I'm tired of the camping!

They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long!

They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away!

It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait.
They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares!

Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead of escaping when everyone is there are just so annoying!


  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    edited November 2018
    Im tired of tunneling being frowned upon Because it's to easy/cheap.... well I want to win and but no can't tunnel or else you get hated by every player. 
  • DeathSpark
    DeathSpark Member Posts: 41

    -The best way to handle survivors is killing 1 early and then keep hooking 1 and going for another,u force them to go save and not do gens,as for the first survivor , stay in 20-30 meters away from the hook in a place that you can see if some1 is going for the save ,as hes unhooked, go for him or the other survivor(if you have make ur choice or DevourHope),

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long!

    They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away!

    It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait.
    They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares!

    Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead of escaping when everyone is there are just so annoying!

    Just use Kindred III and Open Handed III.

    'Laughs evilly.'
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited November 2018

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long!

    They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away!

    It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait.
    They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares!

    Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead of escaping when everyone is there are just so annoying!

    Campers lose a lot of bloodpoits, usually camping results in 10-13k BP.

    We dont have real encouragement to leave the hook because that would be killer buffs and the survivors dont like that. The only incentive to leave the hook atm is devour hope that you can easily cleanse and remove completely from the game

    oh..... nvm

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    They also camp gens. I come kick it and as soon as I turn my back they are back on it!

    ****ing campers!
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    -The best way to handle survivors is killing 1 early and then keep hooking 1 and going for another,u force them to go save and not do gens,as for the first survivor , stay in 20-30 meters away from the hook in a place that you can see if some1 is going for the save ,as hes unhooked, go for him or the other survivor(if you have make ur choice or DevourHope),

    At higher ranks that just leads to one person having an awful game and you losing pips and BP.
  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    how is this any different from camping people on hooks?

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018
    Morfedel said:

    how is this any different from camping people on hooks?

    You can only camp a hook for so long. You can camp gates for longer than the actual trial, and hold the game hostage if the killer doesn't feel like performing a trick like a circus animal. 

    Everyone is safe at this point, unlike camping a hook.

    To say the least. 
  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231
    wait,  camping the exit instead of escaping?  I've seen a couple people do that,  I assumed it was in case you hooked someone they could rescue.  is this not the case? 
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994
    edited November 2018

    @Rebel_Raven the devs are currently working on different ways to change the end game. One popular idea is that 60 seconds after the game is over (i.e. at least 1 exit gate open, and no one on a hook), all survivors will be hit by a massive negative haste nerf on the order of 90%. This means that they would then be doing everything at 10% normal speed, including running and vaulting, and would remain in that state until they either die, or get out.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    This game is ######### garbage. Camp and Noed, camp and noed, camp and noed.

    Every single game. So predictable. Even worse when they do it with the OP killers too.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Morfedel said:
    wait,  camping the exit instead of escaping?  I've seen a couple people do that,  I assumed it was in case you hooked someone they could rescue.  is this not the case? 
    Often not. It's all the remaining survivors at the gate waiting to be chased out. No one hooked.
    They're all safe.
    Especially the healthy ones that cannot be stopped short of a one hit down, and that's if they're not camping at the edge of the gate room so they can flop out.

    It's pretty much guaranteed to run into this as a killer.

    I'm not saying altruistic reasons aren't there, but it's rarely the motive.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @SteveyHooves said:
    Im tired of tunneling being frowned upon Because it's to easy/cheap.... well I want to win and but no can't tunnel or else you get hated by every player. 

    The fuh? Why tunnel you're going to gen genrushed and you dont give one guy a chance to pip, it actually hurts u more then it helps. It's kinda like respecting pallets against good survivors it really lets them loop u more. This is from me as a killer btw normally im a survivor complaining about everything but as a killer I really dont like tunneling so everyone has a chance to pip and I dont get genrushed since all I got is shadowborn 1 lol.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @SteveyHooves said:
    Im tired of tunneling being frowned upon Because it's to easy/cheap.... well I want to win and but no can't tunnel or else you get hated by every player. 

    But if they literally run at u then tunnel them since they screwed themselves.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Poweas said:

    @SteveyHooves said:
    Im tired of tunneling being frowned upon Because it's to easy/cheap.... well I want to win and but no can't tunnel or else you get hated by every player. 

    The fuh? Why tunnel you're going to gen genrushed and you dont give one guy a chance to pip, it actually hurts u more then it helps. It's kinda like respecting pallets against good survivors it really lets them loop u more. This is from me as a killer btw normally im a survivor complaining about everything but as a killer I really dont like tunneling so everyone has a chance to pip and I dont get genrushed since all I got is shadowborn 1 lol.

    They don't care if someone else has a crappy game. It's a confirmed kill for them, they're afraid they'll get none.

    Or best case scenario, the guy disconnects and then they can go tunnel another and are one step closer to winning the game.

    Toxic people just don't care about any kind of sportsmanship.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    How about survivor do not gain any bloodpoints if they do the same gen for more than 20 seconds?
    And they have to switch the gen to get any points?
    Or how about they start losing points if a chase is going longer than 30 seconds and they can't lose the killer?

    Doesn't sound fair?
    Guess what: punishing for camping doesnt sound fair to me either.

  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    I don't like it either @Poweas but 
    That should sum it up. 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Wolf74 said:
    How about survivor do not gain any bloodpoints if they do the same gen for more than 20 seconds?
    And they have to switch the gen to get any points?
    Or how about they start losing points if a chase is going longer than 30 seconds and they can't lose the killer?

    Doesn't sound fair?
    Guess what: punishing for camping doesnt sound fair to me either.

    YES HAHA THIS ^^^^

    This is literally how stupid it sounds when people ask to punish camping.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    @SteveyHooves said:
    Im tired of tunneling being frowned upon Because it's to easy/cheap.... well I want to win and but no can't tunnel or else you get hated by every player. 

    False. The idea of tunneling is a result of poor survivor plays. And survivors who camp the hook for the save. Theres no way the person on the hook can kick the person trying to save them in the head to butt them off. So the person saved, (unless they're being saved by someone who prepared to save them) gets boned. And by prepared to save them I mean they actually carry skills like we'll make it and borrowed time.

    I've done some time on survivor even though its not my main skillset, and I have to say, if you play survivor and have plans to "save" anyone and don't bring borrowed time or we'll make it in the heat of a match.....don't save anyone. Just go do gens or whatever goofy gimmick your build planned around but don't save people cause you're literally setting your own team mates up to die.

    After a hook save, a killer returns to the area to see whos still around..... if the selfish jerk who saved didn't do a real save aka (borrowed time or we'll make it) and the person saving just hides somewhere making 0 noise and going immersed, while the person they saved is screaming in agony because they're still injured, the killer is going to follow that noise. So you, as the person making the save, you need to do your job or just not bother.

    This has been a public service announcement for borrowed time and we'll make it...... Treat your team mates like something besides points, be a pal, and do safe and meaningful saves.....

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    This game is [BAD WORD] garbage. Camp and Noed, camp and noed, camp and noed.

    Every single game. So predictable. Even worse when they do it with the OP killers too.
    Noed can be countered. Seriously isn't hard especially with that ######### positioning I see totems close to genes all the time. As killer when I'm practicing nurse I never see my body even pop

    If its so predictable you can take those 20s to cleanse totems no? Ohhh right you won't adapt, okay gotcha
  • Demonsouls1993
    Demonsouls1993 Member Posts: 261

    They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long!

    They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away!

    It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait.
    They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares!

    Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead of escaping when everyone is there are just so annoying!

    I'm tried of looping survivors who loop should lose blood points see how stupid it sounds 
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    @Rebel_Raven I have the feeling 90% of replies here don't get the joke.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    @Rebel_Raven I have the feeling 90% of replies here don't get the joke.
    Lmao I was thinking the same thing just now. 
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @SteveyHooves said:
    I don't like it either @Poweas but 
    That should sum it up. 


  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    Poweas said:

    @SteveyHooves said:
    I don't like it either @Poweas but 
    That should sum it up. 


    Lol what can I say... haha
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    edited November 2018
    Unfortunately its down to you to punish the camper by doing gens and getting your team out as quickly as possible. 

    they're only hurting themselves by camping. I feel bad for the survivor who wasted the loading time it took just to sit on a hook for 2 minutes, but the camper isn't gonna get much BP anyway... so get out if you can and move on to the next match, hoping for a killer that has some skill instead of lame "tactics"
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    People keep not reading the last part. Is it TL:DR worthy? lol

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    if I reiterated something you already said and you're talking about me... I likely forgot you had said something to that affect after reading through all of the comments.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Avariku said:
    if I reiterated something you already said and you're talking about me... I likely forgot you had said something to that affect after reading through all of the comments.

    Nah, not you personally.

    I'm talking about the last part that's sort of the punchline of the joke. A swerve in that I'm not talking about killers camping the hook.

    I'm talking about survivors that camp out in, or near the gate room, teabag, and flick flashlights, etc. and generally hold the game hostage until they get chased out.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Yikes, then the comments got me WAY off topic.    x.x
    my apologies. 

    I have no advice on that one, since it's a problem I commonly encounter, mainly I just roll my eyes and run at them and let them get that "last word in" so that they can go on and get that pointlessly inflated ego and go bug someone else. 

    it's almost an annoying as the camping killer to me, just them trying to pat themselves on the back. I assume their mommy didn't hug them enough and just let them get that last little thrill... I have better things to do than worry about them.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018

    @Avariku said:
    Yikes, then the comments got me WAY off topic.    x.x
    my apologies. 

    I have no advice on that one, since it's a problem I commonly encounter, mainly I just roll my eyes and run at them and let them get that "last word in" so that they can go on and get that pointlessly inflated ego and go bug someone else. 

    it's almost an annoying as the camping killer to me, just them trying to pat themselves on the back. I assume their mommy didn't hug them enough and just let them get that last little thrill... I have better things to do than worry about them.

    No need to apologize. haha

    Yeah, it's not like they're being brave sticking around. Everyone knows they're safe. Just annoys me they expect me to do it. Most times I don't want to.

    To quote the Joker: "That's it. Game's over. Step along! Step along! Nothing to see here! Get going before my good mood wears out! That means now!"

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    true that... it's very annoying... but I just try to let it go. they obviously have nothing else in life to brag about.   x.x
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long!

    They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away!

    It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait.
    They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares!

    Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead of escaping when everyone is there are just so annoying!

    In some streams they added a balanced idea to adjust this. Next ptb they might even test it out
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @FayeZahara said:
    Rebel_Raven said:

    They need to start loosing bloodpoints for staying within a certain radius too long!

    They need to be encouraged to leave! To go away!

    It really sucks the fun out of a game when they just sit there, and wait. And wait.

    They wait, and wait when no one is coming! No one cares!

    Survivors camping the gates and hatches instead of escaping when everyone is there are just so annoying!

    In some streams they added a balanced idea to adjust this. Next ptb they might even test it out

    Just to be sure, survivors camping the exits/hatchets, or Killers camping hooks?

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Hopefully both!  xD
  • Nebiros
    Nebiros Member Posts: 17

    You bitches can all stop complaining to be honest, since camping is just as fair, and is just as much a "tactic" as looping a single area is. There is no argument that any survivor mains can make about camping, that killer mains like myself can't fight back against with looping. I camp and I admit it because not a single matchup goes by that I am not looped by at least one survivor, but if and only if it ever stops since such a mass horde of you do it, only then will I stop camping, and I don't give a flying ######### if we got 0 bloodpoints because we camped, as long as I am proving my point and still having fun, cause camping is our time of joy and unfair advantages, while the rest of the match all leading up to us camping, is you survivors looping, as your only viable tactic for "escape". And at least camping can be easily countered, but looping, however, nothing can be done about it half the time except to ignore that survivor and walk away from the bullshit, hoping the next dumb ass you catch fairly doesn't pull the same thing as a "tactic".

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    Nebiros said:

    You bitches can all stop complaining to be honest, since camping is just as fair, and is just as much a "tactic" as looping a single area is. There is no argument that any survivor mains can make about camping, that killer mains like myself can't fight back against with looping. I camp and I admit it because not a single matchup goes by that I am not looped by at least one survivor, but if and only if it ever stops since such a mass horde of you do it, only then will I stop camping, and I don't give a flying [BAD WORD] if we got 0 bloodpoints because we camped, as long as I am proving my point and still having fun, cause camping is our time of joy and unfair advantages, while the rest of the match all leading up to us camping, is you survivors looping, as your only viable tactic for "escape". And at least camping can be easily countered, but looping, however, nothing can be done about it half the time except to ignore that survivor and walk away from the bullshit, hoping the next dumb ass you catch fairly doesn't pull the same thing as a "tactic".

    Then why not exclusively camp "loopers" to teach them a lesson instead of punishing everyone? 

    second, as a killer main, I don't care about loopers... I get frustrated, sure, but then I WALK AWAY, find someone else, and open up a chance to find that looper in a situation they can't escape. 

    but that's the big difference... you can opt to walk away from a looper... you can't just walk away from being camped...

    you're left with two options.
    - hang there and give them what they want in the hopes that your team will finish gens and rob the camping prick of their points.
    - DC or struggle to death and screw your team over. 

    funny that you claim to be justified while simultaneously blaming others for a situation you actually have a choice about participating in.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    @Rebel_Raven I have the feeling 90% of replies here don't get the joke.
    This is no joke. I don't understand your humor.

    Gen camping is a serious issue and should be bannable. 

    I freaking kick it...and try to be a good killer and search for other survivors....3 seconds later I hear the telltale sign of someone repairing my gen. With some dumbass Dwight on stand-by with a flashlight...camping out and waiting for the stun.

    Same for exit gates. I turn my back for 3 seconds and There is some stupid Claudette opening them. I try to find someone to hook and when I get back, 3 tea bags are waiting at the exit.

    Oh and the hatch!!! They camp the hatch like it is the HOLY ****ING GRAIL!!!!

    Camping is a toxic and unfair strategy....and certainly NO joking manner. If you don't understand that this is a serious problem then you are a survivor main in disguise and a toxic player!

    YOU are Reported for bannable behavior (pretending to be a killer and posting something I disagree with!)

    Devs please fix asap or I will cry. And cry and cry some more!
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    People keep not reading the last part. Is it TL:DR worthy? lol

    No. Leave it. The posts are what make it awesome.
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    People keep not reading the last part. Is it TL:DR worthy? lol

    Used to be, 15 lines or more are in the TL:DR category.
    These days it looks like 6 is too much.


  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    People keep not reading the last part. Is it TL:DR worthy? lol

    Used to be, 15 lines or more are in the TL:DR category.
    These days it looks like 6 is too much.


    Yeah...If there's not a picture or gif or something...It's tl;dr for me. 

    The Egyptians had it right....pictures ftw.