DC's and Pipping system

Literally just got done playing a match where 2 survivors DC'd right at the beginning of the match. You can watch the match if you want, I'll post a link to it below.

After playing the short match, found out I de-pipped. I'm assuming the same thing happened to the remaining survivors who did not DC. Props to them for not DC'ing.

Players should not be punished because other people decided to DC.

I think there should be some sort of incentive to keep playing and not DC. If there's one or more DC's, especially if there's a DC within the first min or 2, any players who play until the end of the match should get a safety pip.

For those interested in seeing the match: Dead By Daylight pip system is broken... - YouTube.

Literally, lasted like 5 min. Almost as long as as the pregame lobby, loading screen, and post game lobby combined...


  • Azxx93
    Azxx93 Member Posts: 117

    My guy was running in a straight line and DCed when they got speared bruh

  • OG_JuicyJuice
    OG_JuicyJuice Member Posts: 4

    Ye, definitely not doing much to dodge.

    After that second dc I was like, I just want to finish this match and move on to the next game. I shouldn't lose a pip cause others decided to DC.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237

    When a killer DC's, it seems to be an automatic Iridescent in Unbroken, because you escaped, so that guarantees a black pip.

    Something similar could be done to survivor DC's.

    1 DC is a base Bronze Unbroken, 2 is Silver, 3 is Gold, regardless of whether or not you survive, and your own Unbroken progress is added on top of that so you could even get Iridescent if you didn't escape but got enough survival points otherwise.