Boil Over debuff icon

Please remove debuff icon from the killer's HUD.I mean killers with rank 1 know very good maps.


  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Why do you have a problem with that?

  • PoppaSquat
    PoppaSquat Member Posts: 78

    Honestly I'd rather have the icon stay, because especially for console players if I'm playing as killer and just start weaving wildly to one side or the other and there's no icon, I'm likely to assume my controller is breaking/broken.
    Also you're correct in that rank 1 killers know the maps really well, but what actual percentage of players are rank 1?
    It's not going to help rank 1 survivors, since they're wiggle effects will be the same whether or not the killer can see the icon, and its not helping rank 1 killers...and since it would actively hurt lower rank killers who may not realize the perk is in play, there's really no advantage to this that I can see, but maybe you some a better reason for this change, in which case I'm opening to hearing it.