.
Timestamp is 0:53 if it doesn't work.
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The devs need to fix this exploit ASAP. It's a horrible feeling to play against a Blight player that can hit you around obstacles with a flick.
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with this logic, stretched res isn't an exploit. good 2 know.
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You can actually counter the flick by running the opposite way you think they're gonna flick. EG, lets say you're looping around a car and he goes to flick around the car to hit you, you can run away from the car to avoid the hit.
Of course he can counteract this by predicting you will dodge it, but then you can counter that by continuing the car loop. It basically becomes a 50/50 so I have no issue with it.
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Generally I'm against things like this being left in the game but considering everything they left in on the survivor side it seems only fair Blight keeps it.
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Do you have a video showing an example?
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So by what you say.
... Running straight into him? I would've preferred if you said running not around the loop where he's gonna flick but the moment he wants to flick run away from the loop, vertically i mean, not left or right since that's where he's gonna flick. Even then, the flick and hitboxes are quite forgiving so it can still connect since his attack is not stopped by environment and only stops once it makes contact with a survivor. Not much to do tbh.
What if he has good reaction? I'm dead
Is it really a counter if he can COUNTER IT himself...?
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For example?
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360s for a start and survivor movement in general. Some of them flick left and right at supersonic speeds and it's like I'm controlling a fighter jet when moving my mouse.
Then you have all the "techs" of every variety, some locations that can still be fast vaulted despite not intended, healing slugs so they can't be picked up, running up and hugging killers like pyramid or doctor so their power doesn't hit. There's a lot of cheese on the survivor side that gets let through because apparently "it's skill"
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I don't sorry as nobody really clips it. Ive seen it happen a lot to xeno though.
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Forgot where I was going with that question...
the 360s are an ok argument. I have 700 hours and never been spun in my life, unless ... we're counting 100-200+ ping players. Then they just disappear from my screen. Hence why I avoid 100+ ping matches. I'm playing on PC tho.
Hugging killers is a tech that I didn't get pulled against me yet. I do it against killers myself when i'm desperate. However, all of these come with a very high risk
If we're looking at Blight.... check what @MadLordJack said first.
Personally, I feel like survivor techs are harder to pull off than killer techs & come with a higher risk
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You run back away from the loop instead of running it like you normally would.
He cannot react because to flick you have to do it in 1 frame, so he has to guess if you would continue the loop or predict the flick. Basically making it a 50/50.
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I mean....
I can get away with it once or twice but a blight with half a brain working might catch onto it.
I'm not getting chased only once or twice