What defines survivors working with killers?

So I got accused and apparently reported for working with a survivor. Now I always assumed that was talking about two people getting into lobby as killer and survivor with the goal to work together. I guess not. Here's the story:

I'm the pig. Two Survivors, three gens left, none are even started, they only need one, gens are close together, and of course, i'm patrolling them. I don't see a whiff of a survivor for a good five min. I cannot stress this enough, It was probably the longest time I have ever played without seeing a survivor by far. Finally hear one gen being repaired. Surprise the Claudette and smack her. She takes off, then stops when the boost is done and points, I think that's weird but no biggy, she runs a little further and points again, I smack her and shes down. I head for a hook. She wriggles off before i get there, and when i turn around shes just standing there pointing. I figure maybe the other guy got stuck or something, maybe that's why I hadn't seen them. I follow her across the map to the hatch, where she points to a nearby locker and and jumps in. I realize the other guy is hiding somewhere waiting for her to get killed and take the hatch, and she's tattling. I hate people who play like that. So I decide to let the Claudette go this time because she had wriggled out of my grasp fair and square. Then I check around the walls and look in the lockers near the hatch, then head back towards the gens. Basement is in the way so i look there first. Get back to patrolling the Gens and see the same Claudette working on one. Smack her, hook her, she struggles till the hook runs down, and the other guy gets the hatch.

After the match I assume you can guess what happened. Lots of accusations lobbed at I and the Claudette, working together, generally just called names and told we were being reported and so on and so forth. Supposedly one recorded it. Which i would love to see. Anyway, It got me thinking about the rules, and how they apply. Iv'e been meaning to make an account here for awhile, so i figured now would be the right time, and I get to ask what your thoughts on this whole thing are. Did i work with a survivor? Or was it just two whiners being, well, whiners.


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Working with the survivors would be along the lines of being led to a hidden survivor and leaving the one that led you to them alone. It also would be if the survivors would sandbag ie block one another allowing you to get them.

    There's also if you sit there and keep downing someone off the hook as they get farmed and letting the other one(s) live.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    "Working together" is something different. It's a survivor (repeatedly) telling the other survs' whereabouts to the killer and the killer rewarding the "traitor". Or a survivor sandbagging the others so that the killer can get easy hits, for example.

    You are the killer. You can decide that you want to let one person live. If you see that somebody tries to repair gens and the other surv isn't doing anything (and probably waiting at the hatch for the other surv to die), you are allowed to look for the hatch camper, hook them and let the other person live.

    From a survivor's perspective, for example, it's also allowed to use Bond in a chase and try to "wipe off" the killer on another surv to save their own skin.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    Should be more clear because there are some cheap and dirty tactics in the game like players with bond that if they see a survivor just hiding all game doing nothing helpfull at all they will often more then not go right to them and point at the locker or make loads of noise in that area if they don't do something to help and some cases even I have lead the killer to people mid chase in a attempt to get them after a different player as I escape the chase or just get some time to hide when they get blocked it's all about how frequent you do it in match if one guy does it mid chase to try and juke the killer or get them off there back that's one thing but when they do it at the very begging of the game unless they see somone up and hide the second the game starts or when your in a chase just to be dicks then I don't see the issue all It shows is smart and dirty game play against people that are doing nothing helpfull for the team

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    I did a post about killer kindness salty survivors. Basically as a solo survivor I have no control if a killer gives me hatch, yet I have been called all sorts of bad words from other players.

    I think it is obvious they are working together if killer/survivor are in close proximity and killer not going for them and survivor showing killer location of other survivors.

    Alot of it is grey area though

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    Is so much fun as long as u ain't get banned

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    I don't think killers have enough control over the hatch mechanic for them to get banned over it.

    Finding the stupid thing at all for either side is just dumb luck/RNG and by the time it becomes relevant the game is essentially over anyway. You can give it to the last survivor out of mercy, indifference, disdain of hatch stand offs or on accident without it being reportable. You're not required to slug for 4k every game and people will probably unsuccsesfully report you for that too if you do 😝 and welcome to the forums!

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    Nah you did fine I always go for the hatch camper since work could be done not to just laze around waiting for a free escape.

  • NightFuryX
    NightFuryX Member Posts: 2

    Thanks that's good to know. :) As for everyone else, thanks for the posts. It definitely seems like i just ran into some salty players. haha

  • Night_Shade0611
    Night_Shade0611 Member Posts: 1

    I was doing my business while playing dbd and during my sacrifice I see the last dude pointing towards something and the sound of a pallet being thrown down. So I got suspicious of what’s happening and when I started to spectate the last guy he was being stared at by the killer at 3 meters then was lead to the hatch.... this is some bs

  • pdubs0330
    pdubs0330 Member Posts: 1

    Does the devs actually do anything about survivors working with killers? Legit this game I just died in, the killer and last survivor nodded at me while I was on the hook and I watched them go off and the last survivor got the hatch. There has to be some type of consequence for that.

  • Woot1234
    Woot1234 Member Posts: 139

    Had similar experience once with a 3 gen as Bubba. TL;DR the second to last survivor led me to a blendette and I let the snitch get the hatch. This is healthy. We should punish survivors who wait for hatch while their team risks themselves to progress gens.

    This could be harmless hatch-giving. If I've clearly won, found the last survivor, and he basically doesn't bother running, or runs at me and drops his item then I respect that and often give hatch.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    Bunch of times (across thousands of hours) i sold out immerse survs to the killer never got banned.

    Im running bond, and if i will see someone crouching in corner for 40sec straight when killer isnt near im gonna sell your ass to the killer, because that kind of player is as good as dead teammate.

    Too many times i saw surv sitting in corner when i ran to a gen, FINISHED IT ran away (and that surv is still crouching around) and im not talking about below R10 survs

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    but do players get banned on single case basis or is it only if they get reported a decent amount in a short period before you investigate if need be

  • MrsMcpatches
    MrsMcpatches Member Posts: 12

    That crap happens a lot in solo queues. I had a game not too long ago and the ghost face let the Meg go to come and find me. I was literally working on a gen when they came to me. This was after I had safely unhooked her twice and even gotten her up off the steps to the basement. After he downed me and put me on the hook, the Meg just waited for me to get to struggle and I let go. After that, he downed her and carried her to the hatch. People are dicks. It makes me not want to help anyone else, but I'm not like that.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    How did this thread from. 2 years ago get re-awakened?

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I've had a similar experience and stuff like that does affect how I play the next games on that day. I play solo and I care for my team and want people to escape but if BS like that or similar happens, I bring perks that only benefit myself and usually don't go for hook saves if inconvenient or I'll open the exit gates early and leave. I become very selfish if survivors throw me under the bridge like that.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I remember this post from when I lurked the Forums before I had a account lol

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    A Survivor leading the Killer around the map to every Survivor with Bond or Empathy in order to farm them is a good start