DBD beginning game collapse , breakable wall reworks, and Exit gate changes concept.

DBDude Member Posts: 308
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So hello, this is my first ever forum post on here and I wanted to address some things concerning a beginning game collapse concept and how that could be implemented.

So first of all, I would like to give a shoutout to a great DBD streamer called Mr. Gimms, he's one of the many people that inspired me to create this post so with that out of the way lets begin.

So my concept for a Beginning game collapse is that this will work just like a endgame collapse, but you can completely avoid this (as survivor) by trying to find 5 red glyphs scattered throughout the map, and once you find the 5 red glyphs then the base game begins. So for the killers side of things, every hook you get in the beginning game collapse will reward you with twice as much as blood points then what you receive base game.

So next is my concept for a breakable walls rework, now my idea for that is by having survivors (throughout different locations where the walls spawn) would have to build up these walls, either using them as a wall or by using them as a vault. And note that whenever survivors decide to build to build up a breakable wall or a vault that the killers can still break these either way, so the vaults you build are like last second escape vaults.

So now I would like to talk about a pretty cool change they could do for exit gates, so to deal with the whole 99ing exit gates situation why not have the exit gates have regression. So that might sound like a strange idea, but it would give the survivors that feeling to consider if they want to go for the save considering that the exit gates will regress or just go ahead to trigger the endgame collapse.

So ya this is my ideas for these certain topics and hopefully changes like these will result in more interesting/unique gameplay. If you have a question about this I will happily answer it, and besides all that, I might come up with some interesting killers reworks and concepts in the future on the forums.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited March 2021

    So my concept for a Beginning game collapse is that this will work just like a endgame collapse, but you can completely avoid this (as survivor) by trying to find 5 red glyphs scattered throughout the map, and once you find the 5 red glyphs then the base game begins. So for the killers side of things, every hook you get in the beginning game collapse will reward you with twice as much as blood points then what you receive base game.

    I have the similar idea. Though I think it should be something like switch to keep the aesthetic with Gen - Gate. 5 is over kill. I think there should be only 3 on the map, active 2 of them will unlock Gen.

    By that time, I think Killer should not able to use their power but M1 (all traps, fountain, jigsaw...not yet spawn on the map until Gen unlocked)

    So next is my concept for a breakable walls rework, now my idea for that is by having survivors (throughout different locations where the walls spawn) would have to build up these walls, either using them as a wall or by using them as a vault. And note that whenever survivors decide to build to build up a breakable wall or a vault that the killers can still break these either way, so the vaults you build are like last second escape vaults.

    I have a better idea than breakable walls, is breakable doors. Instead make them looks like pallet, make them normal doors instead. Survivors can interact by open, close (or slam door to open and cause noise). Killer can always slam door by walking through it (will pause their speed by 1sec), or they can destroy doors if they're closed.

    So now I would like to talk about a pretty cool change they could do for exit gates, so to deal with the whole 99ing exit gates situation why not have the exit gates have regression. So that might sound like a strange idea, but it would give the survivors that feeling to consider if they want to go for the save considering that the exit gates will regress or just go ahead to trigger the endgame collapse.

    Devs said EGC exist just to make survivors cant hold killer hostage anymore. Never meant to make it advantage for Killers. But I would like to have EGC activated for 3min by the time the last Gen done.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    Those are some really great ideas c3tooth, I really like the breakable wall concept.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The beginning should build up not collapse.


    Would be bad if everything ended before it began.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    That is true Mr_K, I might need to sort some stuff around.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    The beginning should just make generators progress 50% slower until the chase begin wins, would stop the whole generators flying before the killer even finds a survivor because they get a giant ass map.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I love there are more mechanic to be added, rather than just number fixing...though we know how Devs do the balance, just editing number.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited March 2021

    I still struggle to understand how any type of early game nerf to Survivors won't hurt balance overall. The argument is that killers like Trapper, Huntress, or Trickster could really benefit from a change like this to allow them time to build up some pressure. HOWEVER, killers like Nurse, Blight, and Spirit are already extremely strong and would benefit more from this than anyone else.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    This might fix the problem but it's boring. If anything they need to make it so survivors spend LESS time on a gen. I always thought that maybe decreasing gen repair times but make survivors find a part to start repairing the gen, or making there be more gens, so survivors spend more time running from gen to gen.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Something interesting that the devs have mentioned about gate regression. They play tested it and weren’t satisfied with how it played out with the exit gates automatically regressing. Don’t know what they aim for but if they play tested that and were unhappy with it then maybe that could indicate something.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Regardless, exit gates regressing is a good idea. The whole point of the "Endgame Collapse" was to put a hard time limit on the game ending once all the generators were completed. Right now, 99ing the gates in all but the most clutch situations is virtually the same as opening them, and allows survivors to pretty nigh-completely ignore the collapse and carry on like it doesn't exist. Yes, a killer can open the gates, but why would they when they have someone on the hook and don't want to leave it when A. Opening the gates gives the survivors an ever freer out and B. they have to leave their one last objective the hook? All the EGC really has done is push Blood Warden even further into uselessness and not really fixed the problem it was made to fix.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I’m not debating whether or not exit gates regression is a good idea or not. I’m simply observing something I remembered being said about the topic from the developers.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited March 2021

    The EGC was created for 2 reasons:

    1. to keep survivors from holding the game hostage after the gates have been opened
    2. to increase the urgency on the players during the endgame

    The primary problem however is that despite the good intentions of the EGC... it can still be delayed indefinitely by simply 99'ing the gates. Sure the killer can open a gate themselves to start up the EGC, but in all honesty, the only time I've ever witnessed that happen is when the killer is just giving up, or trying to pull off an obvious Blood Warden play. Otherwise the EGC isn't really accomplishing either of the 2 goals it was created for.

    Adding an automatic regression mechanic to the gates could inspire the survivors to actually open them earlier than they are comfortable with, but its more likely that a lone survivor will just camp the switch and keep it at around 98% complete by taping it every 2 seconds while their teammates pull off their final plays against the killer. Unfortunately, this neither creates enough urgency on the players, and still allows them to hold the game hostage unless the killer opens a gate themselves, so with this proposal, not much will change.

    I always thought that the best solution for the exit gates is to have them automatically open within 90 seconds after being powered. The idea being that they naturally gain 1.11% towards opening progression every second, so if no one touches the gate switches, they'll open themselves roughly by the time 90 seconds are up, and if survivors put any progress on a gate themselves, they just reduce how much time it will take for the gate to open. The bottom line goal is to speed up the endgame and not allow survivors to delay the EGC until they feel comfortable opening the gate, but still give them the opportunity to open the gates at the normal rate if they need to hurry out. Another benefit of this is that it makes the EGC situation where-in the killer has closed the hatch and only 1 survivor remains less of a 1 sided scenario, since the killer will have 90 seconds to locate and bring down the final survivor before the gates open and they can escape. This way, the survivors can't hold the game hostage, and since everyone will know that in 90 seconds of powering the last gen/hatch closing the EGC is going to activate, everyone should experience at least some urgency during the Endgame. As an added bonus, Endgame Perks that the killers possess such as Remember Me, and the upcoming No Way Out could be tweaked to delay the automatic opening time for the gates, which will give more value to them.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266


    The primary problem however is that despite the good intentions of the EGC... it can still be delayed indefinitely by simply 99'ing the gates. Sure the killer can open a gate themselves to start up the EGC

    Which is why I honestly dont like. I understand EGC should not be a thing to be on Killer side. But I find Killer just open gate as "please just go" is stupid (talk about real life logic).

    3min EGC right after last Gen done would not be too bad (a survivor down can extend it to 6min). Beside 1min block the exit by Blood warden would not be powerful (1min block gate does nothing to 6min EGC).

    The only thing that need some nerf if EGC work like this, is Noed.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    if a killer fails all their objectives, and failed to catch a singular survivor in the amount of time it takes for them to reach the gate. you lost. No killer deserves gate regression. Half the maps you can stand at a specific point and watch both gates for someone to arrive. Kill rates are already ludicrous. How free does a game need to be?

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    TWiXT, so from what I had read, so after the last gen is done the exit gates will automatically start progressing and would take 90 seconds to do so, if that is the case it actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    Tbh I just don't know what's going on at this point in all honesty.

  • WoIfie90
    WoIfie90 Member Posts: 6

    A beginning collapse!? Sounds like a user error on the killer side.

  • Da_tater
    Da_tater Member Posts: 15

    To Start with I am about a 60/40 survivor main and by the sounds of it you think think that you should start a match with 2 survivors on the hook . Yes you can have a gen 0op before you find a survivor but that is part of the game.

  • zacattak48
    zacattak48 Member Posts: 100

    Breakable walls are strong enough as they are. Giving survivors the option to make even stronger god loops is not a good idea.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    my only comment on your post is no to gates regressing. egc is not supposed to be something for killers to hugely benefit from. 99ing gates has gotten me killed more than it's helped me as survivor. if you want a door open, open it as the killer. it's pretty simple.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    But opening it as killer isn't what your supposed to do, your trying to prevent the survivors from escaping.

    You know what, my concepts ain't going to work, I'm trying to completely balance stuff out but I keep finding holes in these concepts, and I like the feedback your giving me, but its a bit too much at this point. I'm not trying to say to not show your feedback, it's just a little bit too much for me too handle.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    opening it as killer pressures the survivors.

    most people's posts here won't work cause we're not devs. it's okay to throw stuff out just don't take any criticism to heart.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    Alright, I'll use that advise next time, thanks.