BIG guy killer idea!

Hey I've been thinking about this killer concept for a while and I would like to hear out what you guys think about it. I'm open to suggestions for changes~~

Lore wise there's not much to it, his wife left him and He became lonely, lost his purpose and got isolated from the world. The feeling of anger and deceit from his wife leaving him started accumulating, he was on the brink of snapping where the entity took him in.

First off, I was thinking about creating some sweaty and morbidly obese killer, and my idea for his looks would be something similar to that that dead guy from Se7en.

Given his size I don't think he should be able to reach Bloodlust 3 but he runs in a normal speed.

Instead of a terror radius I was thinking he could make the ground tremble when he runs (louder the closer he gets obviously) around and if he stands still he breathes very hard and loud to make it obvious that he's there. This could be seen as being granted a mini insidious, but given his size it would't be as effective. But all of this can be scrapped and you could just give him a normal terror radius but that would take from his fear factor.

His weapon would be a straight razor or something alike since he's just grabbing something from his home

His ability would be that he charges up a furious stomp that disrupts survivors as it pushes them upwards and they get slowed for the same time it takes for him to charge this stomp up (half a second or so), however, it can only be used once every 20-30 seconds or so as he needs to recharge (let's give him a gasp and call it catch his breath or something). The cooldown is up for discussion but it shouldn't be too often
The ability would either be sent in a line in front of him, a cone or a small area around him, if it's a line we could have an animation for the ground where it cracks.
I'm imagining it would look like this:

I haven't put much thought onto the map but I think it should be the big mansion he snapped in.
Boarded windows, two floors excluding the basement and an attic.
It should have a double staircase like big mansions do not to mention big halls, a big dining room, entertainment room (I'm thinking mainly a pool table and things alike) a big living room with a fireplace, a library, a room where you play the piano. A wine cellar near the basement would make sense
I'm thinking that the bathrooms should be real filthy like with dirty bathtubs, broken mirrors and the kitchen area has a big pile of dirty plates, cans lying around and the whole place is a mess since he stopped caring, perhaps one of those dead pig heads filled with maggots on a plate etc (from the Gideon meat plant). There would need to be big halls so it spread out the map. I just like the idea of feeling trapped in a mansion.


  • DBDLink
    DBDLink Member Posts: 4

    Can someone move this to the fan creations subforum? I don't know how to delete this thread nor move it.