Can we please get a No Mither Rework?

For those of you who don't know, No Mither is a perk that allows you to pick yourself up from dying state no matter what. Great! Swag even! However, it comes at the expense of being stuck in broken effect for the entire game. This often leads to tunneling and the killer knowing that they shouldn't let the survivor who's been in this crippling state get themselves up. This lead to a perk with so much potential, being stuck at the bottom of the barrel. I think it's about time that we as a community brainstorming ideas for a rework. I don't know about you guys, but I already have several ideas.

Keep in mind, I don't wanna just completely redo the perk. I like the idea of being able to pick yourself up for some sort of tradeoff. I also don't wanna just make this some sort of meta perk. As I said, I think the perk has some serious potential and it's bothered me ever since I first started playing about a year ago. With this in mind, I'm going to start with my personal ideas.


We could make it so when the killer injures a survivor, they are stuck in broken effect for several minutes. The time could even be reduced when you level it up. This way the survivor can't immediately heal back up a health state, and the killer has a better chance to down the survivor. With a bit of luck, the killer might not even notice or maybe they might think they just pulled off a Forced Penance. Allowing the survivor (if slugged of course) time to pick themselves back up.


Perhaps instead of it being timed, if the survivor enters the killer's terror radius WHILE injured, then they are put into broken effect. This could allow for some interesting gameplay. Let's say another survivor is healing you when the killer stumbles upon you. You're put into broken effect and the other survivor is forced to stop healing you. This could be used as a nice counter to A Nurse's Calling, giving you time to hide/run away. You could even get away with keeping what the perk already levels up. This could also work well with other perks like Leader and Bond, so you can get that faster healing from your team.


Of course, we don't have to go the broken effect route. We could do a different effect like blindness. We could also push for something a little more unique to survivors, like slowing down how fast your team can do things around you. Leveling up would decrease how much your team is slowed. This could mean you'd have to depend on more solo play like using No Mither in the first place. There are perks you could run to compliment this type of solo playing, such as Iron Will, Deliverance, Self-Care, etc.


I know I said I'd like to avoid this, but maybe we need one. Maybe we don't make it pick you up all the way, just something to help you. Perhaps we could have a perk that makes it so the more altruistic you are, the more you benefit. Let's say you gain tokens for saving/helping your team, they might be more inclined to wanna help you. The more tokens you get, the more you'll already be healed when you go down. All the tokens will be consumed when you do go down and there would be a cap on how many tokens you can collect at once. When you level this up, the amount of health per token can go up too. Of course, this wouldn't be like you could get it to 100% health, nor would I want it to be close to that. This could result in faster healing for your team and yourself. This could also work well with SO many perks. Such as; Aftercare, Flip-Flop, Mettle of Man, We're Gonna Live forever (also a David perk might I add), or even Boil Over.

Perhaps it even depends on what your team is doing while you're slugged. Specifically, if they get hooked. Let's say you've recovered a certain amount while the killer chased someone else down and brings them to a hook. If you've gotten past a certain amount, maybe you should be just let up. This would probably turn the perk into meta, because now the killer can't just slug everyone and then just put them on the hook. You also can't just pick yourself up. Although I feel like Unbreakable and Tenacity would work really well with this rework.

I know some of these might not seem like much, but I'm tired of never seeing No Mither because of how bad the perk is. Especially because it has so much potential but only really gets used for memes. I've been wanting to use it for genuine gameplay for the longest time but it never gets used because the killer knows better than to leave you to slug. There are so many things you can do to this perk but just haven't and I know I, for one wanna see it changed for the better. At this point, I feel like ANY of these would be better than what we have now. Or just ANY suggestions from the community.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Just don't start the game already injured.

    The perk is activated when you lose a health state, inflicting you with Broken so that you can't be healed up from it. The killer now has no indication that you have No Mither and can recover from dying.

    It's just one additional health state, out of many potential health states you could recover throughout a game.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,808

    The one thing I don't love about this is that the killer would still know you have No Mither if you randomly get the broken status effect. You could get around this by not showing it to the killer, but I also don't like making you broken but hiding that status effect from the killer's HUD.

    I feel like there are two buckets of options for No Mither, barring a full rework:

    1) Make it a proper high risk / high reward perk by increasing the reward from running it. For example, you could give survivors a small movement speed buff (~3%) along with the current benefits; if you're a really confident looper that small speed boost could be maximized to great effect, but you of course have the big downside of starting every chase injured.

    2) Keep it as a challenge perk, but increase the incentive to run it. For example, you could grant 100% bonus in-game bloodpoints in all categories. Then you could pair it with WGLF for easy 64k BP games and for some anti-slugging synergy.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i think the entire concept of the perk should be changed. instead of allowing you to pick yourself up, it should let you recover exhaustion 50% faster (probably will be a bit broken but hey youre one hit 24/7), reduce grunts of pain by 75%, make recovering from the dying state 30% faster, you start the match healthy but as soon as you get hit you are broken permanently (even the killer can see the broken icon), you start your wiggling with 10%, give you the ability to crawl while recovering (like tenacity but you dont get the speed boost) make all actions 3% faster (including vaulting). the concept of the perk is to make your survivor tougher. i think this is just about right to make it somewhat viable but not meta/op at the same time

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I just want my teammates that run no mither to not feed an Oni for an entire match.

  • Not_Music
    Not_Music Member Posts: 28

    I like this idea of just boosting the reward for being injured the whole game. Especially more blood points. To be honest I'd even be willing to sacrifice losing the ability to pick myself up if it meant enough blood points were added to it.

  • Not_Music
    Not_Music Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2021

    I've seen two people suggest that maybe we just speed up the survivor. I'd like to see that too. Maybe we keep the broken effect the whole game but we make running, vaulting, fall recovering, and pallet dropping faster for chases. You could maybe also earn more bloodpoints the more you level it up. Perhaps instead, you recover your exhaustion in chases like it used to be and leveling it up would decrease the time you're exhausted. This could be a really good reward/challenge for the best loopers. It wouldn't even have anything to picking yourself up and this already sounds like a better perk in my opinion.

  • Not_Music
    Not_Music Member Posts: 28

    It's kinda funny bc when I first made this post, I was more fixated on being able to pick myself up. It's interesting to see how people seem a bit more fine with the idea of being broken the whole game, as long as you have more buffs.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    Is not as bad of a handicap when you realise how often you encounter the Exposed debuff, or say the Plague. It's just whether or not the rewards for that handicap are worth it, hence the more buffs.