Pallet and flashlight save idea


For some updates ago the devs speeded up the pickup animation so its harder to save with flashlight and pallets. My idea dont have anything about that, but what about go back to the "broken" patch 1.9.2 where you could flashlight and pallet save at any time doing the pickup animation. I think its maybe a little bit more balanced now because the animation is faster now then before.

What do you think about it? :D


  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    Whispers23 why not? The devs only listing to the baby killers like #########? In the new swamp maps there are 2 pallets in the middel, and some others in the orners like #########? Now i know why the lobbys in rank 1 take like 1 hour to find a lobby. Because the killers to op so its i to get rank 1 as killer (I got rank 1 killer like 3 days after rank reset lol). Im not saying to buff survivors too much but i will love to se the devs dont only thing about buffing killers and nerfing survivors more and more. Any good players there have over 1k hours in the game there will agree and know what they are talking about? Because all babys only have 100 hours lol

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    because timing the stuns are not even hard so making it brain dead simple is annoying and not fun to play around

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    edited November 2018
    How quickly we forget how ######### stupid that was. Here is a refresher, try to imagine it  only a second faster:

    You want something like that, you need to DRASTICALLY decrease the pickup time further to compensate.
  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    What the hell was that? Why did he drop him the second time?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Saves should require skill and timing to pull off.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AndreasLyUs said:

    For some updates ago the devs speeded up the pickup animation so its harder to save with flashlight and pallets. My idea dont have anything about that, but what about go back to the "broken" patch 1.9.2 where you could flashlight and pallet save at any time doing the pickup animation. I think its maybe a little bit more balanced now because the animation is faster now then before.

    What do you think about it? :D

    How about no?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @AndreasLyUs said:

    What do you think about it? :D

    Just NO!

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    What the hell was that? Why did he drop him the second time?

    He got hit by the pallet, obviously.
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    I know it requres just a little bit of skill and i dont have a problem with it but there is so many teammates with dont understand the timing and just drop it instant. And maybe just cancel the animation instat of just waiting to the end of the animation. Flashlight saves is so hard to do now because you only have like 1,3 seconds so get in front of the killer. I hope the devs will maybe buff flashlights a little bit (Im both killer rank 1 and normaly survivor rank 1 but right now im rank 8). Killer is no challenge anymore and im missing the good old days ;(

    I hope the devs will fix the game

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    no just no stop giving survivors the power role

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    Can you give a reason why?

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    What do you think about it? :D

    ######### no! That patch damn near broke my spirit!
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    sure. but only if they meve all 7 generators inside the basement.
    seems balanced, right?

  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71

    @AndreasLyUs said:

    What do you think about it? :D

    Making something a bit harder doesn't always mean making place to make it easier in some other way -.- Faster pickups and hooks are mandatory especially to the changes made for the survivors side, meaning better invulnerability while being unhooked and faster unhook cancels for the unhooking one. The changes have already been balanced!

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @TerminalEntropy I know but right now flashlights can (almost) only be used to blind a killer when he breaks a pallet and if the killer know what he is doing its easy to hear where the survivor is. I think the flashlight blind speed should be changed or do so some flashlight addons like Odd build do something (lol). Killers have ebony mori and broken addons like insta down hatchets, what do survivors have? The only thing back is insta heal with i think will get nurfed like all other survivor addons. I think the survivors should have a little better chance to escape and rework survivor addons (Not do them op like insta blind but do so some flashlight addons do something xd) and rework some broken killer addons like the insta down. And rework freddy xD. Again, im both survivor and killer main but right now i play most killer because its more fun then playing survivor.

    Anyone agree? (Probly no because some baby killers only thinks about "Buff survivors" because they dont know how to play like a good killer lol)

  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    Still NO.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Whispers23 "Still NO." Can you say why YOU think its not balanced. Like ######### the survivor should have pink addons thats do something. The brown battery is better then Odd build

  • tizzi717
    tizzi717 Member Posts: 89

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Whispers23 "Still NO." Can you say why YOU think its not balanced. Like ######### the survivor should have pink addons thats do something. The brown battery is better then Odd build

    you waste time, this forum is made by only killer main.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @tizzi717 said:

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Whispers23 "Still NO." Can you say why YOU think its not balanced. Like ######### the survivor should have pink addons thats do something. The brown battery is better then Odd build

    you waste time, this forum is made by only killer main.

    Nah, that's not it. We just reject lunatic suggestions. They're mostly made by survivor mains that want the game even more biased in their favor.

    Kinda scared to see a survivor main forum if this stuff makes sense at all to them. Probably wants the killer player to control a cardboard cutout of their selected killer.

  • tizzi717
    tizzi717 Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2018

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @tizzi717 said:

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Whispers23 "Still NO." Can you say why YOU think its not balanced. Like ######### the survivor should have pink addons thats do something. The brown battery is better then Odd build

    you waste time, this forum is made by only killer main.

    Nah, that's not it. We just reject lunatic suggestions. They're mostly made by survivor mains that want the game even more biased in their favor.

    Kinda scared to see a survivor main forum if this stuff makes sense at all to them. Probably wants the killer player to control a cardboard cutout of their selected killer.

    Anyway with the new timing, it's too much easy counter flashlight saves. And you don't count that killers have light born. with that is almost impossible blind you

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018

    @tizzi717 said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    @tizzi717 said:

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Whispers23 "Still NO." Can you say why YOU think its not balanced. Like ######### the survivor should have pink addons thats do something. The brown battery is better then Odd build

    you waste time, this forum is made by only killer main.

    Nah, that's not it. We just reject lunatic suggestions. They're mostly made by survivor mains that want the game even more biased in their favor.

    Kinda scared to see a survivor main forum if this stuff makes sense at all to them. Probably wants the killer player to control a cardboard cutout of their selected killer.

    Anyway with the new timing, it's too much easy counter flashlight saves. And you don't count that killers have light born. with that is almost impossible blind you

    As someone who has dealt with flashlights a lot, I think you're severely underestimating flashlights.
    Looking away only does so much.

    My most recent encounter with realistic flashlight use cost me a kill, or even kills.

    You may counter the blind but you aren't really looking where you're going either, and that really helps waste time to help someone struggle.
    Plus you still get the blinding, partially. I didn't counter it as avoid being completely blinded.

    I've been blinded more recently dealing with flashlights even looking away like some meter filled.

    They even flashlight blinded me completely with persistence.

    I never run lightborn. My billy is lvl 1.

    If you make killers run lightborn, then congratulations you cost them a perk slot that could be used on more useful things.

    Shine the flashlight in their face from the front. Either you blind them, or buy time for the person struggling.

    Clicking the flashlight, and aiming behind their head probably won't work, nor should it. Unless it's the wraith in cloak. he gets light burned.
    Also Flashlights destroy hag traps.

    You can still blind them while they're doing things, like picking people up, breaking pallets, maybe even vaulting. Points where their ability to look away are compromised, you know?

  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    Who the heck uses light born anyway?

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    Yeah lightborn is pretty broken like many killer addons. I have a idea. Idk if its only me that thinks it but maybe do so the flashlight blinds faster when you blinding the killer in the pickup animation and keep its normal timing to blind a killer when he break a pallet or vault a window. Dont do the pickup blind too fast, but maybe speed it up 0,8 seconds or something like that. Right now its 1,3~ seconds. And baby killers, please dont say "flashlights too op" because its NOT. Right now the flashlight kill survivor more then save survivors.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    Yeah lightborn is pretty broken like many killer addons. I have a idea. Idk if its only me that thinks it but maybe do so the flashlight blinds faster when you blinding the killer in the pickup animation and keep its normal timing to blind a killer when he break a pallet or vault a window. Dont do the pickup blind too fast, but maybe speed it up 0,8 seconds or something like that. Right now its 1,3~ seconds. And baby killers, please dont say "flashlights too op" because its NOT. Right now the flashlight kill survivor more then save survivors.

    Your logic is completely twisted upside down.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Wolf74 lul