Is the current matchmaking nightmare an experiment?

I remember around the launch of 4.5.0 they mentioned MMR wouldn't be active but the algorithm for it would run in the background gathering data. Considering that matchmaking because truly ghastly in a few days, I'm of the suspicion that this is BHVR testing its algorithm with data collection, trying to see how players of different ranks play against and with others.

I'm definitely wearing a tinfoil hat on this, but that's what happens when you can't find any logical answers.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    It's called, not enough killers.

    There is not enough killers for the amount of survivors playing. This causes long queue times for survivors.

    When a player is in queue for a long time, the match making algorithm will begin to pair them with ranks further away from their own.

    Addition to this, ranks 20 through 15 have unlimited range that they can be matched with. While ranks 14 through 1 have a window of +-8 ranks.

    Simply put, this is the same MM we always had. It just doesn't work well with uneven killer/survivor population.

  • The_Nightmare69
    The_Nightmare69 Member Posts: 55

    I am willing to accept this because I truly don’t know what’s up with matchmaking last few days. So this might make me help sleep at night knowing/thinking it’s an experiment and it wil soon all be over. If it’s an experiment though I wish they had disabled the deranking because I got kicked out of purple because I’m being matched against players of rank 1 and 2 all week long.